Celebrating Obama's Win

This is the kind of thing I hate. Do you have any proof? Do you know what his admin qualifications were? Have you seen reports on why dean's admitted him?
Ok. then stop assuming and making an ass out of yourself. SAT scores are important. So are grades in high school. Extra-curricular activities. Family ties. Sports. Volunteerism. You have no clue why he got in. So stop throwing this crap out there willy nilly.
I notice you don't throw this out there about why Obama got in. Fair is fair. If you are going to question Bush, why would you not question Obama? How can you know Obama's SAT scores when he has had his college records sealed?
The education is a freaking joke in EVERY institution in this country. Why do you think we have fallen to 30th or something in math and science in the world?
You indict the schools bush went to, without even looking at the overall education failure in this country. why is that? Maybe because it does not suit your political agenda? Education in this country has absolutely FAILED every student who has gone through the system in the last 30 years. Look at how we have fallen in the world rankings.
I find it very telling that you are willing to completely make assumptions about Bush and brutalize his record, without knowing anything. Yet, you have no questions about Obama's records, which he has had sealed. You are a Hypocrit. Period.
Wow. Talk about an over reaction. All I see her saying is that she doubts he got in on his record. If you think that's "brutalizing his record" you have very thin skin. You say she "indicts the school that Bush went to" but i don't see where she said anything negative about Yale other than that it (like all the ivy leagues btw) is incestuous.

She actually said, "still, the education is good" but you disregarded that, didn't you?

That's my girl and you're out classed buddy...

Oh... SORRY! Wrong thread...

Romney is tax cheat! Obama for permanent POTUS!

No, No...No... I mean Obama is a Commie! Romney was the only shot we had to ever regain greatness.

No, I mean Obama is... That would be to say Romney is really...


Now this really gets tricky! Eh... Fuck it!


Since this is a porn centric (sort of) and IR discussion focused website...
Now I will tell you what I really think politically:

Nevermind... Too much typing.

In My Opinion, in order for our educational system to improve, we must first acquire MORE teachers that are passionate about teaching. Those who don't teach, just from the book, but from the heart of the subject. As a country, we do a poor job of selling the value of education to those going through the educational system. Thus, many professors, as well as students, just go through the motions of "teaching" and "learning" until the bell rings, and in escence, they teach and learn nothing. Of all the courses I took in college, and I can recall only 2 professors that were really INTO their courses they taught and the students in those classes enjoyed and interacted with the professors. Then I recall a loser, my business statistics professor, who started his introduction to the course by kicking a metal trash can across the room, and when he had everyone's attention, told the class to look around at their neighbors because "8 weeks from today, 1 out of 3 of you will not be in this class". And, he was right. Had he not graded on the curve, I would probably been one of those. I made a B in the course, and to this day, can recall very little about that course.

The educational system needs to find more professors that have the real transference skills and real passion for teaching. You can tell when a student is "learning" ... they have that special, focused, "intent" look in their eyes. We need MORE of that.

Lastly, education needs to be available to everyone; THAT is becoming less & less the case. I'm just amazed at the number of high school students that don't have the basic reading & writing skills to enter the higher education levels. Our current President, and his wife, have come closer than any president in decades, to attempt to make education affordable & available to everyone.
Actually, its called "Treason"....punishable by death. Not against the Constitution at all!
Let me guess... public school?

Snoozed through Yale did we?

Article XIV

1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
In My Opinion, in order for our educational system to improve, we must first acquire MORE teachers that are passionate about teaching. Those who don't teach, just from the book, but from the heart of the subject. As a country, we do a poor job of selling the value of education to those going through the educational system. Thus, many professors, as well as students, just go through the motions of "teaching" and "learning" until the bell rings, and in escence, they teach and learn nothing. Of all the courses I took in college, and I can recall only 2 professors that were really INTO their courses they taught and the students in those classes enjoyed and interacted with the professors. Then I recall a loser, my business statistics professor, who started his introduction to the course by kicking a metal trash can across the room, and when he had everyone's attention, told the class to look around at their neighbors because "8 weeks from today, 1 out of 3 of you will not be in this class". And, he was right. Had he not graded on the curve, I would probably been one of those. I made a B in the course, and to this day, can recall very little about that course.

The educational system needs to find more professors that have the real transference skills and real passion for teaching. You can tell when a student is "learning" ... they have that special, focused, "intent" look in their eyes. We need MORE of that.

Lastly, education needs to be available to everyone; THAT is becoming less & less the case. I'm just amazed at the number of high school students that don't have the basic reading & writing skills to enter the higher education levels. Our current President, and his wife, have come closer than any president in decades, to attempt to make education affordable & available to everyone.

We totally agree on the points you make. Right up until your last sentence. The only thing Obama has done is keep the interest rates on student loans low. I have seen no initiatives from him to actually improve the quality of the education students are getting.
The only thing Michelle has done for education is take away ******* sack lunches and ******* them to buy "the government cheese" from the cafeteria. Yes, she is against childhood obesity. Who isn't? And yes, she is trying to do something about it, but having the government tell parents what they can and cannot put in a sack lunch for their ******* is not the right way to do that.
As for education being available to everyone, it is, through high school. In the Philippines, you have to pay tuition to go to High School. What is not affordable or available to everyone is college (which is becoming more and more necessary every day in the work *******). But there are multiple problems here.

1. College education and healthcare costs are the main things that have far outstripped the rate of inflation in this country over the last oh say 20 years. We cannot have

2. Frankly, when some ******* graduate high school, they have absolutely no idea what they want to study. I was lucky and so were some of my friends. We knew what we wanted to study. But a lot of our friends were totally clueless. So, their parents said "You must go to college.". So they did. And they majored in Liberal Arts or Business, hoping that later on, they would know what they wanted to do and could switch majors. Some did. Many never figured it out and graduated with a Liberal Arts degree or a general Business degree.

3. Too many student-teachers teaching college courses. We pay professors money (through our tuition) to teach, not to write research papers or to have them work on a Doctorate for themselves.

4. As you said, apathy on the part of professors who long ago burned out on teaching. And complacency on the part of students, sometimes generated by the apathy of their professors.

5. Yes, a major problem is that ******* graduate high school TOTALLY unprepared for college and how difficult the classes will be. I LOVED Chemistry in high school. Walked out of the class with a 97 average for the year. Figured it would be good to take as a science course when I got to college. It took me 3 tries to get a C. THAT was a wake up for me.

One of the things that drives me crazy is school districts screaming that they are not getting enough money. Then they do stuff like happened down here where a Principal spent $55,000 to bus students to a movie. Oh, not all the students. The movies was geared more towards boys so the girls had to stay in school and get educated. The majority of teachers (Chicago excluded) are not paid nearly enough and many of them have to buy their own classroom supplies. That would depress anyone in the profession. If the money went where it was designed to go, we would not have the problems with our education system that we do. There would also be a lot more teachers who are "into it", because they would feel they are compensated properly and supplied properly.
Snoozed through Yale did we?

Article XIV

1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

A finding of Treason would require a TRIAL , ergo, "due process".... That public school thing is a real downer , huh?
Lets look at your line of thinking, if it can be called that.

"I have a better idea!!!
How about hanging any politician( R or D ) that does anything contrary to the Constitution/BoR?"

"Actually, its called "Treason"....punishable by death. Not against the Constitution at all!"

"A finding of Treason would require a TRIAL , ergo, "due process"...."

First you state that it would be better to hang any politician( R or D ) that does anything contrary to the Constitution/BoR with no mention of due process, which indicates you are condoning mob action lynchings. You later claim that doing anything contrary to the Constitution would be treason which is not against the constitution at all.

You are incorrect (AGAIN) as :

Section 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of *******, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.)

.... treason is clearly against and enumerated in the Constitution of the United States, however, NOT in any capacity relating to the perceived "crimes" you address.

The fact of the existence of the right to due process and it's use regarding violating any of the laws of these United States, including criminal violation of the Constitution and improperly taking one's life for violations not related to treason as defined (as you stated should be done) was NEVER at issue for those of us with some basic understanding of law and the Constitution as written.
Unfortunately, it seems to have been a stretch for you in addition to your lack of knowledge regarding the charge of treason.

As you have been wrong twice regarding the Constitution of the United States of America, I would recommend that you apply for a refund from Harvard Law as they clearly failed edjumicating in your instance.
OH wait!
Sorry, I just realized that it may not be your fault that you are as ignorant as you are regarding the Constitution.
Since most of the alumni of Yale and Harvard couldn't care less about the Constitution as it doesn't apply to them, it probably isn't even taught at those schools.
"....adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. ..."
Considering our enemies despise our Constitution and way of life, any act against the Constitution would be considered "adhering to their enemies" ie, assisting.

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Any deviation from this would be considered usurpation thus an "aid" .... Youre getting close tho, keep trying!
"....adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. ..."
Considering our enemies despise our Constitution and way of life, any act against the Constitution would be considered "adhering to their enemies" ie, assisting.

"Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Any deviation from this would be considered usurpation thus an "aid" .... Youre getting close tho, keep trying!

Luckily, for the rest of us, no one has appointed you the official interpreter of the Constitution.

That aside, as you've already proven your ignorance and continually grasp at straws trying to convince us of your phenomenal in depth knowledge of the Constitution, even though you apparently haven't bothered to actually read it, there is no reason for me to "keep trying".
... there is no reason for me to "keep trying".

There's an old saying that goes ... "never try to teach a pig to sing; you only waste your time & irritate the pig"

I imagine supporters of both parties will continue arguing the outcome of the 2012 election for years to come. With the looming possibilities of Supreme Court Justice changes, it may turn out to be one of the most important elections of all time.

One thing is apparent to the Republicans, however, if they're going to survive as a legitimate party in the future, they're going to have to conform to the changing times. The days of the congressional, grumpy old white men are over. Power politics is a recognized nuisance to the voters now. If the Republican House continues to play obstructionists to the POTUS, and taking their orders from the likes of Grover Norquist ... they will find themselves voted out of office in future elections ... Boehner knows that; he's one that will be running for re-electon in 2014, and Ohio is pissed off!


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lol! you really think george w. was admitted to yale based on volunteerism and extra-curricular activities? his sterling character? legacy, pure and simple . . .

Do you have any proof? Do you know what his admin qualifications were? Have you seen reports on why dean's admitted him?
Ok. then stop assuming and making an ass out of yourself. SAT scores are important. So are grades in high school. Extra-curricular activities. Family ties. Sports. Volunteerism. You have no clue why he got in. So stop throwing this crap out there willy nilly.
lol! you really think george w. was admitted to yale based on volunteerism and extra-curricular activities? his sterling character? legacy, pure and simple . . .

There's a sucker born every minute. You'll never get them to see the facts. Funny thing is behind closed doors these guys are laughing so hard at what people will buy into. Just ask Donald, "carnival barker" Trump about his cult of birther followers! LOL
You should be hung ... I, as many here, really would prefer this site avoiding political discussions.

But, the fact remains, it is not over, not by a long shot.
Albert Einstein said it best ... "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different results".
This Trickle Down economics that the Republicans believe so deeply in, has practically destroyed America, yet they keep insist on pushing it. Cutting taxes for the wealthy (so called job creators) to encourage job growth & wealth for the middleclass is fool's gold and only encourages crony capitalism. It has rotted out the center of America with greed. Practically every economist says that ... why are Republicans so stubborn in insisting that America believe in it? Beats me .. :eek:
And social programs have never had the desired result. Much has been said about Roosevelt getting us out of the Great Depression. The reality is the unemployment rate was 16% when the bombs fell on Pearl Harbor. Our greatest and fastest economic growth took place in the period between the 1880's and the first World War. At a time there was virtually no government involvement in the private sector. By the time the first World War started we had a real middle class that could afford the products of the industrial revolution. The destruction of the middle class has went hand in hand with the involvement of of government in the private sector.

Even with all the wars we have fought in the Middle East we are still spending a larger portion of our tax dollars on social programs than we are with the military. The real result of the liberal agenda is to destroy the middle class. Jobs are created by small business, large businesses like General Motors or General Electric can only respond to the economy They don't create new jobs until and unless the economy is healthy. New jobs that bolster the economy are created by the small business that employ 50 or less people. You never hear much about them because they are too busy trying to survive.

One of the problems with bailouts is that they subsidize businesses that are poorly run, it may save jobs in the short term but in the long term isn't healthy for the economy. I agree with the Dr. Einstein quote " insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result". This is what the liberal agenda has done by driving the country deeper into debt and actually doing very little to really help the economy or citizens of this country. And taxing the middle class out of existance
This is what the liberal agenda has done by driving the country deeper into debt and actually doing very little to really help the economy or citizens of this country. And taxing the middle class out of existance

It's easy to spout non-sense about the "liberal agenda" as if there is some monolithic conspiracy afoot. There is no conspiracy, but there are millions of ill-informed and easily confused citizens. Assuming you're not wealthy, it's lucky for you that many of us don't buy into the "malarkey."

I'd suggest you take a look at the record on the economy since the depression and educate yourself as to which side has really made a difference. (Hint: We've fared better under almost every democratic administration and worse under the republicans. That's an indisputable fact if you consult reputable sources)

Look at the current administration which I'm sure you detest. The Democrats took over a country in steep decline due to Republican incompetence. (even starting two wars didn't help) Within a few mouths of the election we were in recovery. Now, for 30 some odd months in a row we've had positive movement in private sector job growth. That was accomplished with absolutely no help from the republicans who stood to thwart every effort to get the country back on it's feet. Just think how much quicker the recovery would be without their "help."

I would agree, war is generally good for the economy and it seems to be a favorite tool in the tool box of the republicans. But to really see it for what it is you have to calculate in the value of human lives and the cost of family destruction. If life means anything to you, you'd see war is truly not the answer.
Treat the constitution as a living document??????? Are you serious? Do you realize what kind of interpretation that leaves the door open for. This CANNOT be aloud to happen. Never ever should the constitution be treated as a living document. It has done just fine the way it was written until people who think they are smarter and more informed than our founding fathers decided they think it needs to change to suit the modern society. If thats the case i want no part of a United states that allows a document that this country was founded on to be changed and reinterpreted.

As i clarified earlier, i am not talking about amendments. I am talking about the core set of values that the country was founded on, obviously there are things that happened in the last 237 years since we declared independance that the founders could not have envisioned. I am not talking about those things, it the erosion of the original values and freedoms of this country that are being eroded and changed that i think need to be stopped.
As if Republicans had "any problems" with deficit spending and national debt under GW Bush for 6 years. Deficit spending only seem to matter when it was the other party spending. I believe it was VP Cheney that was quoted saying "deficits don't matter" as he pushed for the second round of tax cuts for the wealthy in 2002; and when warned by Treasury Sect'y Paul O'Neill that the unfunded tax cuts could cause a fiscal crisis, I believe it was Cheney that promptly showed him the door. The Bush administration took a large surpluse and in 2 years turned it into a large deficit. When Pres Obama took office, there was a $1.3 trillion deficit sitting on his desk.
Supply Side "trickle down" has NEVER worked for the middleclass ... its been a 30+ year failure and has only created the national debt, yet your Romney guy wanted to double down on Bush's strategy. Giving tax cuts & exemptions to corporations that send their jobs overseas to obtain cheap labor ... those days are OVER. Unfunded wars ... those days are OVER. If Republicans wish to continue being obstructionists in the House, the voters will take care of that in the 2014 ... Boehner will be one of the first to go.