Celebrating Obama's Win

nice to know we have people here who know more about the constitution and the law than the justices of the supreme court!!!:rolleyes:

since u've obviously mastered constitutional law perhaps u'd like to turn ur attention to a few history books to round out ur education???

Sally, you are an intelligent woman. Stop the BS. Roberts first called the punishment phase of Obamacare not a tax to justify the use of the Anti-Injunction act so that SCOTUS could justify ruling on it. Then he calls it a tax to justify the law under the Commerce Clause.
He jumped through hoops to justify this piece of trash. Read the ruling and stop BSing. This was purely a political decision and had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Constitution. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/chi...-tax-it-tax-its-law-its-not-unlawful-break-it
There use to be a trick back in "the day"... before cameras and such... You would walk into a fairly crowded bar, find a guy with a really hot woman and tell him that so and so was talking trash about her. After doing this 4 or 5 times you generally had a big fight going. While everyone was fighting, you could then slip behind the bar and empty the cash drawer.
This is pretty much what the democrats and republicans are doing to all of us in this country. And, after reading all of this, most of the people in this country are indeed, suckers.
fla_slut ... very good analogy, actually, and I agree 100%! Practically all politicians are "self-serving" bastards. You got to ask ... why would these Ivy School grads (with the potential of earning millions privately) choose to work at a job that pays less than $180,000 a year? Then you get to looking ... heck, THAT is just the coverup to where the REAL money is ... bribes, donations, under-the-table gifts, self-serving legislations, etc. So, the only real way to fix the issues these fools pretend to address, is to put them ALL in the same boat with everyone else ... same SS, same Medicare, same Medicaid, stripped of 99% of their congressional perks. But then, you'd have no one really interested in serving government. Cause IF you did, you'd still wonder why a Ivy School grad would even take a job paying less than $180,000 ... what was their real motive.
Agreed. Another blatant example of government management at work.

As for wikipedia, anybody can post on there and they don't verify the sources. For the most part, they are a decent source. For some things. they are obviously inaccurate. I take what they say with a grain of salt.

LOL. You're hilarious falcon. Disregard any and all facts that don't support your position and make up your own for good measure. Yeah, that's a good way to run the country.

From what I've read here you're the one who should be checking your sources but then why would you? The truth doesn't support your partisan positions.

Just one example: You said Obama tried to suppress the military vote in Ohio and cited some source, which admittedly I didn't bother to go look at. The clear truth is, the Democrats sued to make sure that all Ohioians had an equal chance to vote. The Republicans wanted to give preference to one class of people over another. Why would you support such a bias in our "equal opportunity" nation? Is winning so important to you that you would twist the truth and support such unfair practices?

From where I sit it's clear that you don't believe in democracy. I'm wasting my time though because you're so far down the conspiracy rabbit hole that the truth is but a distant echo.
fla_slut ... very good analogy, actually, and I agree 100%! Practically all politicians are "self-serving" bastards. You got to ask ... why would these Ivy School grads (with the potential of earning millions privately) choose to work at a job that pays less than $180,000 a year? Then you get to looking ... heck, THAT is just the coverup to where the REAL money is ... bribes, donations, under-the-table gifts, self-serving legislations, etc. So, the only real way to fix the issues these fools pretend to address, is to put them ALL in the same boat with everyone else ... same SS, same Medicare, same Medicaid, stripped of 99% of their congressional perks. But then, you'd have no one really interested in serving government. Cause IF you did, you'd still wonder why a Ivy School grad would even take a job paying less than $180,000 ... what was their real motive.

i disagree. it's easy to slide down the slope into cynicism, :( but i've met some mid level politicians (one of the perks of volunteering) and for the most part they're well meaning people who get so tangled up in the system and partisan pressures that their voices get muffled. being a politician isn't easy work. they live in a ******* world often times.

now, the ones i've met are almost all left of center. that's the world i choose to live in. :rolleyes:

i can't speak to the other side as well but i'm sure there are good people over there too. the coercive pressure to conform to party politics is more pervasive in the Republican party. conservatives believe in deference to authority and group loyalty. this makes it VERY hard for a good man/woman to stand up for divergent beliefs against the party. for them that amounts to party treason and career suicide. if they speak their conscience against the party line much pressure is brought to bear. (resistance to signing on to Bush's wars for example, killed a couple careers over there) only a few of the top dogs are allowed to lead. the rest follow. u could reasonably see them as a pack of dogs, all following the alpha dog's lead even if they harbor unvoiced concerns.:cold:

the same is true on the democratic side but much less so. their is pressure to conform, but MUCH less. liberals don't include group loyalty and deference to authority in their moral thinking nearly as much. for us it's all about fairness/reciprocity and harm/care. frankly, we don't give a hoot if something has been a particular way for a thousand years. if it's wrong, we want it changed. (don't ask, don't tell for example) u could reasonably see us as a herd of cats, all refusing to follow anyone unless we share the vision.

imo, that's the underlying difference between us and why we will probably never see eye to eye. before people jump all over me, these are NOT absolutes. Governor Christy of NJ is an example of a conservative who speaks his mind clearly without undue regard for offending his own party. he's one of the alpha dogs almost. he's making his play. he has positioned himself exceptionally well for a run at the white house.

u are right though. some are just ego driven, power hungry, greedy bastards!!! lmao!:bounce: but if an ivy leaguer wants to get rich there are a lot of faster, easier and more certain ways to do it.
LOL. You're hilarious falcon. Disregard any and all facts that don't support your position and make up your own for good measure. Yeah, that's a good way to run the country.

From what I've read here you're the one who should be checking your sources but then why would you? The truth doesn't support your partisan positions.

Just one example: You said Obama tried to suppress the military vote in Ohio and cited some source, which admittedly I didn't bother to go look at. The clear truth is, the Democrats sued to make sure that all Ohioians had an equal chance to vote. The Republicans wanted to give preference to one class of people over another. Why would you support such a bias in our "equal opportunity" nation? Is winning so important to you that you would twist the truth and support such unfair practices?

From where I sit it's clear that you don't believe in democracy. I'm wasting my time though because you're so far down the conspiracy rabbit hole that the truth is but a distant echo.

If you did not bother to read the source, then STFU. Obama and his minions sued to stop the extra 3 days for Overseas military and diplomatic votes to arrive in their home precincts.
You completely show your ignorance and laze faire by being to ignorant to even investigate the story. Don't talk about that which you know nothing about.
No. I do not believe in democracy. I believe in the Constitutional Republic that the founding fathers created. If you are too ignorant to know the difference, then again, STFU.
i disagree. it's easy to slide down the slope into cynicism, :( but i've met some mid level politicians (one of the perks of volunteering) and for the most part they're well meaning people who get so tangled up in the system and partisan pressures that their voices get muffled. being a politician isn't easy work. they live in a ******* world often times.

now, the ones i've met are almost all left of center. that's the world i choose to live in. :rolleyes:

i can't speak to the other side as well but i'm sure there are good people over there too. the coercive pressure to conform to party politics is more pervasive in the Republican party. conservatives believe in deference to authority and group loyalty. this makes it VERY hard for a good man/woman to stand up for divergent beliefs against the party. for them that amounts to party treason and career suicide. if they speak their conscience against the party line much pressure is brought to bear. (resistance to signing on to Bush's wars for example, killed a couple careers over there) only a few of the top dogs are allowed to lead. the rest follow. u could reasonably see them as a pack of dogs, all following the alpha dog's lead even if they harbor unvoiced concerns.:cold:

the same is true on the democratic side but much less so. their is pressure to conform, but MUCH less. liberals don't include group loyalty and deference to authority in their moral thinking nearly as much. for us it's all about fairness/reciprocity and harm/care. frankly, we don't give a hoot if something has been a particular way for a thousand years. if it's wrong, we want it changed. (don't ask, don't tell for example) u could reasonably see us as a herd of cats, all refusing to follow anyone unless we share the vision.

imo, that's the underlying difference between us and why we will probably never see eye to eye. before people jump all over me, these are NOT absolutes. Governor Christy of NJ is an example of a conservative who speaks his mind clearly without undue regard for offending his own party. he's one of the alpha dogs almost. he's making his play. he has positioned himself exceptionally well for a run at the white house.

u are right though. some are just ego driven, power hungry, greedy bastards!!! lmao!:bounce: but if an ivy leaguer wants to get rich there are a lot of faster, easier and more certain ways to do it.

Like Alan, I honestly think you are a good person. Just misguided. lol.
You have a passion. You believe in what you say. You do something about it. That is very commendable.
I think there are very good people and true believers on both sides.
There are some that really believe in the liberal mindset and think conservatives are just heartless.
There are some that really believe in the Conservative mindset and think we are taxed too much and government should be as small as possible.
They are good people on both sides and true to their beliefs. There is nothing wrong with that. Sadly, sometimes those good people get very passionate about their beliefs in forums like this, including me. I did not mean to insult people or call names, but I get passionate and make mistakes.
There is pressure on BOTH sides to conform to the respective party line. There are lies and half truths on both sides. The trick is to figure out the truth, which is somewhere in between.
I get upset where the government continues to grow and spend and where people get killed. I know you will say GBII got us into Iraq and Afghanistan, but Obama continued it. He could have ordered the troops home overnight in one fell swoop, but he did not. He is Commander In Chief, after all.
And sally, it is not just Republicans who demand loyalty. Ask the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. Corey Booker. Ask what happened to him when he spoke out against Obama. i disagree there is much less pressure to conform on the Democrat side. I think both sides can be complete asses when they try. And they don't even have to try very hard. lol.
Christy has done well, in some respects. Less so in others. I think he is more a beta in many ways, but he is an alpha in some.
Yes, there are people on both sides who either throw their degree around or who just want to get rich, not caring who they step on.
Like Alan, I honestly think you are a good person. Just misguided. lol.
You have a passion. You believe in what you say. You do something about it. That is very commendable.
I think there are very good people and true believers on both sides.

thx and yes, the other side is always misguided, isn't it?:bounce: lmao

There are some that really believe in the liberal mindset and think conservatives are just heartless.

well >>>>oops, but i'm one of those and science corroborates my opinion. not heartless perhaps, but with less heart. the brain of conservatives is actually structurally different from that of a liberal. in conservatives the part of the brain that deals with fear and loss has been shown to be statistically larger than in liberals. in liberals the part of the brain that deals with social connection, empathy and compassion is physically larger. i don't pretend to know the full meaning of these findings. it is not yet known if the difference is congenital or a function of development but my experience in life bears it out. the conservatives i've met and talked to including on this site generally place money, group loyalty and security over human rights, dignity and fairness. it's not that they don't care about these things, but they give them lower priority.

the liberals i know, while they may have their head in the clouds at times and their passion often gets the better of them at least they care about the welfare of their fellow travelers on this planet. in my opinion, that's a pretty good character trait.

There are some that really believe in the Conservative mindset and think we are taxed too much and government should be as small as possible.

and some who think that taxes are not fairly collected and poorly used. that the government needs to do more to ensure equal opportunity for ALL Americans, not just the favored classes. some who think the problem is not that government is too big but that it does not address real needs of the people.

but i too would likke to see smaller government.:rolleyes:

They are good people on both sides and true to their beliefs.

I struggle to believe that:( and i try very hard to give the benefit of the doubt. but honestly, when i hear people prioritize partisan politics over citizen's health, profits over the environment and dropping smart bombs on the other side of the planet and calling it "defense", i really struggle to see something good in them.

when i see people using religious dogma to limit another's right to love who they choose, to ******* stem cell research and to roll back women's reproductive rights, when i see people trying to suppress minority rights to vote, when i see people advocating "self deportation", when i see people saying 47% of Americans are incorrigible moochers and his follows cheer, it's jsut so fricking sad. it just goes on and on.

i really struggle to see the good. sry, just being honest. legitimate *******? AIDS and ******* pregnancies are gods will? ... omg, it's just so sad.

50% of our prison population consists of non-violent ******* offenders. NO other civilized country on the planet incarcerates as many people as we do per capita. we criminalize ******* addiction, cut education, have the worst access to healthcare of ANY 1st world country. and we don't even acknowledge how our own actions lead to dire consequences for others both here and abroad. we leave no hope for the children in our impoverished inner cities and then imprison those ******* before they're old enough to vote.

i'm really sorry but i struggle to see the good in people who lend their voices to that kind of depraved and indifferent world. u want to save money? i'd rather save the inner city *******. we must stop making and begin rescinding policies designed to crush them.

u want to know why i'm an active political volunteer for the left? that's why. the world could be so much better but only if we work for it.

There is nothing wrong with that. Sadly, sometimes those good people get very passionate about their beliets in forums like this, including me. I did not mean to insult people or call names, but I get passionate and make mistakes.

sry, but i only say this for u to consider. u hurt ur own cause when u talk likke that. mistake? i call it a rude and dismissive habit. i call it a way to dehumanize a person and shut out their opinion. i appreciate your acknowledgement but let's call it what it is. it's not a "mistake", it's a tactic calculated to shut someone down who disagrees with u.

it's a habit of urs, probably because u can intimidate some and silence their voice but u won't convince anyone that way . u say it's a mistake but it's repetitive. just a few posts back u said to another poster,

then STFU ........ . You completely show your ignorance and laze faire by being to ignorant ......... Don't talk about that which you know nothing about. ......... If you are too ignorant to know the difference, then again, STFU.

sry, but that's not a mistake. that's a bully. i hope u see this as constructive criticism.

There is pressure on BOTH sides to conform to the respective party line.

yes, i agree.

There are lies and half truths on both sides. The trick is to figure out the truth, which is somewhere in between.

i think the trick is to stop telling lies and half truths. the truth will not be found between lies of any sort. it stands apart. both parties would do well to purge the liars and half truth tellers from their ranks. the other side can't do it for them.

I get upset where the government continues to grow and spend and where people get killed. I know you will say GBII got us into Iraq and Afghanistan, but Obama continued it. He could have ordered the troops home overnight in one fell swoop, but he did not. He is Commander In Chief, after all.

as much as i despise war, the problem with pulling out without a plan is that u leave a power vacuum. these matters are delicate and very complicated. once ur in it's hard to get out if u don't want to cause an even worse situation for those left behind. liberals consider those left behind even if they're not Americans

And sally, it is not just Republicans who demand loyalty. Ask the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. Corey Booker. Ask what happened to him when he spoke out against Obama. i disagree there is much less pressure to conform on the Democrat side. I think both sides can be complete asses when they try. And they don't even have to try very hard. lol.

reluctantly, i'll concede that point. the mind of the liberal has very litttle use for deference to authority and lock-step group loyalty but the nature of modern politics demands it. so yes, distasteful as it is we take steps to bring our people in line too. and there u have the beginnings of integrity loss. if we didn't we'd always lose.

while u might like the idea of liberals always losing, i think if u found urself in a world without liberal input you would be dismayed. likewise, if i found myself in a world without conservative input it might be in chaos.

Christy has done well, in some respects. Less so in others. I think he is more a beta in many ways, but he is an alpha in some.

i admire the man. he's honest, forthright and doesn't mince words. he's compassionate and smart. i wish he was on our side. but i know he's on America's side. i believe he is an asset to us all.

Yes, there are people on both sides who either throw their degree around or who just want to get rich, not caring who they step on.
yes, on that we agree. while it may not seem likke it, i'm glad to be able to end on a note of agreement. i realize u were trying to "reach across the aisle" and i am disappointed in myself for being less than gracious. as u said, some of these things bring up powerful emotions.
fla_slut ... very good analogy, actually, and I agree 100%! Practically all politicians are "self-serving" bastards. You got to ask ... why would these Ivy School grads (with the potential of earning millions privately) choose to work at a job that pays less than $180,000 a year? Then you get to looking ... heck, THAT is just the coverup to where the REAL money is ... bribes, donations, under-the-table gifts, self-serving legislations, etc. So, the only real way to fix the issues these fools pretend to address, is to put them ALL in the same boat with everyone else ... same SS, same Medicare, same Medicaid, stripped of 99% of their congressional perks.

Now there's a great idea! :dance:

But then, you'd have no one really interested in serving government. Cause IF you did, you'd still wonder why a Ivy School grad would even take a job paying less than $180,000 ... what was their real motive.

These days there are plenty of people who would be happy to take a job paying $180K. I know I would.

Seeing as how its been the Ivy School grads that have been digging the hole we are in today, I couldn't give fuck all if we only found high school grads willing to do the job. They couldn't fuck things up any worse and would probably do better because they wouldn't have their "good old boy" network influencing their decisions.
It would be a breath of fresh air to have people making decisions from their hearts about what is best for the people and the country instead of their portfolios.
If you did not bother to read the source, then STFU. Obama and his minions sued to stop the extra 3 days for Overseas military and diplomatic votes to arrive in their home precincts.
You completely show your ignorance and laze faire by being to ignorant to even investigate the story. Don't talk about that which you know nothing about.
No. I do not believe in democracy. I believe in the Constitutional Republic that the founding fathers created. If you are too ignorant to know the difference, then again, STFU.
I didn't look at your "source" because the facts are clear from unbiased sources. I don't need to look at every little article written by fringe elements with an agenda as clear as Pinocchio's nose.

That was my two cents worth. Now it's back to pics and stories for me.
".... not heartless perhaps, but with less heart. ..... the conservatives i've met and talked to including on this site generally place money, group loyalty and security over human rights, dignity and fairness. it's not that they don't care about these things, but they give them lower priority

(True Example Here)
Your comments regarding "heartless Republicans" reminds me of the Dick Cheney story. You may recall that Dick Cheney recently received a total, heart replacement, however, the story of how he came about the heart that he chose, is Paul Harvey's "Rest Of The Story".
Cheney was on the heart replacement waiting list for over 2 years. Finally one day Cheney's doctor called him, all excited, saying "Sir, I'm soooo excited to inform you that we have found you a suitable heart replacement. In fact, we have found you THREE suitable hearts."
  1. Heart One (96% match) comes from a 3 year old baby boy that was in an auto accident,
  2. Heart Two (92% match) comes from a 29 year old, male triathlon runner,
  3. Heart Three (85% match) comes from a 74 year old, retired Republican congressman.
Which heart did VP Cheney choose? He non-hesitantly, insisted that he be given the retired congressman's heart, and when asked WHY, Cheney smiled and said, "because, I want a heart that hasn't been used".
As I said, this is a True Story ...... or not) :bounce:
.... Seeing as how its been the Ivy School grads that have been digging the hole we are in today, I couldn't give fuck all if we only found high school grads willing to do the job. They couldn't fuck things up any worse and would probably do better because they wouldn't have their "good old boy" network influencing their decisions.
It would be a breath of fresh air to have people making decisions from their hearts about what is best for the people and the country instead of their portfolios.

not such a silly idea. it's not the ivy league educattion that is the problem though imo. it's the lack of empathy for what the majority of people face in their everyday lives. they're out of touch.

perhaps a requirement that anyone runnning for office above a certain level be required to live in an inner city tenement for a year and volunteer tutor the ******* there would help. now THAT would be a heart warming education wortth more than a degree from yale.:rolleyes:
I have a better idea!!!
How about hanging any politician( R or D ) that does anything contrary to the Constitution/BoR?
not such a silly idea. it's not the ivy league educattion that is the problem though imo. it's the lack of empathy for what the majority of people face in their everyday lives. they're out of touch.

perhaps a requirement that anyone runnning for office above a certain level be required to live in an inner city tenement for a year and volunteer tutor the ******* there would help. now THAT would be a heart warming education wortth more than a degree from yale.:rolleyes:

Actually, for many, the Ivy League education is part of the problem as they get in through their parents influence as many are alumni of the same universities and fraternal organizations where all the networking and prepping to step into their daddy's shoes takes place. Like you said, most have no concept of what the world is like for the average person and they think their cloistered existences are the real world. Actually, for them it is.

Once they've developed their networking abilities and get their start on the corporate ladder to Board Directorship its too late to get them to see anything other than what they've known growing up.

Personally, I'd rather see ******* that busted their asses to work to pay their way through community and state colleges get the offices. At least they would have a more realistic grasp of what the people and the country need as well as the intelligence and work ethic to do the job and not be concerned about corporate cronies.
Actually, for many, the Ivy League education is part of the problem as they get in through their parents influence as many are alumni of the same universities and fraternal organizations where all the networking and prepping to step into their daddy's shoes takes place. Like you said, most have no concept of what the world is like for the average person and they think their cloistered existences are the real world. Actually, for them it is.

Once they've developed their networking abilities and get their start on the corporate ladder to Board Directorship its too late to get them to see anything other than what they've known growing up.

Personally, I'd rather see ******* that busted their asses to work to pay their way through community and state colleges get the offices. At least they would have a more realistic grasp of what the people and the country need as well as the intelligence and work ethic to do the job and not be concerned about corporate cronies.
i don't know what the stats are now but about ten years ago 30% of Harvard's admissions were "legacy" admissions, meaning the qualification to get in was that one of ur parentts graduated from there or donated a large sum of cash to the institution. i doubt Bush qualified on his own for Yale. He only got 1206 out of 1600 on his SAT's. :eek: A decent above average score but not what u'd expect of the leader of the most powerful country on earth. scary.

so, i agree with you, those places sufffer from incestuous inbreeding.

still, the education is good. ur point is well taken though. we need better more appropriate quality standards to choose our leaders.
easing loan restrictions was only part of the cause. the deeper reason was the banking industry's inventive ways of packaging and selling off the poorly underwritten loans. They bought off Moody's rating service to get "D" product rated "AAA" and sold them off into the secondary market (often times to pension funds that people depend for their retirement). a well reasoned loosening of loan restricttions to enable more people to be able afford a home of their own was a good thing. The mistake was underestimating wall street's greed and ingenuity. i don't blame wall street. they're predicable. they will do whatever they can get away with. i place the primary fault with the lack of government oversight. (Clinton & Bush)

huh? i think you do have some flawed logic there. but not to quibble, the facts are, the deficits grew under Reagan and again under Bush. Trickle down, supply side economics is a sham. we can't afford 4 more years of that.

Obama is not operating in a vacuum. Obama's plans ran into a solid wall of republican opposition. many of them voted down proposals that they themselves had proposed or supported previously. ALL they cared about was party unity and shutting down Obama. in a rare burst of public honestly they said exactly that. they didn't care about the country. they didn't care about doing their jobs. u can fault Obama but at least acknowledge republican culpability.

Obama's approach is balanced. some increased revenue, which the republicans have refused (even if the ratio were to be 10-1) and some careful reduction in spending. the republicans wanted to cut, cut, cut social programs and give tax breaks to people who don't need them and really, they don't seem to care if the middle and lowerer classes ******* to death. "let them eat cake" comes to mind.

very few. but that's not the point. the point is, giving money (tax breaks) to the wealthy is not going to create jobs. creativity and need creates jobs and they do a better job of it when government gets out of the way. yes, excessive taxation kills jobs but no one is talking about excessive taxation. we're talking about balance. jobs are created when the mix of supply and demand requires it. if i own a business that needs 45 employees to get the job done, and someone gives me a 1 million dollar tax break i won't be motivated to create even one more job. on the other hand if the middle class is strengthened and more people can afford my products, i WILL hire the people i need or my competition will. jobs are created primarily by market demand. the market for the vast bulk of products IS a healthy middle class. businesses hire when they need workers. they don't hire just because government is stupid enough to give them money without strings. let's not be naive

I'd support giving tax breaks to the wealthy IF that money was passed through to new hires in the form of wages and benefits. conservatives would vote that down though because what they really want is a no strings attached package of tax reductions. if they truly were going to use that money for creating jobs i'd support it. history teaches us different (Reagan, Bush and early Obama). current economic theory teaches us different. did the bankers on wall street hire more people when they got their payout? NO. Detroit hired more people because unlike Bush (unconditional payouts and poorly considered tax cuts) Obama's administration tied the money to performance. Look at the jobs record, not the propaganda. look at employment trend lines, not averages if u want to see where we're headed. liars use averages to hide, confuse and distract.

no, labor has NOT always been a commodity. that is a product of our industrial revolution and our public school system. the goal being to eliminate the artisan and replace his/her job with a well trained worker bee. by the very definition of "commoditty", one employee is now no different from another. an electrician is like every other electrician. a CPA is just like every other CPA. a cashier is like every other cashier. the result is that labor is easily replaceable. if i own a company i am now in a much stronger position to demand more and pay less to my employees. if some don't like it, i can lett them go and hire some of the other 50 qualified but desperate people standing in line behind them. this puts serious downward pressure on wages and benefits.

good for you. seriously, i respect that. i respect your freedom to believe and advocate for what u believe is right. someday maybe u will leave the darkside (NO racial slur intended) and come over to our side.

the reason i say "duped" is that people across the heartland and throughout the deep south, who depend disproportionately on government assistance are duped into voting against their own self interest by twisted statistics, outright lies and fear. do you really think south Carolina and Louisiana would be better off if Romney had his way and dismantled FEMA? do you really think education should only be available to those born into families that can afford it? the south is very poor relative to the rest of the nation. if their guy Romney had won? omg, i get sad just to think of it.

i'm not insulted at all. many people have the belief that conservatives and the so called "job creators" are the only ones that can create jobs. what kind of jobs is important as well. liberals are generally in favor of collective bargaining (unions). without unions businesses have an unfair advantage over workers. they would hire fewer people, demand longer hours, give fewer benefits, etc etc etc. > since workers are a commodity now and so many people are out of work, without union protections and negotiating power a labor market like we have currently would be even more devastating to wages and benefits. do you honestly believe the conservative agenda was responsible for our ch1ld labor laws? do you think a conservative authored equal pay for women? do u think they care about the "47%" Romney considers moochers?"

the economy has done better, far better, under democratic presidents consistently since the great depression.

guess what? most of that "47%" Romney disparaged live in the south and in the heartland. i call that duped. they voted for a guy who is so contemptuous of them he openly said they will never be worth anything. do u think that's the kind of moral character that brings a nation together?

I agree with 90% of that. so where is this "making sure that everybody has the opportunity to do so"? I'd add, EQUAL opportunity to that but where is it? do you think the kid from the inner city who's single mom can't find a job, who is without enough to eat, without access to medical care, without decent role models, without a decent school, without decent teachers, without, without, without, without ... has an equal opportunity. He/she has almost NO opportunity. so yes, i agree with most of your statement above but i ask you, WHERE IS IT? where is this opportunity? do you honestly think the conservative agenda gives a damn? the best they could come up with was "no ch1ld left behind" which ****** teachers to teach to a standardized test further degrading education and commoditizing humans.

in order to have true freedom of religion, we must have freedom from religion in government. separation of church and state. how can a jew have true freedom if our law makers bring their conflicting Christian beliefs to work with them? ur happy iwth the current situation because u don't see the downside. do you think Nazi Germany could never happen again? it happens on a lower threshold everyday in this country when a lesbian is told who she can love because some religious bigot claims biblical authority. do you honestly think atheists can be free to hold their beliefs without punishment if our government is dominated by people who bring their religious beliefs to work with them?

here is one of the biggest differences between liberal and conservative. the conservative believes rights are conferred by a rigid constitution and the current interpretation of it. they are afraid of change. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not. liberals believe the constitution is a living document in a changing world and that our rights (and founding documents) are rooted in our humanity and compassion for our fellow man.

i agree with you. not all change is good.

as a black man, i'd think you of all people would see the truth of where our rights truly come from. they do not come from a piece of paper. laws are not divinely inspired. they are fallible. laws change with time. our rights come from our moral character, integrity and our understanding of the nature of the world around us. our rights must be fought for and protected.

this is a REALLY important difference and it's the BIGGEST reason i hope you will consider and reconsider the conservative path ur on. you're a black guy. do you think it was a conservative who freed you? do u think it was profit that freed you? do you think it was a wealthy "job creator" who freed you? NO. abolitionists freed your people during the crucible of a crushing civil war. i know slavery was a political and economic issue with many sides but the FACT is, your ancestors were freed by the bloodshed of many who would no longer turn a blind eye.

do you think it was conservatives who passed the civil rights act of 1968? Johnson signed the civil rights act in 68 KNOWING he'd be turning the south over to the conservative (old white guys) element for a generation. Johnson did it because he had a conscience. it was the RIGHT thing to do. do you think the conservative agenda gives a damn whether you have the right to vote? (consider their recent voter suppression efforts in minority communities). do u think conservatives gave u the right to ******* from a common water fountain voluntarily?

it took 100 years after the civil war. the constitution is fallible. it is a work in progress. conservatives fight for the status quo. sometimes change is a good thing.

your people (and other so called minorities) were freed for a second time when millions of liberals of every color and creed came together at some significant cost and risk to themselves to do what was right. conservatives fought against your rights for one hundred years after the civil war and still seek to limit them today. do you believe blacks are inherently more likely to commit a crime, be arrested and go to prison or do you think it might be flaw in the system? do you think poverty strikes blacks disproportional because they're stupid and inferior, or do you think something is wrong with the system? do you think blacks die earlier and often by violence because they're genetically defective, or do you think something should be CHANGED in the system?

frankly i hate the term minority. we're all humans, no diminishing distinctions are appropriate in a country that espouses equal opportunity for all.

conservatives WILL fight tooth and nail to preserve the status quo. is that really who u are? do you want to be on the side that fights to sustain the present day version of the system that lynched, raped and castrated some of ur ancestors for no other reason than the display of absolute power? for no other reason than to preserve the status quo. LIBERALS DID NOT DO THAT!!!

the right things to do: who tries to win at any cost? voter suppression laws, anti gay legislation, anti woman legislation, racially biased immigration laws, funding cuts for programs in education and health care. we incarcerate, incarcerate, incarcerate in this country. it's a global embarrassment, a tragic waste of human potential and a despicable practice in the wealthiest country in the world. liberals do not believe in that!!!

rights based on humanity and justice? YES. yes, universal access to health care without regard to being able to afford it. yes, woman's right prenatal care and to choose her own reproductive path. rights to privacy, and YES, ur damned right, we have a right to an unpolluted environment.

sorry but the conservative record is clear. they would clear cut and ravage the planet for a few dollars if there weren't liberals to stop them.

Arizona. as a black man, i'd think that would be an eye opening development. do u believe in slippery slopes? do u think it's okay to detain someone and ask for papers with no evidence whatsoever just because the officer thinks they don't look right? do u really want to be on the side that encourages the erosion of personal civil liberties that your ancestors gave so much of their ******* to gain? i hope u never have to wear a star on your chest and have a number tattooed on your wrist. Arizona has taken steps in that direction. if you understand the risks of "driving while black" then you understand what's going on in Arizona.

just think about it. you sound so intelligent. please, open your eyes and listen to your soul. listen to your ancestors who's struggle for a life without fear, for freedom and for simple human dignity has allowed you so much. you have the rights you do not only because of a piece of paper. u are free today because millions came together to demand it. those rights were not given to u by conservatives. they were fought for by liberals

now it's YOUR turn to make a difference. our turn. yours and mine. realize that what you do in your life (or fail to do) will help determine the quality of life for the next generation.

the liberal agenda is about compassion, empathy and justice. it's about fairness and common decency to our fellow man. do it for your *******, your neighbor's ******* and for the ******* on the other side of the world. the liberal agenda says the world can be better and works to see that it is.

i know how easily history and stats can be twisted by both sides to obscure the truth. YES, there is a lunatic fringe on both sides but the truth can always be found in our hearts if we are open to listen.

tune out the noise, sit quietly and listen for truth. change is hard. resistance is strong, entrenched and well funded. but the truth eventually prevails if good people demand it. i know many think nothing will change but change DOES happen. history teaches us that. don't be cynical. the country (and world) needs ur voice even if we don't always agree. even if you choose to remain a conservative!!! :bounce:

we could have lost this election. i'm a white girl without financial worries. i do it for u and i hope you will do it for me someday.:rolleyes:

Holy F mistress! I've read books shorter than that! LOL Now, why not tell us what you really think? LOL

I'm in love ...
i don't know what the stats are now but about ten years ago 30% of Harvard's admissions were "legacy" admissions, meaning the qualification to get in was that one of ur parentts graduated from there or donated a large sum of cash to the institution. i doubt Bush qualified on his own for Yale. He only got 1206 out of 1600 on his SAT's. :eek: A decent above average score but not what u'd expect of the leader of the most powerful country on earth. scary.

so, i agree with you, those places sufffer from incestuous inbreeding.

still, the education is good. ur point is well taken though. we need better more appropriate quality standards to choose our leaders.

This is the kind of thing I hate. Do you have any proof? Do you know what his admin qualifications were? Have you seen reports on why dean's admitted him?
Ok. then stop assuming and making an ass out of yourself. SAT scores are important. So are grades in high school. Extra-curricular activities. Family ties. Sports. Volunteerism. You have no clue why he got in. So stop throwing this crap out there willy nilly.
I notice you don't throw this out there about why Obama got in. Fair is fair. If you are going to question Bush, why would you not question Obama? How can you know Obama's SAT scores when he has had his college records sealed?
The education is a freaking joke in EVERY institution in this country. Why do you think we have fallen to 30th or something in math and science in the world?
You indict the schools bush went to, without even looking at the overall education failure in this country. why is that? Maybe because it does not suit your political agenda? Education in this country has absolutely FAILED every student who has gone through the system in the last 30 years. Look at how we have fallen in the world rankings.
I find it very telling that you are willing to completely make assumptions about Bush and brutalize his record, without knowing anything. Yet, you have no questions about Obama's records, which he has had sealed. You are a Hypocrit. Period.