Celebrating Obama's Win

So I guess that puts him about equal to Romney, Bush, Bush 2, Carter and all the rest of them.

They did not promise to end lobbying on Capitol Hill. And we never got a chance to see whether Romney would have kept his promises or not.
sry, i want to respond to this and will. however, it's the weekend!!! :rolleyes: promise, i'll address all of your pointts but it can't be today.

for now, (in just a couple minutes) i do want to say that i agree with a LOT of your facts but i draw different conclusions. not because i think your logic is flawed but because i believe in a different vision for where i'd like to see our country to go than the standard conservative platform.

i believe that conservatives and liberals have a different moral mix upon which they create their beliefs. not "better" or "worse" but different. liberal vs conservative prioritties are often different. since our vision of the problem to be solved is different it is natural that our solutions would be different and often times conflicting.

anyway, sry for the delay. and thanks for the polite and well reasoned reply. if u keep that up i have might have to upgrade my iimpression of the average social skill IQ of u conservatives!!!;) j/k lmao :rolleyes: i'll address your post point for point soon.

for now i have my cucky pet here to play with!!!!! :cold::devil::frantic:ttyl

I agree with what you say here. This is the truth. Liberals and Conservatives see the world through different eyes and have a different vision of the future and how to get there. I wish there was some way that both sides could "meet in the middle" for the betterment of our country, but it won't happen. Not in my lifetime.

The President and his minions believe that compromise means Conservatives give up their positions and capitulate to the Liberal view. That is not compromise. And when we refuse, they call us tea baggers and run ads with a Paul Ryan look alike throwing a grandmother in a wheelchair off a cliff and say we want dirtier air and dirtier water and want ******* with Autism and Down's Syndrome to suffer and fend for themselves.

How can there be any compromise or even discussion with people like that?

Have fun with your cuck.
What's not to like? Seriously? Hmmm. How about raising the debt by more than the first 43 Presidents COMBINED? Or maybe 8% "official" unemployment rate? Or maybe the cancelling of the Keystone pipeline and with it the initial tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of thousands of jobs over the lifetime of the project? Or maybe the denial of security that caused an Ambassador and 3 ex-Seals to be MURDERED? Or maybe the doubling of gasoline prices in 4 years? Or maybe the fact that 59 precincts in the Philadelphia area cast 20,000 votes and NOT ONE VOTE was for Romney? Ok back to the economy. How about the reduction of drilling on federal lands by 15% (that means jobs and lower gas prices)? Or maybe the fact that he will be raising taxes on EVERYONE on January 1 if nothing is done about the "fiscal cliff"? Oh. No. Wait. Even if something IS done, he will STILL raise taxes on EVERYONE in America through Obamacare! I could go on for days, but I think that is enough to get my point across.

Please don't ... if I want to get FOX NEWS "facts" I'll go to the channel. Don't need to hear their crap HERE! Loved the way they called the election ... hahaha ... weren't even CLOSE were they?
Got something for you, Romney's concession song to his voters .... enjoy!

The more I see & hear of "post election" Romney/Ryan, the more glad I am the man wasn't voted into office. Even the Republican party is running from these guys now.

If the Republican party doesn't change its attitude and public image fairly soon, its going to find itself totally OUT of politics. If ANYTHING was said during this last election, it was that BIG MONEY donors can NOT buy or rig the Presidential election. Now the fat cats are focusing on state elections ... that will be the next battle front.
Please don't ... if I want to get FOX NEWS "facts" I'll go to the channel. Don't need to hear their crap HERE! Loved the way they called the election ... hahaha ... weren't even CLOSE were they?
Got something for you, Romney's concession song to his voters .... enjoy!

http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Romney Concession Song&view=detail&mid=5BA02CD96635D7FEACC75BA02CD96635D7FEACC7&first=0&qpvt=Romney Concession Song

You can bury your head in the sand all you want, but those ARE the facts as reported by every major and minor news outlet and on the governments own web sites. Look it up yourself. Facts are facts. You can choose to ignore them if you want but that just shows the liberal mindset in this country. Hard numbers, facts, logic, and reason mean absolutely nothing. It's all about FEELING GOOD. Maybe if people would stop feeling so much and start thinking, this country would not be in the fiscal condition it is in. And we could keep score at little league games again.

As for fat cats buying elections, please tell me you are not dumb enough to buy that crap that Obama had no big donors to his campaign. I know. I know. George Soros, Bill Gates, Google, and Warren Buffet are little guys. His Hollywood buddies are just little guys. 1 Billion dollars all came from individuals.
You can bury your head in the sand all you want, but those ARE the facts as reported by every major and minor news outlet and on the governments own web sites. Look it up yourself. Facts are facts. You can choose to ignore them if you want but that just shows the liberal mindset in this country. Hard numbers, facts, logic, and reason mean absolutely nothing. It's all about FEELING GOOD. Maybe if people would stop feeling so much and start thinking, this country would not be in the fiscal condition it is in. And we could keep score at little league games again.

As for fat cats buying elections, please tell me you are not dumb enough to buy that crap that Obama had no big donors to his campaign. I know. I know. George Soros, Bill Gates, Google, and Warren Buffet are little guys. His Hollywood buddies are just little guys. 1 Billion dollars all came from individuals.
Forget trying to reason falcons, liberals don't believe in facts they only believe what they want to believe. I have several liberal friends and to hear them talk about politics is mind boggeling knowing they are intelligent people i cannot for the life of me figure out how they think like they do.
Both Alanm and falcon seem to be in some world of their own detached from real life, buried in their own claptrap and unable to see reality. By all means continue to wind them up but there is no point taking them seriously.
They did not promise to end lobbying on Capitol Hill. And we never got a chance to see whether Romney would have kept his promises or not.

The people of Massachusetts knew if he kept his promises to them. Maybe that's why Obama won both the popular and electoral votes there.
Both Alanm and falcon seem to be in some world of their own detached from real life, buried in their own claptrap and unable to see reality. By all means continue to wind them up but there is no point taking them seriously.

I have not insulted you personally, so why do you feel it is ok for you to insult me? I disagree with your world view. Period. I base my arguments on facts, logic, and reason and you base your arguments on feeling good and emotion. If you can't do better than personal insults, please put me on ignore.
I am glad you are in England, because you are getting what you deserve. The socialist, central planning, government run entitlements that are running your country into the ground the same way they are in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and France.
When the European Union self-destructs and you have to pay the bill for socialism with no chance of a bailout from the EU, then tell me how great socialism and nationalized medicine are.
We can't afford it. And anyone who refuses to see that should be shipped out of this country as fast as possible.
"Read my lips .... NO NEW TAXES!"
What do you not understand as the difference between a pledge of "no new taxes" and a pledge to ban lobbyists from capitol hill?
They are completely different things and you know it.
As for George, the elder's promise, he was an idiot. He should have either not made the pledge or honored it. He paid for it in the next election. As he should have.
The people of Massachusetts knew if he kept his promises to them. Maybe that's why Obama won both the popular and electoral votes there.

Are you seriously that stupid? Taxatushits (I was raised there) has been democratic and very liberal since the dawn of time. You know it and I know it. The only two states that might challenge Massachusetts for the title "Most Liberal state in the nation" are New York and California. Stop throwing out stupidities. You are better than that.
Vermont is actually the most liberal state in the union these days. New York is 2nd. California isn't even close sitting at 8th most liberal.

One other thing. The good stuff that was accomplished in Massachusetts during Romney's tenure was almost all done over his objections. It was done in spite of him, not because of him. He used his veto power something like 800+ times most of which were overridden. Romney cannot honestly claim to have to done much of anything good for Massachusetts, except perhaps for his backing a mandated health care plan. We all know how he flip flopped on that in order to pander to the far right.

There's a good reason Romney didn't even carry his own state. They know him and they don't like him.
Are you seriously that stupid? Taxatushits (I was raised there) has been democratic and very liberal since the dawn of time. You know it and I know it. The only two states that might challenge Massachusetts for the title "Most Liberal state in the nation" are New York and California. Stop throwing out stupidities. You are better than that.

So I guess that's why they elected him in the first place.
What do you not understand as the difference between a pledge of "no new taxes" and a pledge to ban lobbyists from capitol hill?
They are completely different things and you know it.

You were the one that changed the subject from pledging to ban lobbyists to integrity. I simply responded to your lead.

As for George, the elder's promise, he was an idiot. He should have either not made the pledge or honored it. He paid for it in the next election. As he should have.

Thanks for agreeing and the apple didn't fall too far from the tree from what I can see.
Vermont is actually the most liberal state in the union these days. New York is 2nd. California isn't even close sitting at 8th most liberal.

One other thing. The good stuff that was accomplished in Massachusetts during Romney's tenure was almost all done over his objections. It was done in spite of him, not because of him. He used his veto power something like 800+ times most of which were overridden. Romney cannot honestly claim to have to done much of anything good for Massachusetts, except perhaps for his backing a mandated health care plan. We all know how he flip flopped on that in order to pander to the far right.

There's a good reason Romney didn't even carry his own state. They know him and they don't like him.

Yeah. I kinda forgot about Vermont and Bernie Sanders.
To be honest, Romney was not my first choice either. But He is the one who survived the primary process. And no, before anyone even thinks it, even though I am living in Texas, I am NOT a Rick Perry fan.
You were the one that changed the subject from pledging to ban lobbyists to integrity. I simply responded to your lead.

Thanks for agreeing and the apple didn't fall too far from the tree from what I can see.

I did not change the subject from a pledge to ban lobbyists. A pledge is about integrity and honor. They are the same thing. But a pledge to ban lobbyists is one thing and a pledge to not raise taxes is another. Stick with the subject. We were discussing Obama, not GHWB. Changing the subject will not work with me. Most liberals eventually try it and they go down in flames with me. If you can't focus on the subject, go away.
You can bury your head in the sand all you want, but those ARE the facts as reported by every major and minor news outlet and on the governments own web sites.

Falcond ... It appears you wouldn't know a FACT if it raised up and bit you on the posterior. Let's clarify your lit'l rant at me with the "facts" you proclaim.
Regarding the National Debt, it had been decreasing every year since WW2 up until your Prez Reagan took office and implimented his Supply Side economics, which some Republicans. at the time, called Voodoo economics. By the time Reagan left office, the Nat'l Debt had TRIPLED from just under $900 billion to over $3 trillion. But the Republicans decided that "trickle down" economics (cutting taxes at the top to create jobs at the bottom) was their new podium going forward into the future. Both Bushes (coincidently Republicans) substantially raised the N.D. (GW particularly)... and when interest is applied, the Nat'l Debt was almost $11 trillion thanks to your G W Bush & his VP (deficit spending doesn't matter) Cheney. So don't quote the "convenient Republican facts" at me, Falcond. Unemployment was practically double digit when Prez Obama took office, and jobs were being lost at over 800,000 a MONTH. GW screwed up an economy in just 2 years after taking office. It was your Republican congress that played "obstructionists" to anything Prez Obama wanted to do, determined to stop any jobs initiative Prez Obama had in order to make him a ONE TERM PRESIDENT. You bring up the pipeline project ... the President didn't decline that project, he simply asked that environmental precautions be taken FIRST. Environment, that's something Republicans don't give a ******* about ... they'll crap in their nest and move to another nest ... its their style of governing. You bring up Benghazi AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, implying that there was a Washington coverup (5 lives lost), yet you don't bring up the Bush coverup of WMDs and the Iraqi war that costs 5,000+ American lives because Cheney & Rumsfeld lied about WMDs to start a war with Iraq. Both of those idiots should be in federal prisons NOW. You talk about voter fraud, and that's so laughable that its pathetic ... Republicans implimented practically every voter fraud tactic possible (and got caught) in Florida and several other key states, plus tried to suppress minority voting in all the key states, which your Republicans lost because they pissed off the minority voters. And FINALLY, you bring up the Prez Obama desiring to RAISE TAXES on everyone in 2013 because of Bush tax cuts expiring ... what a missleading LIE that is. It was your own Republican candidates that made a deal with Grover Norquist to NOT RAISE TAXES on any circumstance. It was your Republican candidates that ALL raised their hands during the Rep debates saying none would accept raising taxes even if the ratio of revenue spending cuts to raising taxes was 10:1 because of the pledge they gave to Grover Norquist. Now Republicans are implying eliminating the mortgage deduction (which will impact the middleclass AGAIN) as their offer to possibly raise revenue. That will NEVER happen. If the fiscal cliff occurs in January, it will be because of the obstructionist congressional House that is the least popular in HISTORY ... and if you think Republicans lost THIS YEAR, wait until 2014, should they decline to allow the tax cuts for the wealthy expire. Supply Side economics does not work ... never has, never will Congress can not cut entitlements to give these tax CUTS ... thus it creates more deficit spending and increases the Nat'l Debt ... duhhhhhhhhh!
So, quit blowing stale Republican smoke in the faces of the liberals of this forum and try smelling the crap your shoveling out to everyone. Republicans are currently acting like little babies ... crying, and pitching fits like *******, and doing their usual "threatening" if they don't get their way. Well, they will NOT get their way. This country can not take another 4-8 years of failed Trickle Down economics like Bush implimented. Prez Obama was dead RIGHT in resisting these fools who are OWNED and PAID FOR by corporations & millionaires. Geesh! :mad:
I did not change the subject from a pledge to ban lobbyists. A pledge is about integrity and honor. They are the same thing. But a pledge to ban lobbyists is one thing and a pledge to not raise taxes is another. Stick with the subject. We were discussing Obama, not GHWB. Changing the subject will not work with me. Most liberals eventually try it and they go down in flames with me. If you can't focus on the subject, go away.

No, a pledge is about a pledge and not keeping them is about integrity.

WE were not talking about Obama, you were. When you brought up integrity and your opinion regarding his lack of it, I simply pointed out that he was on the same plane as his predecessors.

There is NO difference integrity wise between not keeping a pledge to get rid of lobbyists and a pledge not to raise taxes. Failing either is a breach of integrity.

I'm not the one changing subjects, you are. I am neither a Democrap nor a Repugnican, so trying your bullshit on me doesn't fly. I don't have a horse in this race, which, by the way, is OVER and my side still lost as it would have regardless which of them won.
If you want to flip flop your points that's fine, but expect I will respond to the last one you posed, not the one you would like so you can try to justify your nonsense over the other sides nonsense. Its ALL bullshit to me.

Now back to looking at women getting fucked by black dick.