can a blk man remain straight after a hubby sucks his cock

Sorry, I missed this response because of the strange one a couple posts below it. Anyway:

Why are we comparing what people do to get their rocks off, behind closed doors with consenting adults, to violently assaulting people? I agree that you can be curious about doing something until you act on your curiosities, and then you become someone who's done that thing, not sometime who's curious about it.

BUT... Sexuality involves attraction. Not ever having been with another man doesn't necessarily mean you're not attracted to them or want to be with them sometimes. You can be gay or bi and never act on your impulses. You can be straight and remain celibate. You can even be a ******* and never become a sex offender, because you realize that it would be immoral, cause damage, or at least likely land you in prison if you were ever to act on the attraction you feel. That doesn't mean the attraction isn't there.

But again, I don't see why we're making the distinction. I'll ask once again, what difference does it make to YOU how some other guy chooses to identify sexually? As long as he's not doing anything harmful to anyone, everything is mutually consensual, and he and the people he interacts with are happy, why should anyone else care whether "society is lying to" him, or even whether he's lying to himself? Take the black man in my previous post. Do you imagine if he read your warning about society, he'd say, "holy crap, I kept my orientation listed as 'straight' on my profile, because society's modern day sensibilities told me I could, even if I tell someone's hubby to fluff me before I fuck his wife. You're telling me I've been lied to all this time, and I'm actually gay? Damn, bro, thanks for the heads up! This changes everything?" And if he didn't react that way, what exactly is the harm in him deciding "the people I want to attract are women, whether they're coupled or not, so I'm leaving 'straight' on my profile?

The only "modern day sensibility" I'm talking about here is live and let live, without having to judge others and worry about what label(s) should apply to them? Why does it matter to you how others view their own sexuality?
Perfectly written!
can a blk man remain and be considered straight if he lets a hubby suck his cock or clean it after he fucks his wife or gf
Nope. Male to male sex is homosexuality. End of story. All of that psycho-babble about “dominance” and “power” is a mental construct used to ease the fear of realizing who you truly are, sexually. My role as a bull is to fuck your woman. Extremely well. The role of the woman’s cuck, is to enjoy me fucking his woman. Extremely well. The role of the woman is to enjoy being fucked. Extremely well. Other than a high-five between everyone at the end of the session, that’s it.
They do, though. That's the problem. There are plenty of black men, particularly in the real people forums (but not limited to there) who talk about how uncomfortable this place is when it feels like extreme fantasizers are taking the place over and making real discussion more challenging, amongst all the over-the-top, nonsensical fantasy. If what you said isn't how you feel when you're sober, why post it at all? And if you need to post a bunch of stuff that makes you horny and other people uncomfortable, perhaps you could put it in the forum for "Extreme Alternative Interracial Sex," rather than the general discussion area? There are dedicated places here for that stuff.

You may feel like "no one cares" how we talk about black people, but that doesn't make it true. Obviously, if you don't want to take others into account when you post, I don't have any authority over you. You do you. But if you're free to post it, remember that I'm just as free to call your ass out. I don't have to "settle down." Don't wander into a 10-page, actual discussion and say a bunch of stupid ******* if you don't want people to discuss it. Maybe "no one cares" what makes you horny when you're on *******, but people do care about being treated with respect.

This is indeed an interracial sex and fetish site. That's not carte blanche for white folks to say stupid ******* about racial issues without the risk of others speaking up.
Lol you're crazy.
Lol you're crazy.
Well, maybe... How to be sure? Let's see, should I go by the opinion the black men who reacted or responded to my replies? Or the *******-up, fantasizing, white boy fetishist who tries to make a bunch of weird rules that only apply to black people? Man, that's a tough one.
Well, maybe... How to be sure? Let's see, should I go by the opinion the black men who reacted or responded to my replies? Or the *******-up, fantasizing, white boy fetishist who tries to make a bunch of weird rules that only apply to black people? Man, that's a tough one.
I'm not making rules, I'm playing fetish games online. I get off and you get mad.
I'm not making rules, I'm playing fetish games online. I get off and you get mad.
Cool. Well, you stepped into an actual conversation instead of one of the forums dedicated to fantasy and "fetish games online." Like, an actual discussion with real people. Your self-admittedly *******-fueled, nonsensical and borderline racist comments are bound to receive a negative reaction in that context, no? Again, might I refer you to one of the many threads in which your input would have been met with far warmer welcome?
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Suck a cock once always a cock sucker.

Yes, I am a cock sucker. It doesn't mean I've given up women.

I've had white cucks take me in their mouths in the heat of the moment who aren't attracted to men. Personally, it's about feeling powerful for me. I've done things with couples that I can't justify when I'm not horny.

I don't judge the guys I've sucked. They have their reason for wanting me to blow them to completion, and it's not really my business to know.
can a blk man remain and be considered straight if he lets a hubby suck his cock or clean it after he fucks his wife or gf
There is a total difference between who you love (straight, gay, bi etc) than who you have sex with ... I love licking and kissing my wife's lovers cock when it is inside her.. and kissing his balls when he comes .. I certainly am not in love with him, or would have sex with a man outside of that very special (and intoxicating) environment .. May be I am bi, but who cares about labels. Don;t waste precious time (your one and only life) hung up on labels .. you are missing out... but of course, totally up to you to only do what ever you are comfortable with.)
I've had white cucks take me in their mouths in the heat of the moment who aren't attracted to men. Personally, it's about feeling powerful for me. I've done things with couples that I can't justify when I'm not horny.
That's great... and love that you get your own pleasure from the experience.. because highly likely the cuck and his wife are getting their desires met as well . which is what this is all about.
A black man can definitely remain straight. He wasn't on his knees submitting to another man. He didn't taste no dick. Slurp like a bitch. The cock sucking husband is the gay one. The one who undignified himself by bowing before another man. The one who kissed and licked some guy's sweaty balls. Got his face fucked. Swallowed the entire load like only a punk-ass bitch would do. The black man stays straight, until the day he drops to his knees. Then, all bets are off.
You are also missing out on some of the best parts . you are totally filled with your bulls cock.. and your husband eats your pussy through multiple orgasms.. switching to your bulls cock and balls, and then back to you as he empties them into you ...
I’m not sure why some guys have such a hard time admitting they are bi in this day and age, my wife knows I like cock and pussy.
He's the thing . no one has to admit anything or be labeled with anything because what people do in their own bedroom is their business .