can a blk man remain straight after a hubby sucks his cock

How is it homophobic to consider a man gay if he allows another man to give him head? Doesnt even make sense. Use a different word cause a man sucking a mans dick sounds like almost the definition of being gay lol or bi i suppose if he also enjoy pussy
Allowing your dick to be sucked by a man does not make you gay, or even bi-sexual, when it is in the context of a threesome with a woman present. It makes you open-minded, if you want a word. Being afraid of having this happen (which is quite common among black men) is the homophobia....fear of being branded "gay" because you did something that some other person judges you on. We have run into a number of men (of all types and colors) who adamantly state that they are "100% straight" because of this fear. Being open-minded to different options is a good thing and makes you more attractive to more people. It's just sex...and sex is fun and exciting. Being afraid is closed-minded and, honestly, not terribly mature thinking.
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Allowing your dick to be sucked by a man does not make you gay, or even bi-sexual, when it is in the context of a threesome with a woman present. It makes you open-minded, if you want a word. Being afraid of having this happen (which is quite common among black men) is the homophobia....fear of being branded "gay" because you did something that some other person judges you on. We have run into a number of men (of all types and colors) who adamantly state that they are "100% straight" because of this fear. Being open-minded to different options is a good thing and makes you more attractive to more people. It's just sex...and sex is fun and exciting. Being afraid is closed-minded and, honestly, not terribly mature thinking.
Ay if thats what yous tell ya man to make him feel better about being bi then thats fine.. But again your logic makes no sense. You were off from your first sentence šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
The best answer that comes to my mind is: Who cares?! - If that's what the involved people enjoy doing, why bother about categorizations or what to call it? They will remain humans after all and a sexual act cannot change who they are as a person!

But as far as the definition of being "straight", "gay" or "bi" is concerned... Anyone who performs a sexual act with a same-sex partner, no matter on the "giving" or "receiving" end, is rightfully considered "gay"; and if they are otherwise "straight", they're "bi". Too many people are too concerned about being categorized that way so they make up lame excuses in order to justify not being this or that. Why not step out of the closet and accept the facts? ;)

Other than that, and it's been said before... it is not binary - either straight or gay - there is a spectrum. One attempt to resolve that, is the Kinsey Scale published by the Kinsey Institute, as others have already mentioned above. However there is critizism about its approach. Other researchers have found it less accurate because of its one-dimensional style. Even after adding a "X" category for asexuals it does not seem accurate because there are more aspects of sexuality that would opt for a multi-demesional approach rather than a linear one...

For instance, lustful desires do not always match exactly an individual's romantic desires. There are people who would be attracted to perform sexual acts with a person of one sex in some settings even they have no desire at all to be in a romantic relationship with any person of that sex. Some people would perform sexual acts with a person of one sex only under particular circumstances and in a state of arousal, even if they do not have that desire in a "cold-blooded" state and otherwise never have fantasies about that.

Also... Even though a majority of people can easily and binarily be identified as being either male or female by their biological sex, that is not true for everybody. Would it even be possible to identify somebody as "staight" or "gay", if their own sex cannot be clearly identified or is something else (than "male" or "female")?

- Just a few thoughts on the subject matter.
A wise man once told me that there are some things that people should not discuss and quite often it involves things that happen in the heat of passion, ******* instinct and lust. I might add as a straight guy that labels have created some of the worst treatment of human beings in history and presently and this likely is no different. People do what they do and believe what they believe about themselves and others despite public opinion or debate.
That *******'s gay. Not that there's anything wrong with it but you're not straight if the idea of a man touching your cock doesn't bother you.
There is no such a thing as straight. Believe me. I know. I've had unwanted attention from men, I've had women try to coerce me into receiving head from men. I'm not into it. It isn't hate. It's who I am. I won't allow people to bully or intimidate anyone for being who they are and doing what they do. No one should EVER have to hide or be ashamed of who they are. And no one is ever going to bully or shame me for being who I am and loving what I love. So seriously, if you have a problem with that, and can't support another human being; seriously go fuck yourself. There's nothing wrong with being gay or bi. Denying it and pretending it's something else is bullshit and stigmatizes sexuality. Having sex with another man is gay/homosexual/not straight. Period. Why not embrace it? Who cares?
Bunch of weirdos in here. So much flawed logic. Your husband is gay if he enjoys sucking dick. The bull is gay if he allows it. I've been in this situation and told the couple I'm not down with any of the gay *******. Y'all can find a gay guy to fulfill your fantasy. What I have noticed is the disrespectful couples who invite you to play then spring that question on you. " Can my husband suck and clean you up?" Fuck no bitch, you not about to try and turn me out. Find a gay dude already, I'm not about to be your experiment. I know there are plenty of desperate guys out here who are willing to let the husband suck you off just so you can fuck the wife, ******* there's even guys on here who are even more desperate and will fuck the husband just to get the hotwife. Fucking disgusting to me.
Just think it depends on the person and the situation could be fully dominant position... I think there is a lot of fragile masculinity in men... Yet for women if you had another woman do something with another woman there isn't a stigma to it...
I cant agree with thisā€ i think there is a lot of fragile masculinity in menā€.