Bulls who ended up destroying the couple's relationship

Very well stated.
I don't want to turn this thread into a political discussion. So, I will not elaborate on the fact that blacks and Hispanics have the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the U.S.A. right now. And I know you will tell me that is because O'bama did it. Ok enough said.
My marriage ended because wife fell for younger bull. We have been sharing for a while this was however her first steady lover and first black guy. She fell hard for him and eventually left me for him.

That's them in my profile picture.
I am very sorry to hear that. If she has not already tried to come back, she probably will in the future. Mine did. 30 years later. IN fact, all mine do. Sex can be a powerful ******* but in the end, it is about the day to day relationship.
i was dumped (two years and counting) after accepting (= encouraging) what my girl wanted. i both do and don’t regret it. i guess what i miss is the opportunity to kid myself that i was capable of pleasing her by pretending to be a man. i regret that i thought i’d be able to keep the relationship going as a sort of Mistress/servant thing. With a different woman maybe that would have worked, but not with her.
My conversion to the dark side in the late eighties was the catalyst not the cause of the break up of my first marriage. I’d married in 1985 and my husband was the only guy I’d been with, I assumed sex was the way it had always been and masturbation made up for the missing bits. When I met my American airforce policeman lover my husband had been neglecting my for some time so I feel if it wasn’t him it would have been someone else anyway. After my lover had returned to the US my husband was posted away from RAF Brize Norton and I just didn’t want to leave Carterton as I’d hooked up with a WRAF girlfriend and we were having lots of fun. He commuted at weekends for while but it just didn’t last and we divorced in 1990
I'm sorry, what is a "Wraf" and may I say that while your response is interesting, it is not relevant. The topic is not just "hooking up with a black man because my husband neglects me". You say yourself that it was "not the cause of the break up of your my first marriage". So, can we please stay on topic?
The couple breaking up changes the chemistry for all involved!!! Quite a number of women with children, cut ties with both men. I lost one who left the state when he went stupid, and another when her husband died suddenly. Her entirety went totally to the *******. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention women who parted from their SO for a Black man who did not wish to be tied solely to her. Fantasy is cool, but it's best not to lose yourself to bullshit.
You would be remiss? LOL Must be a corporate executive.
A timely discussion! Husband and I had a nasty little fight a week ago and rather than try to make up I called a “friend with benefits” to meet for drinks. Of course we know what happened but feel really guilty and wished I stayed home.
First time I have ever snuck around on husband. Will try to make it the last.
Your post is more about cheating. or is it?? Significant that you write about him and state "i will try to make it last" when referring to your husband.
How would your bull break up the marriage? Maybe the experience of a real man in your bed is causing doubts about your husband?

I would like to say in this case obviously, your bull would not be the impetus of the breakup. I see a lot of women on this thread speaking of how a bull was motivation for what was inevitable. When a partner refuses to communicate or hear you, there is no solution. I am not sure but it seems that in some cases:
1. The cuckold relationship takes the pressure off the husband and then he completely loses interest because of the humiliation
2. The husband isn't man enough to admit isn't over and so he lets his wife play while she remains unsatisfied in the relationship.
3. The wife goes with the bull and it does not last because the bull did not want a relationship with the wife, he wanted to a fuck buddy.

In both these scenarios, it is not really the bulls fault. In fact the question I would ask is, "is it ever the bull's fault?"

So, is it ever the bulls fault? I would tend to think not.
I'm not certain its bulls destroying the relationship, unless that is their intention. I lost a wife and a fiance to men who I encouraged to fuck on a regular basis, both times I fucked up by wanting to build an ongoing thing between the 3 of us, but both times, they fell for each other... and I became the third wheel. The bulls didn't set out to steal my ex's but I guess I put it on a plate for them, and once my ex's had fallien for them, I couldn't reverse it.. i tried, but it didn't happen. I do think my ex's wanted out of relationships with myself, and these two guys who were funny, charming, successful and could fuck my ex's the way the liked it, were the ticket out.
It isn't possible to "try" to make it the last. You either do or don't do.
I've never, ever heard or read of ANYONE in a long term relationship and good with it say that. It takes work, sometimes trial and error to be committed to another human being while dealing with every day life and trying to keep them happy even if I'm not (or vice versa), not for a day or two, or trying to have sex cuz I'm horny, but for fuckin years?
The guys that don't try are the ones where she's leaving, and vice versa.

You would be remiss? LOL Must be a corporate executive.
No I'm not. 30+ year federal employee and an intelligent American of African descent. I'm educated and articulate; is it inappropriate? Is it threatening?