Black cocks cumming inside.

Oh fuck! Yes!

So if your ménage àtrois is still strong, what was ther interst for her to marry him?
Her main but not sole interest was to make me happy through my knowing that my young buddy, through being her husband, would grow dramatically in his masculinity and express---with her when he was alone with her on their (no longer my) marital bed---more fully, more powerfully, more freely and more often, his hitherto frustratingly somewhat unfocussed heterosexual sexual desire and enviable potency with her.

She also knew I would garner blatantly masochistic excitement and intense satisfaction from willingly dispossessing myself of her and, as well, predictably tort ure myself (which I did) with the possibility that my buddy would fall in love with her and altogether out of love with me.

Thankfully, in the event my buddy loved me all the more for my sacrificially and altruistically releasing my beautiful childless wife to him; for him to grow into the splendid young, albeit still passionately homosexual, man and husband that he has become; and for her to experience the ecstasies that I and she knew she could only get in the arms of the more beautiful much younger and more potent man who she was already very deeply in love with and who would joyfully marry her and fa ther children for her. Which he has done now four times.
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