Black and white boys making out


THIS should REALLY be the poster for our future/current roles!!! ALL whitebois EVERYWHERE need to use this picture as the template for our new roles in society!!! Femininization is the future for ALL whitebois!!! Taking on our appropriate female sexual and social roles with BLACK MEN is our responsibility in creating a better future!

There is NO sense in fighting nature! You can NEVER win!!! The intrinsic nature of whites is FEMININITY, and those are the only roles that suit us!!! We ALL need to accept and embrace our inherent whiteness/femininity! It's who/what we are! It's our true nature! We are WHITE...we need to just be WHITE, like this little white sissy here! Our bare naked skin are the uniforms we were given for our roles in life, mom NATURE is a woman after all, so it's no wonder that she "color coded" us all, and she kept it simple... ALL MEN COME IN BLACK... EXLUSIVELY, AND WOMEN WEAR WHITE!!! Just like a Bride and Groom!!! Take a good look at your skin/uniform, and accept that mom Nature gave you the right job!!!