BBC revange on white privilege slut. Mental and physical aspect.

Im Pam a married white woman and I freely give my white pussy to every black man that wants to pound the ******* out of it and cum in a married white womans pussy! I feel I owe it to every black gentleman and even tho I am married to a white man I open my legs and my mouth for every black man to fuck and use for his pleasure!I get gangbanged,gang raped,and I service many black men whenever and wherever they want me.My husband knows I am black owned and he submits and they take me completely!
There is nothing that gets me hotter than seeing or hearing of a uppity white girl being put in her place for black cock. To see her do for bbc what she never did for any b/f or her husband. Some situation that gets them place to have plenty of cock. A slut a bbc can have to share with who he wants. A uppity. holier than thou, condescending white girl shown what she is good for. Movies like this mixed into mainstream media may start a "fashion" so to speak lol. Some white girl out there will see her future on her knees, being skull fucked by bull for his pleasure.
I think women these days rules their homes , famílias, after centuries forbbiden to studie now have to graduate , get phd , show ******* because their man are too weak . I think is not their uncapable , but is só unnatural to a woman . Theres a subconcious forgot big pleasure , just be desired , obey , whithout so many thoughts , fucked like an ******* even for man who even asks their names . Free your inner sluts
Yup, that's hot as fuck. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting a woman like that but absolutely.
My wife is like that, she like to have her pussie hit with a bat like plank . Her pussie is red and burning then she enjoy cocks to go in and ruff fuck her . She say its something she kept from growing up at the grandparents . Her grand dad was a bastard of a man always liked to punish her and more . I don’t enjoy doing it to her but she like other guys to punish her like that .
I found myself in the situation that i have sex with BBCs actually not for my pleasure. I rather want to be used and hurt and in pain.
I tried all different forms of sex but the most pleasureable in my head is when i just giving my body and give BBC oportunity to punish me for being white priviledge and degraded me for being just a whore.
I love when they pushing their big cooks in my mouth and ass . I like to cry from pain , being slaped.
Sometimes i think im crazy.
Anyone have same thinking?

My wife had a few bulls who got into this a bit. One who we both felt went too far, but she also admitted that she couldn't get enough of him treating her like that. She admitted that intellectually she knew he was an asshole and she should have nothing to do with him, but her body loved it. He broke it off eventually several years ago, but I know he could call her right now and order her to suck his cock, and she would drive to him and do it.
There was a time early in our relationship where my black boyfriend ( now my husband ) eventually talked me into having sex with his friends. And where I thought it was only going to be one or two different guys, it turned into being a few more and most of them, more than once. I might add that he always gave me last choice about any guy, meaning if for some reason I didn’t like the guy, I had the choice of refusal. And yes, there were one or two of them that I refused not to have sex with either of them.
There was this one guy that I refused because I didn’t like a number of things that he said during casual conversation with about 5other friends we all gathered to watch a game. He was exceptionally good looking but when he talked about being with a few white girls, the reparation topic came up and he actually said that he liked fucking white girls to pay for the way the girls ancestors treated his great grandfather who was a slave etc.,etc.,and it just seemed to me that his attraction to white hurls was more as revenge snd that’s what he was thinking every time he had his black cock buried in a white girls pussy,. thinking this is for my great grandfather.. He actually said that right in front of the white girl he was with that day and in a joking manner, I was shocked when she said that she loves playing the reparation role with him.
After that evening, that conversation made me very curious about him, and long story short, and without talking to him about the subject, I told my boyfriend that I changed my mind about him and if he still wants to have sex with me, I’m willing to do so.. So it was all set up. Not surprisingly, he was a very good lover and all during the sex, I was thinking of what he was thinking while having sex with me.. Once the experience was over, I asked him.. “was that for your great grandfather..? He was shocked when I asked him that and I think our conversation lasted longer than the foreplay and sex put together but he finally admitted that it’s just something on his mind sometimes when he’s with a white girl and without any disrespect to me, it’s just something he can’t control and apologized to me.. but at the same time, he also said that he’s been attracted to me from the first time he met me and when he found out that my boyfriend was sharing me with a few others, he made it known that he really wanted to be next in line.. and that didn’t mean for his great grandfather. And when he was first told that I rejected him, he was very hurt. I eventually had sex with him a couple times more and never brought the subject up again but I’ve always wondered just how many black men have these thoughts while fucking a white woman....
A lot of us do for sure. Does that surprise you?
Hmmm... White pussy as a form of reparations? I think any white woman who feels like that needs to get over herself... And her pussy. For dudes who feel this way. I think you would've been better off with 40 acres and a mule... Sheesh🙄
Reparations has always been an uphill battle but. I wonder if with Juneteenth being a national holiday now it could provide a legal stepstone forward. So if economics is swayed and the power changes those smart whites better get useful....Just a thought in my head to be useful.
More a slippery slope than a stepping stone. Look back to Africa for reparations because it was Africans who sold their own to Arabs, Europeans and Americans as well as other Africans. While you're doing that I'll look to the Vikings, Roman's, Greeks, Barbary pirates and those in the Americas and Australia who held my white ancestors as slaves for reparations.
I'm so traumatized and in 2024 when none of this shite actually happened to me.
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Do you support how we feel that way and fuck white women with some anger for the sins of their great great grand parents towards blacks?
How about the sins of your African ancestors who sold you to the Arab, European and Atlantic slave traders?