BBC disappointment

ok ok ok....I must admit I just have a fondness for that name. My niece's husband is black and his name is Tyrone. I will never forget the first time I met him. He shakes my hand and introduces himself by name then get's this super serious look on his face and is like "yes I'm black and my name is Tyrone" I busted up laughing. Not because of his name but just the way he said it all serious like.
Don't mind the sjw crowd. It's almost like they don't get that they relinquish the soapbox the minute they enter into these arrangements. Which are all about playing on stereotypes lol
We all have been with someone at some time who didn't live up to our expectations. Not just the girls but the guys as well. I have met my share of guys who have disappointed me. I have also had just as many guys who not only met my expectations but went beyond. Personally I like meeting new people and a lot of the Black men I have met have been fun to be around and have become good friends. The thing is as long as you have expectations you will be disappointed at some time. It always happens.
It may take some time to find a guy that matches the job description, but nowadays getting a negative surprise about looks and sizes amounts to ignorance in social and internet skills, plain stupidity, or desperation. On the contrary, people may turn out to be arrogant, weak, younger or older than on pictures and Skype / kik, and having plans of world domination. Anything else is highly questionable.
We all hear about the ladies and their amazing BBC experiences...but what about all the duds, flops, and disappointment along the way. I know on forums such as this we all like to play up to the fantasy that black men have bigger dicks or are sexually superior alpha males. Bur reality is that there are black men out there that have little dicks and act more like beta bitches than an alpha male but still talk themselves up like they are something special. So how about it ladies...any of you out there ever thought you were meeting Mr. Mandingo for an all night fuck-fest but instead found out that he was actually Tiny Tyrone who lasted about as long as a toilet flush.
It may take some time to find a guy that matches the job description, but nowadays getting a negative surprise about looks and sizes amounts to ignorance in social and internet skills, plain stupidity, or desperation. On the contrary, people may turn out to be arrogant, weak, younger or older than on pictures and Skype / kik, and having plans of world domination. Anything else is highly questionable.
Hehe. Very well said
that's why people should never brag on what they can do and can not do. me personally i jus go with the flow of things i never brag, it makes things alot smoother
We all hear about the ladies and their amazing BBC experiences...but what about all the duds, flops, and disappointment along the way. I know on forums such as this we all like to play up to the fantasy that black men have bigger dicks or are sexually superior alpha males. Bur reality is that there are black men out there that have little dicks and act more like beta bitches than an alpha male but still talk themselves up like they are something special. So how about it ladies...any of you out there ever thought you were meeting Mr. Mandingo for an all night fuck-fest but instead found out that he was actually Tiny Tyrone who lasted about as long as a toilet flush.
That's so true I dated long term a black fox right out the military she said the same thing most blacks are average . she told me a story about a big built black man the ladies nick named him ( The minute man ) .that being said there are a few WELL HUNG BBC out there
I have had two that didn't clit, for some reason I didn't perform well with them,but the other six or seven Yeah Buddy. It could be nerves or low-t, or just a plane old turn off. True to the fact there are disappointments in life Period
I have had two that didn't clit, for some reason I didn't perform well with them,but the other six or seven Yeah Buddy. It could be nerves or low-t, or just a plane old turn off. True to the fact there are disappointments in life Period
That's a ruff bill to fill .. knowing you have to preform and what if you don't like them for any reason ... what if they say something stupid and your looking for a way out ( happened to me ) ladies just have to spreed and that's it . Guys have to get it up
i can say one thing , there are more black men with bigger dicks then ur average guy from any other race. the average of dick size is about 5inch for other race, black guys average at least 7inch dick
2 inch difference in the average size between black and "the other races?" I'm pretty sure it's a lot closer to maybe a half inch difference to be honest
If anyone thinks that just because you may have a huge,long or fat dick that it will get the job done all the time, you are truly mistaken. Not every woman enjoys a huge , long, large or fat dick. Just find one that can please you and only you .
I agreed to meet a guy on Sunday night at his house. His picture on line was only of his chest and abs, and which were perfect. Then he sent me a picture of his face, that didn't really match the six pack. When I asked about it he said he took the other picture in the gym. He said all the right things. He told me that he had friends who wanted to fuck me after he showed them my picture. He asked if I would be interested in a gangbang. I asked about his living situation and he said he had two room mates who never came out of their rooms. He said he had several gangbangs at his house.

When we got to the house the guy who met us at the door looking nothing like either of the pictures. However, he wasn't bad looking so I didn't walk out. Then I saw the roommates who never came out of their rooms. One was dressed in a T-shirt that said Jesus! He walked by us several times giving us the evil eye! I was dressed in a very short low cut dress with no panties. He could have been interested in seeing my pussy, but it was more like Jesus was disgusted. I decided to just fuck him and get out of there. We go into his bedroom. He puts on porn with two girls on his computer which was loud and distracting. He was a lousy fuck. He lasted all of 2 minutes!

The problem with internet contacts is that some people, is that some people lie as much as our President does! It's hard to make good decisions based on lies. It's also true that it's never going to work out perfect every time. We've always said that going to swing clubs is a risk. One out of 10 times will be truly amazing. The other 9 somewhere between there and terrible. The problem is if you don't go all 10 times you miss the amazing times. I'm 100% sure I'll be meeting yet another single black guy again. It will likely happen next weekend. Maybe someone will even organize a gangbang for me?