Are there any white wives who were the first to raise the topic of having a BBC?

Seems like it's usually the husband who raises the topic. Are there any couples where the wife did this? If so, how did your husband react? Shock, anger, hurt??? I'd love to know because I can't imagining even suggesting it to mine.

This is an excellent question. I frankly don't know a great deal about this lifestyle but it appears after limited research that it is most often the husband's desire to see his wife fucked by a black man. Still wrapping my head around that btw. I've had many white women married and otherwise want to fuck me but only two who wanted their boyfriends to watch (both of those situations were also the bfs idea). I think women want to fuck the men they find most desirable and often that is us but in most cases are afraid to raise it to their men. I still don't understand why their men want to watch us fuck them?