A lil humor today!

I dont know what it is saying. But it looks the patron saint of vitamin c is ordering Betty Page to get a shot of it in her ass, so as to ward off the COVAID virus.

Londoners have somehow earned themselves a reputation for being less than cheerful on public transport, with it being more likely that a smiling commuter is struggling with wind than experiencing a happy moment.

But one man, Elvin Mensah, has made it his personal mission to change all that by setting up pranks on the tube and the Overground and filming them. His videos have been doing the rounds on social media for a while now - the fella's been up to all sorts.

One video he posted on his Instagram has caught everyone's attention - an impromptu dinner for two in a carriage on the London Overground.
Hopping on the train, Elvin treated one lucky lady to a romantic dinner date. Taking a seat next to a woman, he whips out a little fold out table and gets to work setting up his dinner.

He takes out a vase with a rose in it, reaching into his bag for a silver service platter. The bemused woman takes a look around to see if anyone else is in on it, or if anyone has any idea what is going on.

He pours them both a nice glass of wine and takes a sip. All the while, the girl looks amused but also unbelievably confused and doesn't really know what to do with herself. Can't blame her really, can you?