A lil humor today!

A white man walks into his doctor's office and starts complaining about his sex life at home. He says, "Please doc, can you help me? I have an almost frigid wife at home. She doesn't seem to enjoy sex much and never ever has an orgasm. Please help me with your expert advice, what shall I do?"

The doctor replies, "Well, you need to make her feel comfortable. Make it romantic. Prepare the room, you can use candles, rose leaves, put on some soft romantic music, tell her how much you love her and how sexy she looks. This should work. If that doesn't help, come back to my office tomorrow."

The husband does exactly how he was told, prepared everything like the doc had mentioned and even prepared two glasses of champagne because somewhere he heard that alcohol would work like an aphrotisiac for many women.

The next day he sits in his doctor's office once again, and desperately explains, "I have done everything you said and more but still without success. My wife wasn't even very wet and didn't moan let alone have and orgasm. I am devastated. I will do about anything just to make her open up, enjoy sex an have an orgasm. Please, do you have any further advice?"

The doc looked very concerned. After a while she said, "Well, there is one last thing you could try. But that's more sophisticated and not every husband is open to it." - "Yes, please tell me, I will do literally anything that has a chance of success.", the husband pleaded.
"Okay then", the doc says, "Find yourself a Black guy, take him home and tell him to take his penis out of his pants and show it off to your wife. Then take your wife from behind and you will most definitely witness her change. This works almost every time."

The husband does as he was told, leaves work earlier than usual that day just to find a suitable Black guy for the job. He talks to a few potential men on the street and finally finds a homeless Black man who agrees to be helpful for a few dollars. Once the men get home the Black man starts unzipping his pants in front of the wife. He shows off his semi-erect dick and moves it in circles about only three feet away from the wife's face. The husband gets behind his wife and starts fucking her but while her pussy was wetter than usual to his dismay she still wouldn't give a single moan.
All of a sudden the husband has an idea. He tells the Black man to swap places. A few seconds later the Black man is fucking the wife while the husband flaunts his dick to the wife's face. The wife starts moaning and it's not long before she screams out her first raging orgasm with multiple ones that followed. After she drops to the bed, completely exhausted, the husband says to the Black man, "See you bloody beginner, that's how you show off your dick to a woman in order to get her going!"