Recent content by WhiteOutNow

  1. WhiteOutNow

    Dont get it

    Aha, we have a wager, I'll bet one B2W token that they'll both vote to confirm...;o)
  2. WhiteOutNow

    Dont get it

    Sure he does, he heard it on Fox News. Let's see if I can remember how this goes...ah yes, Trump is their god, and Fox news is their bible. Their god's brain doesn't work well enough to construct a cogent tweet, so they have to defer to the gospel according to Fox.
  3. WhiteOutNow

    Dont get it

    Wow...I guess you're not aware that every Supreme Court nominee has said that, right? Ginsberg said it, Kagan said it, Sotomayor said I guess you are just as supportive of them, eh?
  4. WhiteOutNow

    Dont get it

    At the time Gorsuch was chosen Trump was still at the point of choosing what color the drapes were going to be in the oval office, so I'm sure he was (if this can even be conceived) more ignorant than he is now. But he knows (or more accurately, he has had it explained to him by someone WITH a...
  5. WhiteOutNow

    Dont get it

    If he thinks that, he's probably right. Once Kavanaugh gets confirmed, and he certainly will, anything having to do with Trump's legal situation that goes to the Supreme Court will either not be heard (if that helps Trump) or be decided in Trump's favor. In a sick way you gotta hand it to this...
  6. WhiteOutNow

    Reasons to promote black and white sex

    Just a superb post. The fact is, if we are looking at it from a view of societal and world benefit, it is only the white males who really need to be eradicated or at least totally out of the picture in any meaningful way. White females are and have been a great positive ******* and are...
  7. WhiteOutNow

    Interracial Future and White boy Demoralization

    That is so true, and every bit of the humiliation is totally deserved. The fact that we jerk off to our own inferiority and humiliation says volumes about us.
  8. WhiteOutNow

    How should interracial be promoted more in society?

    The big key is what they call Normalization. Society's progress is very often the result of a concept moving from "fringe" or even frowned upon towards widespread acceptance. It's never a quick or easy process but in the case of the laudable goal here there is great reason for optimism...
  9. WhiteOutNow

    Politics, Politics, Politics

    You know, it's funny, on the one hand you tell yourself, "It's actually possible that there are a fair number of Republicans who will actually put country ahead of party in this case, and actually do the right thing if Trump fires Mueller." But then the reality of past performance kicks...
  10. WhiteOutNow

    Politics, Politics, Politics

    And you know, I don't think he'd really give a damn if Don Jr. or Jared or Ivanka ended up in prison. He cares about himself, period. One of the most prescient comments about Trump I've heard came from Bill Maher back in 2016. He said that Trump has a very simple method for reaching decisions...
  11. WhiteOutNow

    Politics, Politics, Politics

    I agree, Trump isn't dumb, but he does live in a fantasy land where he actually believes that all he has to do is give orders like he's the CEO of the USA and everyone will fall in line. That's why he's continuing to "refine" his cabinet with more and more true lapdogs who will say whatever he...
  12. WhiteOutNow

    Hi Debra, thanks for the like, nice to see you. I've missed our chats.

    Hi Debra, thanks for the like, nice to see you. I've missed our chats.
  13. WhiteOutNow

    Politics, Politics, Politics

    I think you're absolutely correct. I can envision no scenario in which a Republican controlled House will impeach Trump. The degree to which they have demonstrated their "sycophantishness" is remarkable, no matter what he has said or done. There is no reason to think they'd suddenly grow some...
  14. WhiteOutNow

    Politics, Politics, Politics

    That's the thing, Trump can't reconcile his constant whining that the Mueller investigation must end immediately AND his constant "Trump"eting that he's totally innocent. If he's totally innocent than why is he so worried about the investigation continuing?
  15. WhiteOutNow

    Politics, Politics, Politics

    Well, I just can't resist giving myself a little pat on the back for this one...:rolleyes: From The Atlantic... "Trump broke his silence on the election at a private fundraiser for Missouri Senate candidate Josh Hawley Wednesday night, telling a crowd of donors that Lamb had run “a pretty...