Interracial Cuckold & Sex Stories

Who needs interracial and erotic stories on the forums and why?​

What are the important components of sex? Every adult will respond differently. But in any case, good fantasy and experience will be an significant part of any story. According to some reports, the popularity of the erotic genre of literature has recently increased. Maybe «50 Shades of Grey» is involved. But fans of interracial sex and cuckold know a lot about erotic stories that will be clearly hotter than this book. The confession of any adult user on an erotic forum will stir up real sexual desire. And you will no longer notice how any detailed amateur story of experience, your hand reaches into your underwear.

The richest section of the forum in colorful history​

A forum with an erotic story about interracial cuckold and sex is a real great place where you can freely find passion and confession in your hottest adult fantasies and experiences. The adult amateur forum is not a book to be found on the Internet, or to read for a long time, leafing through perhaps unnecessary details.

Any erotic story on the forum is a summary of the best moments of interracial sex and cuckold. You can even read a real life story or even a few during your lunch break or when you are waiting for your partner to get out of the shower. On the forum you will find many real life stories written by both adult men and women. After all, who, if not a hotwife, can describe her deepest and sweetest feelings and experience in a frank confession that will be in her erotic story.

Perhaps any adult have heard that sex in the lives of women who read erotic stories becomes brighter and richer. And the interracial theme and cuckold is one of the most mysterious in life and therefore more exciting.

Cuckold and interracial sex: a forum with any story will make sex brighter​

For any adult, an erotic story helps understand and accept their fantasies. Well, if you fantasize about interracial sex and cuckold, then you've come to the right place. The forum will help you find any confession and real life story shared by the user - the same adult and free person.

Any adult woman consists of emotions, impressionability and brightness of perception. Therefore, reading any erotic story on the forum will immediately draw certain images and sensations in her imagination.

Also, a real life erotic story can be a great way to tell your partner about your secret desire. It will help you to say what new things you would like to try in real life. For men, it can be an easy way to relax.

If you are tired, stressed, then reading an amateur erotic story with an amazing confession about fucking a black man or a married couple's first cuckold experience will give you relaxation and excite your feelings in real life.

An erotic amateur interracial story: adult inspiration and imagination​

An interracial and cuckold erotic story can be a real source of inspiration. It can be the beginning of a game with a partner, or a date scenario with a new black man, or end in masturbation. Each amateur sex story becomes a kind of confession of any side of the interracial cuckold lifestyle.

Perhaps you are already reading some kind of erotic story and imagine yourself in the role of some hero. And now you are already transported into the sweet world of excitement, imagining a new date in the details of all the curves, moans and passionate fucks in a hotel room or at a party.

On the forum you can find more than 4 thousand amateur erotic stories. They are all written by users who have been living the interracial cuckold lifestyle for some time now. Here you can excite your imagination with such stories:
  • first interracial cuckold experience;
  • confession in the most secret and forbidden fantasies;
  • hot details from vacations, parties, chance encounters;
  • confession in various exciting erotic things;
  • amateur stories of cuckolds and hotwives.
In an amateur erotic story on a cuckold forum, a photo or sex picture can also be attached. Of course, if this is a real photo of a participant in the story, this is a nice addition or an exciting experience. Perhaps attaching a photo from a sex date will better excite the male imagination and only viewing them will make his cock harden.

If you have a lot of experience in such a section as interracial cuckold, then hurry up to share your amateur story with users. Or maybe writing and remembering that life erotic experience will whip you up to a new wave of excitement and passion right now? Your real partner will be pleased, that's for sure.

If you want to share your experience or confession - then you are on the forum of interracial cuckold and sex stories​

Perhaps you have been a user of the forum for some time, but for some reason did not share your experience in the section of interracial cuckold and sex stories, then perhaps you decide to finally write your post here. After all, you must admit that knowing that your amateur erotic story excites someone in real life down to wet panties and a hard cock, it's even more pleasurable and has a positive effect on you.

Or perhaps you are looking for new scenarios for your future meetings in real life? Then the forum topic of erotic interracial stories can give you a new or maybe even an unusual confession for the meeting scenario.

In any case, an erotic story is an unusual experience and can give people something that they did not know before. Perhaps your confession will give someone a passionate night and extraordinary adventures and new ideas.

An amateur erotic story and real recognition will surely find a wide response from users who will support and express their opinion and positive emotions in the comments. That will allow you to find new acquaintances, and maybe find regular readers.

The forum will give you an unusual experience in any situation, wherever you are. And real erotic details will make your life brighter.

من يحتاج إلى قصص بين الأعراق والإثارة في المنتديات ولماذا؟​

ما هي المكونات الهامة للجنس؟ سوف يستجيب كل شخص بالغ بشكل مختلف. ولكن على أي حال ، فإن الخيال والتجربة الجيدة ستكونان جزءًا مهمًا من أي قصة. وفقًا لبعض التقارير ، زادت شعبية النوع الأدبي المثير مؤخرًا. ربما تشارك «50 ظلال رمادية». لكن عشاق الجنس بين الأعراق والديوث يعرفون الكثير عن القصص المثيرة التي من الواضح أنها ستكون أكثر سخونة من هذا الكتاب. إن اعتراف أي مستخدم بالغ في منتدى جنسي سيثير رغبة جنسية حقيقية. ولن تلاحظ بعد الآن كيف تصل يدك إلى ملابسك الداخلية لأي قصة مفصلة عن تجربة الهواة.

أغنى قسم في المنتدى في التاريخ الملون​

يعد المنتدى الذي يحتوي على قصة مثيرة حول الديوث بين الأعراق والجنس مكانًا رائعًا حقًا حيث يمكنك أن تجد العاطفة والاعتراف بحرية في أهم خيالات وتجارب البالغين الخاصة بك. منتدى الهواة البالغين ليس كتابًا يمكن العثور عليه على الإنترنت ، أو للقراءة لفترة طويلة ، وربما يتصفح تفاصيل غير ضرورية.

أي قصة مثيرة في المنتدى هي ملخص لأفضل لحظات الجنس بين الأعراق والديوث. يمكنك حتى قراءة قصة واقعية أو حتى القليل منها أثناء استراحة الغداء أو عندما تنتظر خروج شريكك من الحمام. ستجد في المنتدى العديد من القصص الواقعية التي كتبها كل من الرجال والنساء البالغين. بعد كل شيء ، من ، إن لم تكن زوجة ساخنة ، يمكنها وصف مشاعرها العميقة وأحلىها وتجربتها في اعتراف صريح سيكون في قصتها المثيرة.

ربما سمع أي شخص بالغ أن الجنس في حياة النساء اللواتي يقرأن القصص المثيرة يصبح أكثر إشراقًا وثراءً. والموضوع بين الأعراق والديوث هو أحد أكثر الموضوعات غموضًا في الحياة وبالتالي فهو أكثر إثارة.

الجنس الديوث والأعراق: المنتدى مع أي قصة سيجعل الجنس أكثر إشراقًا​

For any adult, an erotic story helps understand and accept their fantasies. Well, if you fantasize about interracial sex and cuckold, then you've come to the right place. The forum will help you find any confession and real life story shared by the user - the same adult and free person.

Any adult woman consists of emotions, impressionability and brightness of perception. Therefore, reading any erotic story on the forum will immediately draw certain images and sensations in her imagination.

Also, a real life erotic story can be a great way to tell your partner about your secret desire. It will help you to say what new things you would like to try in real life. For men, it can be an easy way to relax.

If you are tired, stressed, then reading an amateur erotic story with an amazing confession about fucking a black man or a married couple's first cuckold experience will give you relaxation and excite your feelings in real life.

An erotic amateur interracial story: adult inspiration and imagination​

An interracial and cuckold erotic story can be a real source of inspiration. It can be the beginning of a game with a partner, or a date scenario with a new black man, or end in masturbation. Each amateur sex story becomes a kind of confession of any side of the interracial cuckold lifestyle.

ربما كنت تقرأ بالفعل نوعًا من القصص المثيرة وتتخيل نفسك في دور بطل ما. والآن تم نقلك بالفعل إلى عالم الإثارة اللطيف ، تخيل موعدًا جديدًا في تفاصيل جميع المنحنيات والتأوهات والملاعين العاطفية في غرفة فندق أو في حفلة.

في المنتدى ، يمكنك العثور على أكثر من 4 آلاف قصة جنسية للهواة. تمت كتابتها جميعًا بواسطة مستخدمين كانوا يعيشون أسلوب حياة الديوث بين الأعراق لبعض الوقت الآن. هنا يمكنك إثارة خيالك بمثل هذه القصص:
  • أول تجربة الديوث الأعراق ؛
  • اعتراف في أكثر التخيلات سرية وممنوعة ؛
  • التفاصيل الساخنة من الإجازات والحفلات ولقاءات الصدفة ؛
  • الاعتراف بمختلف الأشياء المثيرة ؛
  • قصص الهواة من الديوثون والزوجات الساخنة.
في إحدى القصص المثيرة للهواة في منتدى الديوث ، يمكن أيضًا إرفاق صورة أو صورة جنسية. بالطبع ، إذا كانت هذه صورة حقيقية لمشارك في القصة ، فهذه إضافة لطيفة أو تجربة مثيرة. ربما يؤدي إرفاق صورة من تاريخ جنسي إلى إثارة خيال الذكور بشكل أفضل ولن يؤدي مشاهدتها إلا إلى زيادة صلابة قضيبه.

إذا كان لديك الكثير من الخبرة في قسم مثل الديوث بين الأعراق ، فأسرع لمشاركة قصة الهواة الخاصة بك مع المستخدمين. أو ربما الكتابة وتذكر أن تجربة الحياة المثيرة ستقودك إلى موجة جديدة من الإثارة والعاطفة في الوقت الحالي؟ سوف يسعد شريكك الحقيقي ، هذا أمر مؤكد.

إذا كنت ترغب في مشاركة تجربتك أو اعترافك - فأنت في منتدى قصص الديوث والجنس بين الأعراق​

ربما كنت مستخدمًا للمنتدى لبعض الوقت ، لكن لسبب ما لم تشارك في قسم قصص الديوث بين الأعراق والجنس ، ربما تعتقد أن السبب في كتابة منشورك هنا. بعد كل شيء ، وقضيب صلب ، إنها أكثر متعة وتأثيرًا عليك.

أو ربما تبحث عن سيناري جديدة لاجتماعاتك في المستقبل الواقعية؟ من الممكن أن يمنحك موضوع المنتدى الخاص به.

على أي حال ، فإن القصة هي تجربة غير عادية ويمكن أن نقول الناس شيئًا مثيرًا لم يعرفوه قبل. ربما يمنحك عقدًا يمنحك فرصة الحصول على منحة دراسية جديدة.

الأشياء المثيرة للاهتمام من الأشياء المثيرة للاهتمام والاعراض. سيسمح لك ذلك.

سوف يمنحك المنتدى تجربة غير عادية في أي موقف ، أينما كنت. وستجعل التفاصيل المثيرة حياتك أكثر إشراقًا.

Who needs interracial and erotic stories on the forums and why?​

What are the important components of sex? Every adult will respond differently. But in any case, good fantasy and experience will be an significant part of any story. According to some reports, the popularity of the erotic genre of literature has recently increased. Maybe «50 Shades of Grey» is involved. But fans of interracial sex and cuckold know a lot about erotic stories that will be clearly hotter than this book. The confession of any adult user on an erotic forum will stir up real sexual desire. And you will no longer notice how any detailed amateur story of experience, your hand reaches into your underwear.

The richest section of the forum in colorful history​

A forum with an erotic story about interracial cuckold and sex is a real great place where you can freely find passion and confession in your hottest adult fantasies and experiences. The adult amateur forum is not a book to be found on the Internet, or to read for a long time, leafing through perhaps unnecessary details.

Any erotic story on the forum is a summary of the best moments of interracial sex and cuckold. You can even read a real life story or even a few during your lunch break or when you are waiting for your partner to get out of the shower. On the forum you will find many real life stories written by both adult men and women. After all, who, if not a hotwife, can describe her deepest and sweetest feelings and experience in a frank confession that will be in her erotic story.

Perhaps any adult have heard that sex in the lives of women who read erotic stories becomes brighter and richer. And the interracial theme and cuckold is one of the most mysterious in life and therefore more exciting.

Cuckold and interracial sex: a forum with any story will make sex brighter​

For any adult, an erotic story helps understand and accept their fantasies. Well, if you fantasize about interracial sex and cuckold, then you've come to the right place. The forum will help you find any confession and real life story shared by the user - the same adult and free person.

Any adult woman consists of emotions, impressionability and brightness of perception. Therefore, reading any erotic story on the forum will immediately draw certain images and sensations in her imagination.

Also, a real life erotic story can be a great way to tell your partner about your secret desire. It will help you to say what new things you would like to try in real life. For men, it can be an easy way to relax.

If you are tired, stressed, then reading an amateur erotic story with an amazing confession about fucking a black man or a married couple's first cuckold experience will give you relaxation and excite your feelings in real life.

An erotic amateur interracial story: adult inspiration and imagination​

An interracial and cuckold erotic story can be a real source of inspiration. It can be the beginning of a game with a partner, or a date scenario with a new black man, or end in masturbation. Each amateur sex story becomes a kind of confession of any side of the interracial cuckold lifestyle.

Perhaps you are already reading some kind of erotic story and imagine yourself in the role of some hero. And now you are already transported into the sweet world of excitement, imagining a new date in the details of all the curves, moans and passionate fucks in a hotel room or at a party.

On the forum you can find more than 4 thousand amateur erotic stories. They are all written by users who have been living the interracial cuckold lifestyle for some time now. Here you can excite your imagination with such stories:
  • first interracial cuckold experience;
  • confession in the most secret and forbidden fantasies;
  • hot details from vacations, parties, chance encounters;
  • confession in various exciting erotic things;
  • amateur stories of cuckolds and hotwives.
In an amateur erotic story on a cuckold forum, a photo or sex picture can also be attached. Of course, if this is a real photo of a participant in the story, this is a nice addition or an exciting experience. Perhaps attaching a photo from a sex date will better excite the male imagination and only viewing them will make his cock harden.

إذا كان لديك الكثير من الخبرة في قسم مثل الديوث بين الأعراق ، فأسرع لمشاركة قصة الهواة الخاصة بك مع المستخدمين. أو ربما الكتابة وتذكر أن تجربة الحياة المثيرة ستقودك إلى موجة جديدة من الإثارة والعاطفة في الوقت الحالي؟ سوف يسعد شريكك الحقيقي ، هذا أمر مؤكد.

إذا كنت ترغب في مشاركة تجربتك أو اعترافك - فأنت في منتدى قصص الديوث والجنس بين الأعراق​

ربما كنت مستخدمًا للمنتدى لبعض الوقت ، لكن لسبب ما لم تشارك تجربتك في قسم قصص الديوث بين الأعراق والجنس ، فربما تقرر أخيرًا كتابة منشورك هنا. بعد كل شيء ، يجب أن تعترف بأن معرفة أن قصتك المثيرة للهواة تثير شخصًا ما في الحياة الواقعية وصولاً إلى سراويل داخلية مبللة وقضيب صلب ، إنها أكثر متعة ولها تأثير إيجابي عليك.

أو ربما تبحث عن سيناريوهات جديدة لاجتماعاتك المستقبلية في الحياة الواقعية؟ ثم يمكن أن يمنحك موضوع المنتدى الخاص بالقصص المثيرة بين الأعراق اعترافًا جديدًا أو ربما حتى اعترافًا غير عادي لسيناريو الاجتماع.

على أي حال ، فإن القصة المثيرة هي تجربة غير عادية ويمكن أن تمنح الناس شيئًا لم يعرفوه من قبل. ربما يمنح اعترافك لشخص ما ليلة عاطفية ومغامرات غير عادية وأفكار جديدة.

من المؤكد أن القصة المثيرة للهواة والاعتراف الحقيقي سيجدان استجابة واسعة من المستخدمين الذين سيدعمون ويعبرون عن آرائهم وعواطفهم الإيجابية في التعليقات. سيسمح لك ذلك بالعثور على معارف جديدة ، وربما العثور على قراء منتظمين.

سوف يمنحك المنتدى تجربة غير عادية في أي موقف ، أينما كنت. وستجعل التفاصيل المثيرة الحقيقية حياتك أكثر إشراقًا.

Who needs interracial and erotic stories on the forums and why?​

What are the important components of sex? Every adult will respond differently. But in any case, good fantasy and experience will be an significant part of any story. According to some reports, the popularity of the erotic genre of literature has recently increased. Maybe «50 Shades of Grey» is involved. But fans of interracial sex and cuckold know a lot about erotic stories that will be clearly hotter than this book. The confession of any adult user on an erotic forum will stir up real sexual desire. And you will no longer notice how any detailed amateur story of experience, your hand reaches into your underwear.

The richest section of the forum in colorful history​

A forum with an erotic story about interracial cuckold and sex is a real great place where you can freely find passion and confession in your hottest adult fantasies and experiences. The adult amateur forum is not a book to be found on the Internet, or to read for a long time, leafing through perhaps unnecessary details.

Any erotic story on the forum is a summary of the best moments of interracial sex and cuckold. You can even read a real life story or even a few during your lunch break or when you are waiting for your partner to get out of the shower. On the forum you will find many real life stories written by both adult men and women. After all, who, if not a hotwife, can describe her deepest and sweetest feelings and experience in a frank confession that will be in her erotic story.

Perhaps any adult have heard that sex in the lives of women who read erotic stories becomes brighter and richer. And the interracial theme and cuckold is one of the most mysterious in life and therefore more exciting.

Cuckold and interracial sex: a forum with any story will make sex brighter​

For any adult, an erotic story helps understand and accept their fantasies. Well, if you fantasize about interracial sex and cuckold, then you've come to the right place. The forum will help you find any confession and real life story shared by the user - the same adult and free person.

Any adult woman consists of emotions, impressionability and brightness of perception. Therefore, reading any erotic story on the forum will immediately draw certain images and sensations in her imagination.

Also, a real life erotic story can be a great way to tell your partner about your secret desire. It will help you to say what new things you would like to try in real life. For men, it can be an easy way to relax.

If you are tired, stressed, then reading an amateur erotic story with an amazing confession about fucking a black man or a married couple's first cuckold experience will give you relaxation and excite your feelings in real life.

An erotic amateur interracial story: adult inspiration and imagination​

An interracial and cuckold erotic story can be a real source of inspiration. It can be the beginning of a game with a partner, or a date scenario with a new black man, or end in masturbation. Each amateur sex story becomes a kind of confession of any side of the interracial cuckold lifestyle.

Perhaps you are already reading some kind of erotic story and imagine yourself in the role of some hero. And now you are already transported into the sweet world of excitement, imagining a new date in the details of all the curves, moans and passionate fucks in a hotel room or at a party.

On the forum you can find more than 4 thousand amateur erotic stories. They are all written by users who have been living the interracial cuckold lifestyle for some time now. Here you can excite your imagination with such stories:
  • first interracial cuckold experience;
  • confession in the most secret and forbidden fantasies;
  • hot details from vacations, parties, chance encounters;
  • confession in various exciting erotic things;
  • amateur stories of cuckolds and hotwives.
In an amateur erotic story on a cuckold forum, a photo or sex picture can also be attached. Of course, if this is a real photo of a participant in the story, this is a nice addition or an exciting experience. Perhaps attaching a photo from a sex date will better excite the male imagination and only viewing them will make his cock harden.

If you have a lot of experience in such a section as interracial cuckold, then hurry up to share your amateur story with users. Or maybe writing and remembering that life erotic experience will whip you up to a new wave of excitement and passion right now? Your real partner will be pleased, that's for sure.

If you want to share your experience or confession - then you are on the forum of interracial cuckold and sex stories​

Perhaps you have been a user of the forum for some time, but for some reason did not share your experience in the section of interracial cuckold and sex stories, then perhaps you decide to finally write your post here. After all, you must admit that knowing that your amateur erotic story excites someone in real life down to wet panties and a hard cock, it's even more pleasurable and has a positive effect on you.

Or perhaps you are looking for new scenarios for your future meetings in real life? Then the forum topic of erotic interracial stories can give you a new or maybe even an unusual confession for the meeting scenario.

In any case, an erotic story is an unusual experience and can give people something that they did not know before. Perhaps your confession will give someone a passionate night and extraordinary adventures and new ideas.

An amateur erotic story and real recognition will surely find a wide response from users who will support and express their opinion and positive emotions in the comments. That will allow you to find new acquaintances, and maybe find regular readers.

The forum will give you an unusual experience in any situation, wherever you are. And real erotic details will make your life brighter.
Well written and insightful

Who needs interracial and erotic stories on the forums and why?​

What are the important components of sex? Every adult will respond differently. But in any case, good fantasy and experience will be an significant part of any story. According to some reports, the popularity of the erotic genre of literature has recently increased. Maybe «50 Shades of Grey» is involved. But fans of interracial sex and cuckold know a lot about erotic stories that will be clearly hotter than this book. The confession of any adult user on an erotic forum will stir up real sexual desire. And you will no longer notice how any detailed amateur story of experience, your hand reaches into your underwear.

The richest section of the forum in colorful history​

A forum with an erotic story about interracial cuckold and sex is a real great place where you can freely find passion and confession in your hottest adult fantasies and experiences. The adult amateur forum is not a book to be found on the Internet, or to read for a long time, leafing through perhaps unnecessary details.

Any erotic story on the forum is a summary of the best moments of interracial sex and cuckold. You can even read a real life story or even a few during your lunch break or when you are waiting for your partner to get out of the shower. On the forum you will find many real life stories written by both adult men and women. After all, who, if not a hotwife, can describe her deepest and sweetest feelings and experience in a frank confession that will be in her erotic story.

Perhaps any adult have heard that sex in the lives of women who read erotic stories becomes brighter and richer. And the interracial theme and cuckold is one of the most mysterious in life and therefore more exciting.

Cuckold and interracial sex: a forum with any story will make sex brighter​

For any adult, an erotic story helps understand and accept their fantasies. Well, if you fantasize about interracial sex and cuckold, then you've come to the right place. The forum will help you find any confession and real life story shared by the user - the same adult and free person.

Any adult woman consists of emotions, impressionability and brightness of perception. Therefore, reading any erotic story on the forum will immediately draw certain images and sensations in her imagination.

Also, a real life erotic story can be a great way to tell your partner about your secret desire. It will help you to say what new things you would like to try in real life. For men, it can be an easy way to relax.

If you are tired, stressed, then reading an amateur erotic story with an amazing confession about fucking a black man or a married couple's first cuckold experience will give you relaxation and excite your feelings in real life.

An erotic amateur interracial story: adult inspiration and imagination​

An interracial and cuckold erotic story can be a real source of inspiration. It can be the beginning of a game with a partner, or a date scenario with a new black man, or end in masturbation. Each amateur sex story becomes a kind of confession of any side of the interracial cuckold lifestyle.

Perhaps you are already reading some kind of erotic story and imagine yourself in the role of some hero. And now you are already transported into the sweet world of excitement, imagining a new date in the details of all the curves, moans and passionate fucks in a hotel room or at a party.

On the forum you can find more than 4 thousand amateur erotic stories. They are all written by users who have been living the interracial cuckold lifestyle for some time now. Here you can excite your imagination with such stories:
  • first interracial cuckold experience;
  • confession in the most secret and forbidden fantasies;
  • hot details from vacations, parties, chance encounters;
  • confession in various exciting erotic things;
  • amateur stories of cuckolds and hotwives.
In an amateur erotic story on a cuckold forum, a photo or sex picture can also be attached. Of course, if this is a real photo of a participant in the story, this is a nice addition or an exciting experience. Perhaps attaching a photo from a sex date will better excite the male imagination and only viewing them will make his cock harden.

If you have a lot of experience in such a section as interracial cuckold, then hurry up to share your amateur story with users. Or maybe writing and remembering that life erotic experience will whip you up to a new wave of excitement and passion right now? Your real partner will be pleased, that's for sure.

If you want to share your experience or confession - then you are on the forum of interracial cuckold and sex stories​

Perhaps you have been a user of the forum for some time, but for some reason did not share your experience in the section of interracial cuckold and sex stories, then perhaps you decide to finally write your post here. After all, you must admit that knowing that your amateur erotic story excites someone in real life down to wet panties and a hard cock, it's even more pleasurable and has a positive effect on you.

Or perhaps you are looking for new scenarios for your future meetings in real life? Then the forum topic of erotic interracial stories can give you a new or maybe even an unusual confession for the meeting scenario.

In any case, an erotic story is an unusual experience and can give people something that they did not know before. Perhaps your confession will give someone a passionate night and extraordinary adventures and new ideas.

An amateur erotic story and real recognition will surely find a wide response from users who will support and express their opinion and positive emotions in the comments. That will allow you to find new acquaintances, and maybe find regular readers.

The forum will give you an unusual experience in any situation, wherever you are. And real erotic details will make your life brighter.
About seven years ago I got a story details program / app. In it you get to define each of the characters simple things like height, weight, eye colour, hair colour and first language plus dialects and slang. You could also set the location for the story. This would insure You had complete travel routes and back up routes complete with street names cross street names and where traffic lights are. You could set the time of years which would insure you got the weather right and colour right. You could set the local of such things as hotels and clubs getting the colour right and food choices. You could give start and stop locations for trains and planes. Get schedules and times between. It also corrected for time changes. It used historical info for weather conditions at all points in between. This level of detail gave your stories a much more believable tone.

the first story I wrote I thought would be two maybe three pages long. It took me a month to write. Ended up being twenty two pages and covering a period of a four day weekend.

when I submitted it to the site I decided to wait a month to see the reaction to it.

the men of colour felt that it took to long to get to the naughty bits. The white couples for the most part loved it because of the detail in the story. Right down to hotel room colour, carpet texture, the smells and all their amenities like a pool, hot tube and sauna.

the second chapter set six months later got even more responce from white couples to the point I was being asked if they could join me on my adventures.

just before covid shut us down I wrote about a older couple going to Barbados and included as one of my characters enough information about a gentleman from this site (no I did not give out his name just a discription) and a club / resort he liked to visit. Did not think anything of it at the time. Then I got two DM one from a couple that met him right before the shut down and one from the guy that I had described in my story. They recognized him by both his sandals and his style of shirt. He had posted three photos of himself on this site. One showed his red sandals a second showed him in his shirt. The third showed his erect manhood. No names at least no real ones. However the app did suggest so local slang. The couple did the rest. I did get back feed back from them. He responded asking how I knew him as he had a great time.

then I learned this couple wrote about their experience and they gave their recommendation to others. They also told me they knew I had stayed there due to the fact I knew the resort lay out, it menu and the smell of its gardens. They filled a lot more details than I had. Now about once every few months he writes me to thank me for getting him started.
Here is the true story of my wife’s seduction by a black man and my response to him to ask him back and also looking for others interested in doing the same. Enjoy!

I want to thank you for the great memories that I have when you gave my white wife the fucking of her life. Watching your BBC giving her orgasm after orgasm was almost more than I could stand. I am posting this because I am hoping that maybe you will read this and want to give her again thefucking of our lives and that any other hot black well hung professional type businessman would be willing to put in the time to do the same. As you know my wife is a classy older married white conservative women that you met as we were sitting at the bar in the nightclub In southwest St. Louis.

She had several glasses of wine and was getting alittle flirty with me and ask me ( her husband) if I wanted to dance. I am not much of the dancing type but when one of her favorite dance songs was being played by the band there she ask me again if I wanted to dance and again I said no. You were standing by the bar drinking your ******* nicely dressed and looking like you were there for a good time. I told my wife why don't you ask that black gentleman to dance so she immediately went up to you and ask if you would be so kind and of course you did and must of knew that I wanted this also because you bumped and ground up against her the whole time getting feels. When the dance was over she came back to her bar seat next to me all out of breath saying that was hot. The next dance was a slow on which you ask her to dance again and this time you got more playful with her with alot of the patrons watching the show with my white wife. She came back to the bar again next to me and said that she could feel your hard cock pressing up against her. Next thing I knew you were standing right behind us at the bar and bought her and I a *******. I then heard her say "OH MY GOD" !!! HONEY IT'S HUGE!!! I looked down and she had your Big Black Cock in her left hand wrapped around it pulling and stoking it right there in the bar. I damn near shot my load in my pants right there especially when I saw her wedding right shining against the dark black skin of you big cock. I knew she was going to get fucked by you that night. You said you would follow us home to our house to fuck her brains out in front of me.

When we got in the house she ask me if I would get all three of us a ******* which I immediately did as I watched as she stood in the living room in front of you and took her top and bra off. As you sat down in the chair your dropped your pants and out popped that magnificent BBC that she earlier had in her hands. As I sat the drinks down I heard you moan and your head laid back on the chair as I saw my wife's perfectly red lipstick lips wrapped around your BBC head. She sucked up and down your shaft foe a few minutes and said to you that you black men have such huge cocks and I love it then she went back down on your cock again and again you moaned and through your head back. If you remember while she was continuing to aggressively suck you off you looked over at me and pulled her blonde hair back so to make sure I got a good view of your BBC in my wife's mouth.

You kept asking her if she loved your BBC and she kept saying yes she loved your BBC. She then got up from sucking your cock and said I have to have that BBC in my pussy as she pulled her skirt down and off and laid on the living room floor totally naked with her legs spread at which time you got on the floor and began to eat her married white pussy. I knelt next to her jacking my dick and you told me. To move up next to her and stick it in her mouth. She sucked me for a little while as you continued to bring moans from her while eating her pussy. She could take it anymore and shouted out in need that BBC in my pussy.

You then got between her legs with that massive BBC of your and started to get ready to put it in her when she told me honey please go in our bedroom and get the lube as I told you that my wife's pussy is very tight. When I returned you had your BBC in your hands stroking it ready to fuck her. I squirted lots of lube in her pussy and I finger fucked her to get it really lubed up and you took some and stroked it well onto your cock. Your then took it and pushed the head into her married white pussy and I heard her give out a huge gasp and you leaned over onto her laying on top of her. I immediately got up and went to the rear of you guys for a better view and omg what a view. What I saw was your huge black cock stretching my wife's pussy to the max. I could do nothing but jack my disk to this wonderful sight. I heard you tell her that you love her married white pussy and she telling you she loves your BBC as well. Thesounds I heard coming from her that night were animalistic and sounds I have never heard come from her before. I counted 3 times as she hollowed out OMG I'm cumming again!

I watched as your muscular black ass moving up and down as I watched you drive your huge black cock into my wife's pussy all the way to your huge balls and then pull all the way back out and in again. I had stop jacking because I was about to blow a load. I looked around you ass and at my wife's face and omg she was flushed red mouth open and her eyes rolled back in her head screaming I'm cumming again at which time you hollered that you were going to cum. She then screamed for you to give her your load give me your load please give me your load. You pulled your big cock out and started stroking while I tried to move up by her to see the show and your grunted and shout a huge load all over her pussy, stomach, tits and some in her face. It was so massive that I felt some of your cum hit my arm. Your then got up and told me you were leaving so I could be alone with her.

You then got dressed and left. My wife and I were both laying there naked and exhausted but I soon began to eat her pussy to orgasm again and then fucked her very loose wet swollen well fucked pussy until shot my load. I tell you this to let you know what happened after you left and from my point of view. This has been a little over two years ago and that is all that has been on my mind watching that over in mind over and over. If you do read this please respond and hopefully you would love to do it again or any other hot black business man type that is willing to seduce her like he did. She doesn't like to be set up but bing hit on by ahot black man I believe she would love to relive this again. She has told me she felt a little bit of regret because she felt funny that she was cheating on me and I told her that is not cheating when your husband is allowed to watch. That I got as much please out of that fucking as she did. So please send me your stats, profession, your passion for white married women and cuckold husbands. If your well built, black, very well hung and want to meet with me to discuss this setup please get back with me soon.

I remember the day very vividly; my wife (Adele) and I had gone to Las Vegas for a conference related to her work. Since Adele would be in the conference center during the next four days, I decided to make the most of the trip. I packed my golf clubs and planned to make good use of them. You see, I am Hal, semi-retired and fourteen years senior to that of Adele.

Although I try to keep myself trim and in-shape, I have not done a very good job this past year. On the other hand, Adele is a real beauty, 44 y/o, petite size 2, 34c, Italian decent, shoulder length black hair, dresses with fashion, real classy; her nails are always done, looks fresh. She works out three times a week doing yoga and Zumba.

So Tuesday morning, Adele leaves our hotel room, headed for the conference center. I packed my golf bag and let her know that I plan on meeting her in the bar, for drinks at about 3:30 that afternoon. The day passes quickly for me.

I show up at the designated bar that afternoon. I walked in and saw Adele, across the way, already seated. Sitting with Adele was a large statured, black man unknown to me. I walked up to the table, kissed Adele, and introduced myself to the man(Brad). I took a seat and looked at Adele with an inquiring eye. Adele proceeded to tell me that Brad was attending the conference as well; Brad works as a contractor for the same Company as that of Adele and also resides in Mesa, AZ, where we live. In fact, she said, that Brad recently relocated to Mesa, purchased a home and lives about six miles from us.

I eyed Brad...placed him about 6'4", 215 lbs., 40ish. He looked athletic and I thought he may have played college sports. Brad told us that he was in the IT industry, worked out regularly and had a weakness for ice cream. We all laughed. Brad's weakness for ice cream motivated him to continue working out.
I could tell that Brad knew his way around social circles. Brad was self-assured, confident, and was a smooth talker. I sensed that Adele had taken an interest in Brad. Too what degree? Time would tell.

That being said, something inside me thought there might be some trouble on the horizon. I think that I was jealous that Brad seemingly came out of nowhere and was looking good to Adele. Was there a rivalry brewing for Adele's affection? I shook off the jealously for the time being and proceeded to order drinks for the three of us.

About an hour later we parted ways, returning to our hotel room and Brad to his place. After dinner that evening, Adele asked me what I thought of Brad. I said he seemed nice and that I looked forward to seeing him again. (I lied, because that jealous feeling came over me again).

Adele responded with something like, that is good because she was planning on inviting Brad over to our house for dinner when we returned home from Las Vegas. I stated that I thought that was rather sudden, since it was my understanding that Adele had just met Brad. Adele agreed, but during lunch at the conference earlier that day, Adele said that he was a very likeable person and that we should see if we can develop a friendship with people that may be outside of our usual social circles.

After the conference Adele and I returned home. Over the next several weeks, Brad was invited over to our home several times, for lunch and for dinner. Brad was always cordial and respectful. Adele took a liking to Brad and did not hesitate to wear her swimming attire in his presence. I noticed that Adele had purchased several new one-piece swim suits and was sporting a new one each time Brad came over to the house. Our backyard had a pool area with a cabana, so being outdoors was a regular thing especially during the Spring time. I also noticed that when Adele and Brad sat next to one another, Adele touched Brad on the arm multiple times (just as any friend might) whenever anything funny was said. I could also tell that Brad had taken a liking to Adele. Adele and I are from conservative backgrounds so I was unsure what Adele and Brad might have going. Was it something like a friendship or maybe more?

Adele did not date much during school and when she and I had met; she had told me that her sexual partners had been very few. She always dressed conservatively. But now that she had met Brad, it seemed as though Adele's attitude about her attire had changed and she appeared to have a more casual sense about her. Her cleavage was more noticeable, ample, and her make-up was seemingly always spot-on.

About six weeks after we had returned from Las Vegas, Brad invited us over to his place. We went for lunch, had some drinks and spent several hours visiting. Brad's place was furnished with a masculine touch. The furnishings were heavily varnished and adorned with black and lots of yellow. Many of Brad's art pieces were of African origin. Brad also told us that he had hunted in the past and that the stuffed ******* heads hanging from his living room walls were his kills. As we toured Brad's home, he guided us into his master bedroom. Placed on a mantle were two wooden book ends, hand-carved into the likeness of a man's engorged penis, shaft and mushroom head. The fully-engorged black cocks, as we later found out, were carved for Brad by a friend.

Adele asked Brad about what those bookends were or represented...Brad laughed and explained that they were carved into the image of one of "my body parts". Upon hearing this Adele turned beet red and giggled, as she had no idea that something like that existed.

The three of us had a big laugh and proceeded to enjoy the rest of the visit. Adele and I returned home about 10:00pm. Adele, apparently was still thinking about those bookends as we prepared for bed. Adele giggled, just like a school girl and said to me "do you think that those hand-crafted bookends are the same size as Brad"?

I laughed and said that they probably are. If they are, he is much bigger than me. Adele looked surprised at my comment and said that she had no idea men could get that big down there, I said, yes, honey, some men do get that big. Brad is apparently quite a catch for the ladies.

Two days passed and I was on the golf course late in the day. Adele was calling to tell me that we had received an invite from Brad to go out for some supper and drinks that evening. I did not feel like I wanted to do that, so I told Adele to go ahead and meet Brad. I will go home and eat at the house. Adele said ok and that she would ring me just before heading for home.

About 8:00pm I get a call from Adele telling me that she is driving over to Brad's place for a night cap. I asked Adele if she thought that was a good idea to go over alone? She responded by saying that she wanted another look at Brad's bookends and that she would not be too late.

I asked her to repeat what she had just said, but instead giggled. She repeated..."don't worry, I will not be too late."

At 10:00pm, I went to bed. About 2:00am, I was awakened out of sound sleep by Adele. Adele was hoovering over me and sobbing. Adele explained that Brad had made advances toward her and that she was taken totally by surprise. I asked Adele to explain and she said that Brad had started to massage her neck and back while sitting on the couch, and before she knew it, Brad had escorted her to his master bedroom and laid her down on the bed to continue the massage. Adele explained that all the while Brad had fondled her breasts, removed her dress and unsnapped the catch on the back of the bra. Adele said, I yelled at Brad and told him that it was not right for him to take advantage of me like that. I got up and went to the bathroom to put my clothes back on. I explained to Brad that I love my husband and that I was not going to jeopardize my marriage by having a fling. Brad was not apologetic and indicated that he wanted to see a lot more of me if I wanted it to happen. I became upset, left his home, and came straight here.

Adele became defensive when I asked her about Brad. She said, I know I should not have allowed that to happen, but think back to the last time you and I had satisfying sex, Hal. You always seem to be too tired. I almost feel that we are just living as a brother and sister in this house. I want more out of life than my career. I want a man that desires me and can satisfy me sexually. Hal, can you remember the last time that happened between the two of us, Adele shouted?

I did not know what to say at this point. Adele slept on the couch the rest of the night. The next day was Saturday. I knew that I had to cancel my tee time for that morning. After breakfast, I spoke with Adele about what had taken place the night before. I told Adele that I was to blame. I also said that if you really like this guy Brad, then maybe the three of us should get together to discuss what sort of relationship we can work out. Adele was confused by that statement and, perhaps, a little shaken by what I had said. Adele asked me if I was somehow giving my blessing for her to see Brad on the side?

I replied, that our brother and sister relationship could continue if you wished and you could enjoy yourself with someone who you might enjoy intimately.
Adele did not respond, but left the room in anger. I proceeded to go to my den to study some stock reports. About two hours late Adele walked into the den and sat down. She said, "darling I know what I do not want a divorce. I want to continue working and spending my life with you. But something inside me tells me that I am wrong to think or want another man in my life for recreational sex. I was not raised like that. That would not be fair to you, Hal."
Adele and I spent the rest of the weekend together. On Monday, Adele went to work. When she arrived home she sat down and explained that she had spoken with Brad. He was somewhat shocked when Adele explained what I had suggested about including him in our relationship. Adele told Brad that she would remain married to Hal regardless, but look to Brad, to satisfy her sexual needs.
Brad did not immediately dismiss the idea. However, Brad said that he would be more than willing to discuss the idea with Hal.

Adele and I planned a barbeque and invited Brad over. After discussing the options at length, Brad indicated that he understood that Hal and Adele would remain married and that Adele would be available to Brad when he wanted to date her.

Brad gave Adele and myself five requirements for this situation to work:

1) Brad would be Adele's only Bull
2) Adele and Brad would get better acquainted at his home over the next four weeks without Hal being present.
3) Brad promised to get tested regularly, and if negative, he would cease using condoms.
4) Brad indicated that once either Hal or Adele enters his home they would abide by his rules.
5) Brad brought a gift with him to the barbeque. The gift was for Adele and was a 9 and 1/2 inch black dildo that Brad wanted Adele to begin using immediately.

Over the next several weeks, Adele was spending a lot of time over at Brad's. Four weeks into their new relationship, Adele mentioned to Hal that she now understood what she had been missing all of her married life. Adele said that Brad's touch was electric and that each time Brad had invited Adele over to his house, her sexual appetite was off the charts.

After the fifth week, Hal was told that he could come by Brad's home if he wished and enjoy watching Brad plow and hump Adele.
The first night Hal was invited over to Brad's was one Hal would never forget.

After dinner, Brad and Adele excused themselves at about 8:30pm. Brad told Hal that there were blankets in the walk-in closet and that the couch was comfortable to sleep on. See you in the morning, Brad snickered to Hal, "see you in the morning".

Hal was left on the couch in the den in front of the big screen TV. After 45 minutes or so, Hal thought he heard Adele moaning and it was coming from the master bedroom. Hal slowly got up from the couch and made his way down the hall to where the master bedroom was located. The door was only half-way closed. Hal stood outside the doorway, never entering, and listened intently as Adele's moaning grew louder and louder. Brad was eating Adele and wickedly using his tongue to excite her clit. Adele became breathless. Adele and Brad changed positions. Hal peaked around the corner into the semi-lit master bedroom and he could hear Brad's balls slapping against Adele's body. Brad was penetrating Adele again and again with his huge, engorged, black cock. Hal could see Brad's backside in the light. Brad's buttocks were strong and sizeable. Brad's lower body strength was evident as he thrust his girthy black shaft and mushroom cockhead into and out of Adele's tiny vagina opening. It was quickly apparent to Hal that Brad knew exactly what he had been aiming for; hitting Adele's "g-spot" over and over. Hal only got a glimpse, but after 20 minutes or so Brad and Adele changed positions yet again. This time Adele was face-down, with two pillows supporting her hips. Brad mounted Adele and began relentlessly penetrating Adele from the rear. Brad brought his full ******* and fury as Adele was over-whelmed with pleasure all the while experiencing countless orgasms. Adele's grunts echoed louder and louder, until Brad had to stop and give Adele a chance to catch her breath. It was apparent that Adele's neck and cleavage were the color red from the increased ******* flow and heat she was experiencing. Adele's body was glistening with sweat. After a short break the two were at it again. Brad ravaged Adele's body with his love-making skills. Mind you Hal witnessed this for the better part of 50 minutes. Brad was drilling Adele. Brad's 6'4" body totally engulfed Adele's. Hal had never witnessed such an intense encounter before. Hal turned and left, returning to the den. As he approached the den Hal could hear Brad grunting as he released his full load into Adele. Hal was in a state of disbelief. He always thought Adele to be the inexperienced lover. Not true anymore. Hal thought that Brad must have mentored Adele very well over the past four weeks or so. Hal thought to himself, have I lost the woman that I have loved to this black stallion of a man?
Hal slept on the couch until the morning light. Hal awoke and saw that Adele had already dressed and her hair was neatly styled. She wore red lipstick and a light rouge was applied to her face. Her brown eyes were full of life and her lips were full. Brad soon made his entrance into the kitchen and asked if everyone had slept well?

After breakfast Hal and Adele prepared to leave. But before leaving Hal called Brad to the side and asked if he could see the bookends one more time. Brad laughed and said sure. Hal grabbed his cell phone and once in the master bedroom with Brad, Hal asked if Brad would slip his pants down so that Hal could get a pic. Brad laughed and said. Sure, just for you.

Hal snapped a pic of Brad's private parts. Hal thanked Brad. Adele and Hal proceeded to the car to return home. Brad escorted the two out to the car and embraced Adele. Adele repeatedly kissed Brad. Adele explained that she was looking forward to her next visit. She also indicated to Brad, that if he did not know it already, she could be available to him when ever he wanted. Brad smiled and said that's my girl.

The following morning, Hal and Adele sat at their kitchen table. Adele had dressed and was ready to leave for work.
Adele said to Hal, "I want to thank you so very much, honey, for being my husband and working this out with me and Brad. I am truly a new woman. I love you so much, Hal". Hal thought about it and said to himself, gosh I have a lot to be thankful for....happy wife happy life.


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the best scenario for interracial sex story is were the white husband has his white wife all to himself ... meaning her took her virginity and he is the only man to fuck her only man to see her naked and especially the man to impregnate her then she does all those things with a black man
It's a really hot concept because of the corruption of the previously inexperienced wife. (One of my all time favorites along these lines is Boss Man by Pervitron; check it out)

I love the idea of the bull unlocking a side of the wife that neither wife or husband knew existed. Because she'd only been with one man she didn't understand how exciting rough and dirty sex could be. The bull unlocks that and she goes from being an occasional and reluctant sex partner to being an enthusiastic, but highly obedient and submissive slut with no limits.

I love stories where the main character husband says that the wife disliked (and rarely or never did) acts like blowjobs or doggy style. But in her first encounters with the bull she unzips and throats his penis without being asked. Or she turns away from him and raises her naked bottom and vagina for rear penetration.
About seven years ago I got a story details program / app. In it you get to define each of the characters simple things like height, weight, eye colour, hair colour and first language plus dialects and slang. You could also set the location for the story. This would insure You had complete travel routes and back up routes complete with street names cross street names and where traffic lights are. You could set the time of years which would insure you got the weather right and colour right. You could set the local of such things as hotels and clubs getting the colour right and food choices. You could give start and stop locations for trains and planes. Get schedules and times between. It also corrected for time changes. It used historical info for weather conditions at all points in between. This level of detail gave your stories a much more believable tone.

the first story I wrote I thought would be two maybe three pages long. It took me a month to write. Ended up being twenty two pages and covering a period of a four day weekend.

when I submitted it to the site I decided to wait a month to see the reaction to it.

the men of colour felt that it took to long to get to the naughty bits. The white couples for the most part loved it because of the detail in the story. Right down to hotel room colour, carpet texture, the smells and all their amenities like a pool, hot tube and sauna.

the second chapter set six months later got even more responce from white couples to the point I was being asked if they could join me on my adventures.

just before covid shut us down I wrote about a older couple going to Barbados and included as one of my characters enough information about a gentleman from this site (no I did not give out his name just a discription) and a club / resort he liked to visit. Did not think anything of it at the time. Then I got two DM one from a couple that met him right before the shut down and one from the guy that I had described in my story. They recognized him by both his sandals and his style of shirt. He had posted three photos of himself on this site. One showed his red sandals a second showed him in his shirt. The third showed his erect manhood. No names at least no real ones. However the app did suggest so local slang. The couple did the rest. I did get back feed back from them. He responded asking how I knew him as he had a great time.

then I learned this couple wrote about their experience and they gave their recommendation to others. They also told me they knew I had stayed there due to the fact I knew the resort lay out, it menu and the smell of its gardens. They filled a lot more details than I had. Now about once every few months he writes me to thank me for getting him started.
What is the name of this app? It sounds useful.