Do you keep your lifestyle a secret?

No one knows about our activities in this lifestyle, although when I divoced my ex wife, things got a little ugly and she told quite a few friends and family that I was a bi-cuckold and for 15 years I seeked out men to have sex with her. So that was a huge problem for me at the time. We haven't ever mentioned this lifestyle with my current wife to friends or vice versa, but most know my past and we guess they assume we are also in a cuckold/ hotwife relationship. Fortunately all have respected our privacy on this and not single person as ever asked us.
Our friend of 4 years who has/had regular sex with my wife, has told his male friends about her/us, but on agreement he never tells them who we are or show face pics of us. Most of his friends had never heard of the term 'cuckold/hotwife/bull' when we met, so they loved hearing about what he had got up to after we'd catch up.
We tried to keep to keep our life style a secret. Unfortunately some people found out and friends started making passes at my wife now. Be careful especially if your wife is a looker. People eventually stop caring, so I wouldnt stress it.
Only two people have found out what we do. My brother and one of hubby's friends.
How did you deal with your brother finding out? When my ex told my sister, she wasn't so fazed about the fetish side of it, but that it caused our divorce. My sister was pretty close to my ex, so it hurt her as well... basically all she said to me was ' I won't judge what you got into, but what did you expect allowing other men into your bedroom, it was always going to end in tears, and you're as much to blame as her'.
Has he judged you at all or just accepted its your life.
Actually it was Twitter that ratted me out to my brother. Didn't realize it was going to email the contacts on my phone. Luckily most people I know either don't use it or have kept quiet. lol. He was really cool about it though. Just said I'd better make sure our parents don't find out.
It’s private between cucky and I. Two reasons really: it’s sexier to have naughty little secrets only we know, and I don’t want anyone who doesn’t understand judging him.
Yeah, didn't get that option when I was 'outed' as a cuck, I know I was judged by others, more so than my ex actually. In most peoples eyes a man is meant to protect 'his property' and what sort of man not only allows his wife to have sex with other men, but actively encourages it. Rightly or wrongly I had friends that I feel lost respect for me for allowing it all to happen.
Actually it was Twitter that ratted me out to my brother. Didn't realize it was going to email the contacts on my phone. Luckily most people I know either don't use it or have kept quiet. lol. He was really cool about it though. Just said I'd better make sure our parents don't find out.
Well, my mom in-law found out and somewhat guessed it anyway but we managed to prevent my own mom finding out, which would've been hard on her and myself.
No one knows about our activities in this lifestyle, although when I divoced my ex wife, things got a little ugly and she told quite a few friends and family that I was a bi-cuckold and for 15 years I seeked out men to have sex with her. So that was a huge problem for me at the time. We haven't ever mentioned this lifestyle with my current wife to friends or vice versa, but most know my past and we guess they assume we are also in a cuckold/ hotwife relationship. Fortunately all have respected our privacy on this and not single person as ever asked us.
Our friend of 4 years who has/had regular sex with my wife, has told his male friends about her/us, but on agreement he never tells them who we are or show face pics of us. Most of his friends had never heard of the term 'cuckold/hotwife/bull' when we met, so they loved hearing about what he had got up to after we'd catch up.

Your Ex wife sounds like a real miserable human
Your Ex wife sounds like a real miserable human
Well, she got sick of people assuming she was a serial cheater fucking around behind my back while I was the innocent victim and it was destroying me by what she was doing to me. So I understood it from her side as well. Probably could have just said we were swingers, but she made sure everyone knew exactly what a cuckold is, what they're into and obviously that most of them have small dicks. So she did it so she wasn't the only to blame. To be honest I think more people understood her motivation for seeking extra sex than mine for wanting her to do it.
Hmm much for the sanctity of marriage in any sense of the word....

Seems to me she was trying to inflict as much pain as possible on her way out the door....that's vengeful where I come from.

But all that matters is you have closure with it.
Hmm much for the sanctity of marriage in any sense of the word....

Seems to me she was trying to inflict as much pain as possible on her way out the door....that's vengeful where I come from.

But all that matters is you have closure with it.
Yeah, divorce can get pretty ugly. Not only you are carving up assets, money etc. friends and family seem to become become prized assets or collateral damage that you also want to keep after the dust settles. I'm still friends with most, but the fact they know all this about still pisses me off.
Once we divorced, she fucked half of the city, so most friends knew or realised was in her anyway, plus she always was a cocktease and loved to dress slutty... they just didn't know mild mannered Clark Kent was actually a willing cuckold. That was the bit I was hoping to keep a secret :(