What Ideas Do You Kind Of Agree With However Cannot Agree With Yet.

The Arranger

Gold Member
I have few.
1) Electric Cars. Did you know that Henry Fords wife Drove an Electric Car. So yes I like the idea.
Problem is the North American Power Grid is not Ready to Charge all the Cars.
The Battery Chemicals are Hard to Process Pollution Free.
The Battery Re cycling is not yet in place.
The Whole Life of the Car is not yet Re Cyclable.

On the Plus Side the Engine Torque is off the charts making the cars very fast.

2) GMO Crops. Basically this means that the Farmer only owns the seed / crop for one year. They cannot hold any thing back to plan next year. The seed companies can come on your land and check your crop to insure you are not using their seeds. Problem is if you are not using their seeds however the pollen from a neighbours field happens to pollinate your field they have the right to ask that your field be destroyed

On the Farm that I Own we Grow Barley That is non GMO for two Groups. Beer Brewers and Chicken Farmers that grow Stiroid and Hormoin Free meat.we get paid extra for this crop. So we don’t want seed inspectors flattening our crop. We also grow hops. GMO crops also stress our Bee Population.

So what ideas or Technologies up set you.
I rarely get turned on with new tech advancements, like electric cars, until they've worked out the bugs & make maintenance simple & convenient.

I believe AI technology is the biggest challenge facing us now. It will absorb everything in the next few decades. Humans will eventually no longer have a true purpose or value and find themselves on the extinction list as AI learns to self-maintenance & advance itself. It won't be long until we won't even know we're working with AI humanoids in practically every job or service that currently exists. Humans will never last once they have no purpose or usefulness.

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Now to me Fair. I Used to work in Manufacturing of Auto Parts. When I started It was in Car Seats. Real Simple Right. Well when I started I quickly Learned That due to my advance years 31 i was not liked. So they taught me all the jobs on the line then sent me to the area making Head Rests. The only job where you worked my you self. Mistake. With in Six month i could make 8 hours of head rest in five hours. Well no crime go un punishe i was moved to the area making leather Head rests as they were becoming more popular. Got real fast there as well and accurate. This got me moved to the area where they build the seat frames and attach the seat belts. With in a month i could load me section of the line three frames deep so at the end of each rotation i had 20 minutes while they built the seats. Management loved me however the rest of the line had a real dislike for me.

The next plant was a wheel plant. This was back when 16 inch wheel were standard. Got fast they and was moved to and area that made 17 inch wheels which quickly became the standard on North American Trucks. Once all the lines got converted over to 17 inch wheels i got changed over to 18 inch wheels. These wheel had to be + or - .5 of a MM. to put this in us measurements 25 mm equals one inch so 1/50 of and inch. At the moment AI not that accurate yet They are getting there. However in 2008 we were measuring 1 wheel every hour and it was sent to an AIM Operator for further testing.

My Next job was for a Company that both Made and develope Auto Glass. When is started there the plan the had 600 employees. When i left it has 175 and i was 69 on the seniority list. That should tell you about the number of employees higher on the list than me that either retired or quit. Yes technology was being introduced however the inspection technology is not evolving as quickly as the rest. There will be jobs in manufacturing for a long time to come only it will be in the area of inspection, and production checks.

Currently working On a Part time Bases in a company that builds Prefab Panel Homes. Two days a week which will go to more as they ramp up production. The Homes we send out the door Plastic Wrapped on Trucks take about a week to assemble. I also work with a group that teaches Home Inspectors How these Homes work. So far we have built 4 Homes for Building Inspectors with in 50 miles. The Energy efficiencies are un believable when compared to Stick Frame Construction. We are teaching at least two courses a month on how to assemble these homes. Not bad for a guy that is retired. At the moment we have 5 lines with 3 journey man (person) carpenters, 1 Electrician Journey Person and 1Plumbing Journey Person plus all the Apprentice's per shift two shifts a day five days a week. We also have Wood Processors that run the cut programs and assembler the build packages working three shifts a day 5 days a week. There is another plant that builds all of our stairs, counters and cabinets. Been told they will be ramping up by the of the year.

Yes innovation is scary old jobs are disappearing how ever new jobs are coming on line. Oh and those old tradesmen in the field they are not going any where.