I had a weird real life experience with someone from this site

We always have a set of rules in mind when attempting to meet someone, if they no show once we cut off communication and she usually blocks them.

It's a sign of lack of trust. If they can't communicate they had xyz going on instead, an emergency came up, feeling tired, etc within due time what else isn't being communicated? When we setup a day/time we've taken steps to ensure that's going to work for us.

I believe everyone needs this approach. Makes life simpler, no one wants the drama. If your SO isn't ready or is second guessing communicate that with the other party prior, if that person is respectful they have no issues giving space until things are ready. This is a kink that requires everyone be honest and upfront with things.

I guess it helps we prefer to build a decent relationship with the other party, so it's not just some strangers we don't know🤷‍♂️
More cents.... Lol

I've learned over the years - there's a correlation of HOTNESS in relation to the DRAMA 🎭 and a girl has to be pretty damn hot to put up with the amount of drama she brings.

... That being said, I'm at the point now that 'hotness' is so arbitrary, so subjective... I prefer Peace of Mind more than a 'piece of ass' 🤣 #TrueStory

I'm sure @superdick33 would agree with me on that. For every sexy girl I had that didn't work out, you best believe there was another one waiting within a week or two! I don't miss any 'missed opportunity' 🚫
ty for the comment.

Im so glad you made a comment and shared your wisdom. I think for the real men on this site - like me, you, and @superdick33 and others that I know and have met - everything you say is true.

Drama is not worth it.

When I was younger - I agree with you - Hotness was worth the drama. But as I get older - there are so many couples and women out there that are nicer, more respectful and less drama.

This couple - And if anyone is in Arizona -please reach out and ill share privately the profile with you - so you dont deal with their nonsense as well. they made a lot of "big promises" and obviously none of them came to fruition.

Its been a couple weeks and Ive already met 2 single girls and one couple. I also might be training one male cuckold. Possibly two, we shall see with the second one - he's younger and none of these young guys know how to follow through. Unfortunate, but true :(

Thanks Mike for adding to the conversation - as always - have fun my brother!!
Exactly that these dudes let pretty girls run them they are SIMPS. These dudes weak as all get out just for some PUM PUM. Edit: Women today are just as bad if not WORSE. Most women today don’t even know how to flirt like the females from the 90’s, They may say dumb ******* like: They like the strong silent type but it’s all 🧢. Men and Women today don’t even get along or vibe or barely even communicate (Western Culture) America 🇺🇸 so it’s Both Sexes especially the younger generation. Their level of understanding and communication is downright atrocious to be exact. As far as @hungteacher you say you met so many people but if you did you would understand most women today say ******* they don’t even mean so check their ACTIONS!💯
thanks for the comment :)

you speak truth. I cannot disagree at all.

I wrote the post "in the moment" you know?
so Im over it, moved on - and not a big deal.

Here's my perspective - and I recognize its to my own detriment, which im working on.

Everything you say is 100% true. Like every word. The younger generation, 20s - is ridiculously immature and cannot even communicate their wants or desires. If I talk to a girl its "I don't know." Thats what teenagers say. Thats how teenagers act. That's not how a 25 year old woman is supposed to behave. So what the heck is going on?

But here's my perspective - and again - you are right and the way I handle these things is wrong. I know that. Im working on it.
I expect people aren't going to be walking zombies. I know, im dumb for that simple expectation, but for some reason, I believe that people are going to be more mature and more polite and more intelligent than they are.

And I am always disappointed.

I should take a more "expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised" approach.

But I just believe too much in people.

It's a weakness, I recognize that. And I hear every word you wrote. I do.
(sigh) Something im working on man.

But I appreciate you brother - stay safe and have fun!!
We always have a set of rules in mind when attempting to meet someone, if they no show once we cut off communication and she usually blocks them.

It's a sign of lack of trust. If they can't communicate they had xyz going on instead, an emergency came up, feeling tired, etc within due time what else isn't being communicated? When we setup a day/time we've taken steps to ensure that's going to work for us.

I believe everyone needs this approach. Makes life simpler, no one wants the drama. If your SO isn't ready or is second guessing communicate that with the other party prior, if that person is respectful they have no issues giving space until things are ready. This is a kink that requires everyone be honest and upfront with things.

I guess it helps we prefer to build a decent relationship with the other party, so it's not just some strangers we don't know🤷‍♂️
Those are all great suggestions for people.

The problem I have is that I'm too nice.

No other way to say it, I just give people the benefit of the doubt and I really shouldnt

Its sad to say that people dont deserve that - but its the truth. Most people do not deserve any respect whatsoever.

Its just hard for me to live that way day to day. I come from a mindset that all people deserve respect and if they do something to warrant me cutting them off - then I will do that. but I start with respect.

The shame is that most people in our society are such low lives.

I guess we can blame the school system for that. Right?
Make sense!
thanks for the comment.

What you are describing is typically what happens. I talk to a lot of women, probably far more women than most guys do. And women tell me all the time - the biggest mistake a guy can make is "talking himself out of sex."

When I was younger I didnt understand what that meant, but now with more experience and meeting thousands of people, I get it. Men dont seem to understand situations the way women do. So men tend to over talk and that usually means - no one is interested in them.

The strong silent type is attractive because the men are SILENT.
thanks for the comment :)

you speak truth. I cannot disagree at all.

I wrote the post "in the moment" you know?
so Im over it, moved on - and not a big deal.

Here's my perspective - and I recognize its to my own detriment, which im working on.

Everything you say is 100% true. Like every word. The younger generation, 20s - is ridiculously immature and cannot even communicate their wants or desires. If I talk to a girl its "I don't know." Thats what teenagers say. Thats how teenagers act. That's not how a 25 year old woman is supposed to behave. So what the heck is going on?

But here's my perspective - and again - you are right and the way I handle these things is wrong. I know that. Im working on it.
I expect people aren't going to be walking zombies. I know, im dumb for that simple expectation, but for some reason, I believe that people are going to be more mature and more polite and more intelligent than they are.

And I am always disappointed.

I should take a more "expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised" approach.

But I just believe too much in people.

It's a weakness, I recognize that. And I hear every word you wrote. I do.
(sigh) Something im working on man.

But I appreciate you brother - stay safe and have fun!!
Ok I see the knowledge and the care cool!
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.
I’ve been told by multiple playmates from Arizona that the lifestyle scene in Arizona plays out in the way that you’ve described surprisingly often. I’m not sure why that is but apparently it’s just worse there for some reason. Must be something in the water?
I’ve been told by multiple playmates from Arizona that the lifestyle scene in Arizona plays out in the way that you’ve described surprisingly often. I’m not sure why that is but apparently it’s just worse there for some reason. Must be something in the water?
I have only been in Arizona a couple years, so what I see is two main problems.
1. there is a very strong Mormon culture here- and the mormons hate sex and also humans in general. (no offense)
but Mormon culture is very restrictive - and women are property. In order to have normal relationships, women need to have freedom, and the mormon culture just won't allow that.

2. things are ridiculously spread out. The term suburban sprawl has new meaning in Arizona - as one town is 40 minutes from another town. Which also means, it could take you 40 minutes to drive from one side of town to the other. I dont know about you, but when you have to "commute" for sex - its take the fun out of it.

3. I guess there's a third one. Because things are so spread out - there is no population density. I relocated from NYC. If I go on a dating app - I can meet a girl that's 15 min from me an hour after swiping on her profile. Its just that FAST!!

In Arizona, if I swipe on someone - you will probably NEVER meet - ever!! Theres too much coordination. And because of the distance, no one is motivated to meet. We live in an isolation culture at this point. Everyone wants to spend time on their phone and on their computer. Human interaction is dead.

Hence - why its so hard to meet people.

thats why I am trying to build a private group here in Phx. But it just takes 3x as long to do that. But Im not the type of person who knows how to give up. Some like that about me and some hate that about me. But you Gotta be authentic.
As a bull I tell you stop being sensitive man. It is already hard for them to be in this lifestyle just meet fuck the ******* of the gf and leave and just cut it off.

Honestly I believe you are the drama
As a bull I tell you stop being sensitive man. It is already hard for them to be in this lifestyle just meet fuck the ******* of the gf and leave and just cut it off.

Honestly I believe you are the drama

I love when people like you - read a post from the past - and then PROJECT on to it your own personal feelings. I see this happening online all the time and it makes me chuckle hard.

Dude - I have no idea what your "idea" of a bull is supposed to be - but one of the reasons women love fucking me is because Im much more than just a cock. Women really love that im a real human being. Maybe you should try it sometime - you know - drop the "macho" act and just be real for a second.

And then maybe you wouldn't be trolling the internet looking for posts to "trash on." LOL

but I appreciate the comic relief. LOL
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.
im just surprised why youre wasting time with them.
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.
Basically they’re using you as an enhanced fantasy to spice up their sex life. They may genuinely think they’re going to follow through but in reality once they’ve both got off (especially him) post nut clarity sets in and they get very cold on the idea.
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.

That was wild but I'm glad that you got to set boundaries and make sure everyone is on the same page. I don't like ruining relationships or marriages. I probably would do the same thing. Give a chance if life happens but games like that is a big turnoff indeed.

I know I have to do the same thing. Give a chance and if it gets too weird. Then you have to end it.

I would have done the same thing.
