I had a weird real life experience with someone from this site


Real Person
Gold Member
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

La tua fidanzata è sexy. La tua fidanzata è dietro l'angolo. E voglio scopare la tua fidanzata.

Fantasticare su qualche mitica figa del college che potrei ottenere - è ridicolo... Come se la tua fidanzata fosse qui e ora che vuole scoparmi

O almeno così sembra...

Per farla breve, il fidanzato e la fidanzata lanciano un attacco sibilante.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

Non porto rancore perché questo è un comportamento autodistruttivo. E non voglio aggrapparmi alla rabbia o al risentimento o a qualsiasi altra cosa che possa rovinarmi la vita.

Hanno i loro problemi - e forse se li risolvono possono contattarmi di nuovo

Devono scusarsi profusamente con me e assumersi la PIENA responsabilità al 100% - se si aspettano qualcosa da me.

Ma mai dire mai, quindi forse torneranno in sé.

Come ho detto, il ragazzo ha un account qui - quindi spero che veda questo e se tutti voi commentate e ditegli "che idiota" sta essendo ..
Forse tornerà in sé.

Vorrei scopare la sua fidanzata - non una volta, ma RIPETUTAMENTE per tutto il tempo in cui vivono nelle vicinanze.

Ancora una volta, incontrare una coppia che vive così vicino a te è a dir poco RARO...

Ma ho una vita davvero fantastica e non ho bisogno di drammi o di qualsiasi cosa stia succedendo nel loro mondo.

Grazie per aver ascoltato la comunità B2W.

Ho solo pensato che tutti voi dovreste sapere che ci sono uomini su questo sito che incontrano persone - e ci sono persone reali qui ... Ma a volte le persone hanno i piedi freddi. E va bene così, vorrei solo che le persone fossero più oneste al riguardo.
Hai ragione su tutto. Ma le persone che cambiano idea e trovano scuse si incazzano.
No: I meant that I get pissed off at those people: it may be a sign of my weakness, but I get pissed off anyway.
I hear you.

Yes, anger is a sign of weakness.

But self-awareness is a sigh of strength. So as long as you know that you get angry and you try and control it and reduce the amount of times you get angry - that shows strength of character.
I hear you.

Yes, anger is a sign of weakness.

But self-awareness is a sigh of strength. So as long as you know that you get angry and you try and control it and reduce the amount of times you get angry - that shows strength of character.
Nowadays, if I get angry with someone, I console myself by thinking that it is very likely that they will die in the next revolution or in the next world war.
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.
Thanks for sharing. Probably for the best…sounds like you dodged some real crazy ******* on that one.

Stay safe everyone.
Thanks for sharing. Probably for the best…sounds like you dodged some real crazy ******* on that one.

Stay safe everyone.
I have moved on, obviously.

But I find it interesting now a week later that there are a lot of couples that say there are no "real men" on this site - when here's a situation where the couple was not ready to move forward - but tried to mislead me into thinking they were.
We met our 1st bull on here and yes we were both very nervous, but he was experienced with couples and really helped make us comfortable with our 1st experience.
We both appreciate how much pressure there is for a bull to perform especially for a newbie couple.
I personally have a lot of respect for all the bull's that have fucked my wife (not that there have been a great deal of them. 3 in total) but they have all provided my wife with what I can't, complete satisfaction and for this I'm very grateful.
We met our 1st bull on here and yes we were both very nervous, but he was experienced with couples and really helped make us comfortable with our 1st experience.
We both appreciate how much pressure there is for a bull to perform especially for a newbie couple.
I personally have a lot of respect for all the bull's that have fucked my wife (not that there have been a great deal of them. 3 in total) but they have all provided my wife with what I can't, complete satisfaction and for this I'm very grateful.
ty for the comment
and I appreciate that you understand that a legit bull has Skillz in bed.
You can't just show up and expect to fuck your wife the way she wants to be fucked.
My wife was probably a bit selfish in the beginning and a lot of it was what the bull could do for her, but over the last 3 years or so she has really got into making it more about serving the bull.
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.
I agree with much of what you’re saying. It does appear you have a low view of couples. While I agree there are some crazy couples out there I don’t see that as all couples. I avoid drama. In fact I hate it. This is supposed to be fun. The red flag for me with this couple is they aren’t married and lack maturity and security. Being secure and confident is very important.

Once you have single guys hooking up with single women then it’s no longer this lifestyle but something completely different. Just dating and or hooking up.
Just had a very similar situation in reverse. We've invited this guy over a few times after chatting with him on a local swing club site. Last time he said he fell asleep after taking a shower to get ready to come over. Now he's acting all impatient and being demanding. Guy screwed himself out of a future invite.
Unfortunately I have nothing to teach a stranger and a distant resident. For me it is obvious that meeting the Bull outside of sexual encounters and imagining that other friends know that my partner and I are anyone, as I have never managed to find a girlfriend with whom to create a couple of cuckolds submissive to black males ( and therefore I remained a bachelor). However, if luck had smiled on me, I would have absolutely preferred a relationship with a normally known person, such as a neighbor, a friend, a work colleague or an office manager, so as to avoid the unnatural situation of looking for a foreign Bull and often with a distant home.
I agree with much of what you’re saying. It does appear you have a low view of couples. While I agree there are some crazy couples out there I don’t see that as all couples. I avoid drama. In fact I hate it. This is supposed to be fun. The red flag for me with this couple is they aren’t married and lack maturity and security. Being secure and confident is very important.

Once you have single guys hooking up with single women then it’s no longer this lifestyle but something completely different. Just dating and or hooking up.
thanks for the comment.

I dont really see how you say I have a "low view of couples?"

if anything, I think I might be "too forgiving."

This couple had 2 chances to meet me. They bailed on both. So I wrote about the situation because I wasnt going to let them come on this site and then MAKE UP a story about what happened. So I told the truth first.
Just had a very similar situation in reverse. We've invited this guy over a few times after chatting with him on a local swing club site. Last time he said he fell asleep after taking a shower to get ready to come over. Now he's acting all impatient and being demanding. Guy screwed himself out of a future invite.
thanks for the comment.

What you are describing is typically what happens. I talk to a lot of women, probably far more women than most guys do. And women tell me all the time - the biggest mistake a guy can make is "talking himself out of sex."

When I was younger I didnt understand what that meant, but now with more experience and meeting thousands of people, I get it. Men dont seem to understand situations the way women do. So men tend to over talk and that usually means - no one is interested in them.

The strong silent type is attractive because the men are SILENT.
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.

I think you are in a generous mood right now and you're being very nice LOL

This belongs in the Private Real People FAKES THREAD. This kind of behavior deserves to be identified and outted. I'm curious why you posted this in the open Cuckold Forum? 🤔

You and I are similar in the fact that we've been doing this for a very long time and we have an entire protocol that we stick to. I'm sure NEITHER of us has the patience for games like this. This is just silly games, plain and simple.

If they did this to YOU - a man of your experience and stature - imagine the amount of runaround they give to the average online Simp.

Just my 2 cents.
I'm not going to divulge the profile of this person.

But here's the story.

They reached out to me because they saw one of my many posts. I always ask that people read my profile first, because it avoids awkward situations down the road.
I have met people from this site in the past - I know a lot of you wonder "does anyone actually meet from b2w?" well I do and I have met people from this site before.

the chat was great on here, so we moved to snap
And the chat was amazing on snap

they are a younger couple in Arizona, not far from where I live - and I was very very excited to meet them
(which is rare -I don't usually get excited about most people)
But I was excited.

I have a lot of experience - more than most of the men on this site and so one of my rules is something that is called "consent and negotiation" which is my way of talking to the woman I'm going to have sex with - BEFORE we have sex and just get a sense of what she likes and also what is a "no go" the stuff that is off limits, so that I know the boundaries. And with couples that is extremely important. I dont want to step on anyone's toes and hurt the relationship.

you cannot do consent through text - it must be face to face or through video chat.
(I hope everyone understands that)
Yes, it is good to get in a text message - I want to fuck you

but we were already way past that point
Sending me a text "I want your cock"
Does not automatically mean you are going to get it.
(wake up people, this is 2024)

Anyway, I have a video chat with the gf - and we have a really nice chat. Like again -Im super excited about this.

So we agree to meet an hour later.

And then the weird stuff happens
1. She texts me and says she can't meet because now she got called into work
2. She reschedules for the next day. (I agree because I have some free time)
3. She never texts me the next day.
4. Then later in the evening, she texts me and says - "can you come over?"

"No, I cannot come over."
I have a life. And you're not in my life. I had one video chat with you - how did you take that video chat to mean that you're like someone I am going to prioritize in my life.

5. The bf begs me to fuck his gf in text.
6. They tell me they were "out of town" to deal with family
7. They beg me to meet them the following evening
8. I tell them upfront - "I cannot promise anything, I have a schedule just like they do - and I had Monday and Tuesday open this week and the rest of the week is not clear at all. Like I have a lot of things going on. It will have to be another time"
9. More begging on text - "please, please, please..."
10. I text them throughout the day and never promise anything. I do say that I will text when im headed back home
11. I send a text from my car
12. No response again.
13. the next morning - I text them "What happened?"
14. "sorry, we fell asleep."

No apology, no "we messed up" - no accountability.

Instead, they want to try and turn this around and say, "you're afraid to meet us."

Hold up - what??

Who is calling the kettle black here??

I think they revealed themselves in the texts. I think they got cold feet and didn't want to admit it. Which is unfortunate on two accounts. one, Im not going to judge someone for changing their mind. Just be an adult and say, "this is too real and we dont think we can handle u fucking my gf" Or just admit that you're scared and I will slow the pace down.

"I get that you're scared," I mean -- you should be a little nervous
That's actually normal to be scared to meet a guy like me
I can be very intimidating.
Not only do I have experience, but I am also very knowledgeable about how to make this dynamics work - so it can be intimidating.
I get it.

I dont blame people for being scared - that would be toxic and wrong.

But not being honest about your feelings and not be able to express your honest feelings is not good.
and then to try and gaslight me

so this is what I said.
"dude, you are too much drama."

I recommended they use tinder to try and find a guy to fuck his gf - they will not be intimidating like me
And guys on tinder do not have a roster of girls to fuck

Oh- the gf got very mad that she wasn't my only option.
And I said to her on video - "are you ok with the fact that I know other women? Like is that ok with you?"

And she said yes - of course she could have changed her mind - which she is allowed to do - but be honest with me about it.

I find that a lot of couples have a hard time talking to me because they literally think that I have nothing else going on. That when a guy offers his wife or gf to me that I am somehow grateful to fuck her. I'm sorry, but its a lot of work to fuck another mans gf or wife. There are a lot of expectations on my shoulders. It is 100% easier to fuck a single girl who just wants my cock and will do what I want to please me.

When I work with couples, I am navigating three people's emotions. The guy, the girl and myself.

I don't see bfs/and husbands capable of doing all of that and still getting an erection and still fucking your girl until she orgasms.

So give a little credit where credit is due.

I told the gf - why I liked her.
I was honest. I like that you live so close and I like that you're open to other women

And here's why?
Her proximity to where I live means - I will probably fuck her more often
And the fact she is open to other women - Im going to tell those other girls to meet me at her house.
Again -- Im going to fuck her more often.

Thats why I was so excited about this potential opportunity.

The bf kept begging me, she has a tight pussy, she is younger than your ex.

to which I had to say - yea, she might be younger than my ex, but I just met a college girl who is telling me that she will be one of the most submissive women I have ever met and she wants to make sure that the incoming freshman girls in September know about my cock. So, bro, are you telling me your gf is going to be hotter and tighter than 18 and 19 year old college pussy??

Like bro, are you serious??

But let's live in reality for a second here.

Your gf is sexy. Your gf is around the corner. And I want to fuck your gf.

Fantasizing about some mythical college pussy that I might get - is ridiculous...Like your gf is here and now wanting to fuck me

Or so it seems...

Long story short the bf and gf throw a hissy fit.

(Idk??) 🤷‍♂️

I dont hold grudges because thats self-destructive behavior. And I dont want to hold on to anger or resentment or anything that will ruin my own life.

they have their issues - and maybe if they work out their issues they can reach out to me again

They need to apologize profusely to me and take 100% FULL Accountability - if they expect anything with me.

But I never say never -- so maybe they will come to their senses.

Like I said, the guy has an account on here - so hopefully he sees this and if all of you comment and tell him "what an idiot" he is being..
maybe he will come to his senses.

I would like to fuck his gf - not once, but REPEATEDLY for as long as they live close by.

Again, meeting a couple that lives so close to you is RARE to say the least...

But I have a really amazing life and I dont need drama or whatever is going on in their world.

Thanks for listening B2W community.

I just thought you should all know that there are men on this site that do meet people - and there are real people here...but sometimes people get cold feet. And thats ok - I just wish people would be more honest about it.

More cents.... Lol

I've learned over the years - there's a correlation of HOTNESS in relation to the DRAMA 🎭 and a girl has to be pretty damn hot to put up with the amount of drama she brings.

... That being said, I'm at the point now that 'hotness' is so arbitrary, so subjective... I prefer Peace of Mind more than a 'piece of ass' 🤣 #TrueStory

I'm sure @superdick33 would agree with me on that. For every sexy girl I had that didn't work out, you best believe there was another one waiting within a week or two! I don't miss any 'missed opportunity' 🚫
More cents.... Lol

I've learned over the years - there's a correlation of HOTNESS in relation to the DRAMA 🎭 and a girl has to be pretty damn hot to put up with the amount of drama she brings.

... That being said, I'm at the point now that 'hotness' is so arbitrary, so subjective... I prefer Peace of Mind more than a 'piece of ass' 🤣 #TrueStory

I'm sure @superdick33 would agree with me on that. For every sexy girl I had that didn't work out, you best believe there was another one waiting within a week or two! I don't miss any 'missed opportunity' 🚫
Exactly that these dudes let pretty girls run them they are SIMPS. These dudes weak as all get out just for some PUM PUM. Edit: Women today are just as bad if not WORSE. Most women today don’t even know how to flirt like the females from the 90’s, They may say dumb ******* like: They like the strong silent type but it’s all 🧢. Men and Women today don’t even get along or vibe or barely even communicate (Western Culture) America 🇺🇸 so it’s Both Sexes especially the younger generation. Their level of understanding and communication is downright atrocious to be exact. As far as @hungteacher you say you met so many people but if you did you would understand most women today say ******* they don’t even mean so check their ACTIONS!💯
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And I don’t care how “PRETTY” a chick is if she get on my damn nerves her bitch ass got to go like Martin says: GET THA STEPPING I ain’t with the BS
Season 3 Leave GIF by Martin