Your favourite interracial photos

Most of these pix would be fantastic if they were in their pussies, at least way for those interested in “cuckoldry”,,,anything less than violating the husbands pussy is just sex, doesn’t meet the requirements to be cuckoldry. We’re old school, no condoms, no pulling out, the husband‘s pussy must be violated by another man’s semen in order to qualify,,,any thing else is fooling around, cheating, whatever, but it’s not cuckolding in the truest sense of the term.
Most of these pix would be fantastic if they were in their pussies, at least way for those interested in “cuckoldry”,,,anything less than violating the husbands pussy is just sex, doesn’t meet the requirements to be cuckoldry. We’re old school, no condoms, no pulling out, the husband‘s pussy must be violated by another man’s semen in order to qualify,,,any thing else is fooling around, cheating, whatever, but it’s not cuckolding in the truest sense of the term.
I'm sure most of the women ended up with a mouth, cunt or an ass full of sperm, and that's cuckoldry to me.
I'm sure most of the women ended up with a mouth, cunt or an ass full of sperm, and that's cuckoldry to me.
Each to his own,,,but just because the cat had kittens in the oven, don’t make ’em biscuits,,,
Youd like my sister in law, she once spun her car 180 degrees, when she recovered she started driving down the wrong side of the road, she said “I feel like I’m in England”,,,to which my husband promptly pointed out there’s a whole slew of cars headed this way, and they all feel like they’re in America. Words are used to communicate, by stringing them together to make sentences, if our words don’t have the same meaning, then nobody knows what you’re talking about,,,feelings are for shrinks, they get paid to figure out what you’re trying to say,,,the rest of us rely on dictionaries! Mind you, this is coming from a woman who in her 23 years in the lifestyle has actually had thousands of letters from men requesting me to cuck them, others who’ve told me their mothers have cucked them, or their d.aughters have cucked them,,,all of which by definition is impossible, so you’re not alone. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe it’s just a fable,,,but they never did finish the Tower of Babel,,,did they?