Writer of interracial content from South America!


Hello everyone! :)

I am a total fan of this community and have been lurking around for a long, long time. Recently, I have started publishing some delicately crafted interracial content on Tumblr and would be glad to have anyone from here check it out and provide any sort of feedback. Tumblr's community is not so strong, so I have decided to be active around here.

Pleased to meet you! In case you want to know my writings, please PM me and I will send the link right away. :)
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Here are some excerpts from the blog:

1. Witness in perpetual awe the most magnificent coming of age of the breathtaking Aryan womanhood, for she is become once and for all the lawful sexual vessel of the incoming human sexuality from the next millennium, forever liberated from all racial prejudices that used to be passed down the generations by her sectarian white ancestors: “Behold the day wherein all white flesh will turn black by night, for even the last of your ivory women, up to the last-born Aryan princess ever come in this world, shall surrender all her tainted whiteness unto the glorious darkness of the chosen Muslim princes, for their mighty black deeds shall be planted in pure and simple bliss even into the last Aryan womb that is ripe and come of age, and grow into the mixed world race that shall soon bring peace upon each and every corner of Black mom Earth.”
2. She is the most gorgeous remnant of the fading Celtic ancestry to still walk over Europe, born out of the unnatural racial segregation that used to rule in the days of yore. She had been given the most conservative education to keep her righteous inborn sexuality from growing lawfully and unrestrained. She had been put on a leash by the harmful prejudices of weak white men against a sexually evolved womanhood that would rightly seek only the absolute best male specimens as her rightful sexual partners and breeders.

But behold the impending interracial sexuality of the Aryan woman from the 3rd millennium, for now that the European borders have been permanently opened to the irresistible influx of African culture and bodies into its barren territory, she will finally take the next step of her proper sexual education by paying the most delightful racial reparations unto the mighty sons of Holy mom Africa, unleashing her previously forbidden, so magnificently primal sexual instincts onto the mammoth glory of the Big Black Cock.

Henceforth, only the beautiful natural selection provided by mom Nature All-Wise shall dictate the fate of her sexually evolved womanly flesh – and it will be forever unto the blackening of her pallid Aryan womb with the mixed fruits of the most unforgiving African seed, for the glory of the new Mixed World Race that shall conquer Europe and the rest of the Aryan world soon thereafter.
3. For a sweet Danish girl that has just reached her adult age, interracial sex is not about a mere kink or vague eroticism, but rather about using the noblest means of achieving female sexual maturity; it is about enhancing her own beautiful white womanhood with something that her own race cannot provide her; it is about seeking in the most manly dark flesh that element of “otherness” that can only come out of African sexuality; it is about being sexually wanted, desired, and craved for by superior men of a totally foreign color, which is mom Nature’s outer symbol for indisputable sexual superiority; it is about surrendering control of her delicate white body unto the big black kings of the sexual revolution. It is about her female Aryan identity finally being fulfilled by the purest natural selection – which can only take the form of Big Black African Cocks relentlessly ejaculating into blacked Aryan wombs.
4. Thousands of immoral and racially prejudiced years have separated our biological information into undeveloped, barren, and decaying Aryan genetics on one hand and advanced, life-giving, and dominant African genetics on the other. Whereas Aryan males have generally grown infertile, impotent, and unfit for sexual development, Aryan females have grown thicker, curvier, and hungry for the mighty African semen that was always meant to reunite with their craving, pallid wombs and bring about everlasting racial reparations accompanied by our ultimate biological evolution. But behold the blessed winds of change from the third millennium, for the time is come for Aryan women to rightfully perform their evolutionary duties and unleash their divine but as yet imprisoned feminine sexuality, thereby ripping apart the immoral and deceitful claims of our patriarchal society over the sovereignty of their bodies and surrendering their ghostly whiteness unto the never-ending glory of the Big Black Cock – entirely of their own volition.