Women i love and women you should know about.

Been negligent lately due to, you know...
But this is thread is about images of white women, especially wives with a proclivity for BBC. And most especially those who husbands who encourage and support both their desires.
The posted Lori is one of the earliest ongoing sets I have ever found.
In the 60s porn was still pretty below the radar, but the 70s and 80s, it was porn stars who rocked the IR world and have become the icons we remember.
Many on my list are mostly favorites, so those forgotten, not mentioned, or just ignored... rattle my cage i'll do my best to update.
Until the advent of VHS in the mid-80s, pro IR was mostly what was available. VHS charged into bedrooms and was sold through swinger magazines.
The early 90s continued the trend for both pro and amateur but the arrival of the Internet signaled the birth of what we had all only dreamed of: on our desk; a great green porn machine.
Just as VHS had flourished as a vehicle for porn distribution, so has the Internet followed that path. From the advent in the mid 90s, and until recently, porn revenues accounted for a great portion of Internet commence.
I Havre always believed that content is content, and that a rose is a rose.
It is only delivery systems that change, and thank you for the changes that have delivered such nirvana to my desktop.
So after Ms.Lori I will move into my raves of IR porno during the 70s and 80s.