Wife Truly in Love With BF—Who Has Experienced This?

My Filipina wife totally loves me, but is deeply in love with her half-black boyfriend, who lives with us. Knowing that they are truly making love, instead of just fucking, is intensely arousing to me.

My wife is about 30 years younger than me, and her boyfriend is about her age. My libido is way down, so I’m happy with sex maybe every 3 weeks or so, but my wife and boyfriend make love almost daily. I’m never “denied” or overtly humiliated, but the boyfriend is my wife’s primary lover by default.

How many of you have wives who are truly in love with their lovers? How do you feel about that?
My Filipina wife totally loves me, but is deeply in love with her half-black boyfriend, who lives with us. Knowing that they are truly making love, instead of just fucking, is intensely arousing to me.

My wife is about 30 years younger than me, and her boyfriend is about her age. My libido is way down, so I’m happy with sex maybe every 3 weeks or so, but my wife and boyfriend make love almost daily. I’m never “denied” or overtly humiliated, but the boyfriend is my wife’s primary lover by default.

How many of you have wives who are truly in love with their lovers? How do you feel about that?
Sounds like disaster waiting to happen. Sooner or later some one gets hurt.......I am afraid it'll be you.
You need to accept the fact that she may be very conflicted about her relationship with you. You need to start thinking about what happens after she decides he’s who she needs to be with.
Beg to disagree. Divorce doesn’t exist in the Philippines, and my wife is firmly committed to our marriage. Fortunately, her boyfriend respects our marriage entirely and is entirely happy with our arrangement. Indeed, he’s like a nephew to me, and goes above and beyond to never create any sort of conflicts. My wife’s love for her boyfriend has never reduced her love for me. Our arrangement works well for all involved.
I suspect my Asian ( Chinese ) wife has fallen for her younger black boyfriend ( coworker he has know idea that i know they are together ) He's built really good looking goes deeper great in bed very passionate and loving towards her. ( also has bought her gifts ) he considers her his girlfriend and has told her he has and wants no else but her......she loves hearing that.

She spends a lot of time with him now at his apartment.... she has spent the entire night with him more than once...they are now having unprotected sex regularly and he has cum inside her ( not all the time but more and more frequently )

I just know she has feelings for him and how can she not.
I believe you can love two people. But it is nearly impossible to love them equally, even if they are of equal stature.

That is rarely the case, or why bother? I fell in love with my Bull 5 years ago. I remember feeling that love for Him filled me like some enormous ocean. My love for cucky was still there, like a little ship floating on top. When cucky made waves the boat capsized and for a while we split. Now things are better again, and my boy will be more careful amongst the waves.

Maintaining a healthy relationship is a lot of work for two people. Adding a third (or more) to the relationship makes things exponentially more complex. First and foremost the core couple in this case you and your husband both have to be onboard for the lifestyle. That doesn't appear to be the case. You say you love your bull. Why? What does he do for you other than curl your toes? I really don't see a good long term outcome here
I believe you can love two people. But it is nearly impossible to love them equally, even if they are of equal stature.

That is rarely the case, or why bother? I fell in love with my Bull 5 years ago. I remember feeling that love for Him filled me like some enormous ocean. My love for cucky was still there, like a little ship floating on top. When cucky made waves the boat capsized and for a while we split. Now things are better again, and my boy will be more careful amongst the waves.

Well I put!
The role of the bull is to fuck the girl not fall in love with her or her with him. The idea is to enhance the relationship. Most women understand this and will say "I love fucking my bull" as opposed to " I love my bull." Too many women and bulls mistake lust for love. Just my two cents . . .
Different degrees of love too and a lady CAN bond w not than one man, also
My Filipina wife totally loves me, but is deeply in love with her half-black boyfriend, who lives with us. Knowing that they are truly making love, instead of just fucking, is intensely arousing to me.

My wife is about 30 years younger than me, and her boyfriend is about her age. My libido is way down, so I’m happy with sex maybe every 3 weeks or so, but my wife and boyfriend make love almost daily. I’m never “denied” or overtly humiliated, but the boyfriend is my wife’s primary lover by default.

How many of you have wives who are truly in love with their lovers? How do you feel about that?
Great. How do you see the difference? Slowly lovemaking with lots of kissing?
In my case, my Filipina wife’s boyfriend is a student with not much prospect of supporting the lifestyle that my wife and I provide. Even if he were inclined to want to “steal” her away, my wife would never want to give up what we have together, especially since I don’t make her choose him or me. She is extremely happy having our marriage and her young stud, with my blessings, just as he is thrilled to be a part of our life.
In my case, my Filipina wife’s boyfriend is a student with not much prospect of supporting the lifestyle that my wife and I provide. Even if he were inclined to want to “steal” her away, my wife would never want to give up what we have together, especially since I don’t make her choose him or me. She is extremely happy having our marriage and her young stud, with my blessings, just as he is thrilled to be a part of our life.
Wow. What a great deal for him. Sex, a loving woman to fuck, and you pay the bills?
We all pay the bills, and my wife’s boyfriend contributes. I’m not sure my wife actively sought out a guy of Jamaican descent. She simply met and fell in love with him.
We have no immediate plans to have *******, since my wife is currently focused on building her career. We’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.
As of now, we’re very much like a family.