Why so many fakes on here

The fakes are on every site. And in all side. Have had plenty stand us up when was supposed to meet.

And I agree with the one who said it. If you're not interested just say so. No hard filling, we all have been told no before.
Lots of fakes profiles on this site, you just have to look for certain signs and weed them out, also lots of gay men pretending to be a couple or a woman just to engage with black men and receive bbc pics, I guess.🤷🏽‍♂️
Just post as yourself, if you are a single man or gay man you will get a resounding “NOT INTERESTED” from me but at least you were honest about who you are…I can respect that.
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Hold up am no fake I was dn at loz and I will be dn for new years margritaville nye party
You might have been here but completely ghosted us when we tried to contact you per previous conversations. We’re not trying to start anything bc we k ow things come up but not letting the other party know isn’t right either then to see this post really doesn’t look good.
I'm encountering a slew of white men pretending to be white women on here. Don't trust anyone until you video chat with them.
You got to look at it like this .if a person can't take the time out to have " real" on they profile in the safety of their owe home then it's a red flag ..I feel like if it not there then you clearly not here to meet people ..that's the best start..even real people stand ppl up too so regardless you have to know you take more L's then wins on any online app like this ...
There are fakes EVERYWHERE in this lifestyle. Particularly THIS part othe lifestyle. (Interracial Cuckolding/hotwife) stuffs. It’s everywhere not unique to the site.

My opinion? There are a great many Husbands and Wives who are so curious and so afraid of their curiosity that it leads to an inordinate amount of fakery.

I read very few stories of wives bringing their husbands into this. It’s usually the other way around and then it takes on a life of its own. So before something concrete ever happens, there many psychological barriers one must pass through before full understanding and acceptance can put the kink in its appropriate context and not make it into the much larger deal people seem to do far too often.

This goes for everyone involved, the husband, the wife and the black man or so called “bull/ bbc” or (insert your preferred title).

If you think about this kink generally speaking, it can cause a straight man with certain desires and kinks, who hasn’t learned compartmentalism, to question a great many things about himself and or his wife, his relationship, and how he views himself in the world generally speaking.

For lots of women, it’s similar. They’re overcoming years of conditioning of several kinds. Race, a woman’s place in relationships, her role as a wife etc… So as well, her desires and curiosities and such, can cause her pause too. to consider how what she is curious about and what she desires aligns with who she thought she was, who she thinks she should be, and what the world /society thinks she should be and so on, psychologically speaking.

Its my belief that these psychologically incongruent thoughts, feelings and desires leads to much uncertainty and many fits and starts in the lifestyle and people not following through.

This also applies the black men portraying themselves as so called “bulls” or what have you. This plus just the large amount a plain old weirdos who get off or have a fetish for cat fishing people into providing compromising photos leads to much fakery. It’s an unfortunate and unavoidable fact of being in this lifestyle.

Just one man with much experience opinion.

P.S. These beliefs I have are also why personally I don’t really get together with “newbies”. For me, you must have all of this squared away before I will meet with you. I’m not into being part of an experiment.
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There are fakes EVERYWHERE in this lifestyle. Particularly THIS part othe lifestyle. (Interracial Cuckolding/hotwife) stuffs. It’s everywhere not unique to the site.

My opinion? There are a great many Husbands and Wives who are so curious and so afraid of their curiosity that it leads to an inordinate amount of fakery.

I read very few stories of wives bringing their husbands into this. It’s usually the other way around and then it takes on a life of its own. So before something concrete ever happens, there many psychological barriers one must pass through before full understanding and acceptance can put the kink in its appropriate context and not make it into the much larger deal people seem to do far too often.

This goes for everyone involved, the husband, the wife and the black man or so called “bull/ bbc” or (insert your preferred title).

If you think about this kink generally speaking, it can cause a straight man with certain desires and kinks, who hasn’t learned compartmentalism, to question a great many things about himself and or his wife, his relationship, and how he views himself in the world generally speaking.

For lots of women, it’s similar. They’re overcoming years of conditioning of several kinds. Race, a woman’s place in relationships, her role as a wife etc… So as well, her desires and curiosities and such, can cause her pause too. to consider how what she is curious about and what she desires aligns with who she thought she was, who she thinks she should be, and what the world /society thinks she should be and so on, psychologically speaking.

Its my belief that these psychologically incongruent thoughts, feelings and desires leads to much uncertainty and many fits and starts in the lifestyle and people following through.

This also applies the black men portraying themselves as so called “bulls” or what have you. This plus just the large amount a plain old weirdos who get off or have a fetish for cat fishing people into providing compromising photos leads to much fakery. It’s an unfortunate and unavoidable fact of being in this lifestyle.

Just one man with much experience opinion.

P.S. These beliefs I have are also why personally I don’t really get together with “newbies”. For me, you must have all of this squared away before I will meet with you. I’m not into being part of an experiment.
How do you handle the conversation with a white wife that says she loves black men but she's not going to risk her social status to be with one therefore the reason why she married a white man she's not really into?
How do you handle the conversation with a white wife that says she loves black men but she's not going to risk her social status to be with one therefore the reason why she married a white man she's not really into?
What do you mean “handle” the conversation. What is the context of the conversation?
How do you handle the conversation with a white wife that says she loves black men but she's not going to risk her social status to be with one therefore the reason why she married a white man she's not really into?
Like are you asking her to marry you instead? I’m not sure what there is to “handle” about this unless you’re trying to marry her.
Like are you asking her to marry you instead? I’m not sure what there is to “handle” about this unless you’re trying to marry her.
If she won’t engage in the lifestyle or just fucking you as like just part of the kink, I handle it by moving on. Her misery is her problem not mine. I can’t imagine why I would ever be having this conversation with a woman I met in this lifestyle however. I’m not trying to marry anyone. Why they chose to marry who the married is none of my business nor do I care. Not my problem.
Like are you asking her to marry you instead? I’m not sure what there is to “handle” about this unless you’re trying to marry her.
Definitely not trying to marry any of them at all. My place is the "experience" and nothing else. I probably should have said how to you handle super sensitive conversations or do you don't engage in conversations with wives.
How do you handle the conversation with a white wife that says she loves black men but she's not going to risk her social status to be with one therefore the reason why she married a white man she's not really into?
You don't...trust me if the conversation is too difficult then that's a red flag ..personally it hard enough finding genuine white women in real life let alone online ..if she worried about then she wouldnt be on a sex site
If she won’t engage in the lifestyle or just fucking you as like just part of the kink, I handle it by moving on. Her misery is her problem not mine. I can’t imagine why I would ever be having this conversation with a woman I met in this lifestyle however. I’m not trying to marry anyone. Why they chose to marry who the married is none of my business nor do I care. Not my problem.
I try not to engage in below surface level conversations. I do have them texts their husbands a picture of my ID just out of respect for loaning me her while the husband is away.
You don't...trust me if the conversation is too difficult then that's a red flag ..personally it hard enough finding genuine white women in real life let alone online ..if she worried about then she wouldnt be on a sex site
This☝🏾. Again, if you met her on this site or something/some place similar, I can’t imagine why this would be a conversation.
If you meet someone “out” without confirming whether or not they are actually in this lifestyle I could see why this would be something that came up. But thats an entirely different conversation.
I try not to engage in below surface level conversations. I do have them texts their husbands a picture of my ID just out of respect for loaning me her while the husband is away.
The wives whom I know and see, we discuss a great many things both surface and deep. I just don’t get why or what that particular conversation would have to do with anything. If she won’t marry a black guy for societal reasons, but will still fuck one on the side with her husbands blessing she is winning. If you aren’t trying to “be” with her or marry her but still get to have sex with her so are you. If she is unhappy about who she married, and wouldn’t want be be with a black guy because of <FILL IN THE BLANK> (society, family and so on) but really wants to be? Again, her problem not mine. She has to live with that torment, not me.