Why do some women wear shoes during sex???

I wear these particular red ones for our bull friend. I have taken them off mid play, and he'll then ask me to put them back on when he's ready to fuck me mercilessly to the end. Plus he likes to fuck me bent over in front of his wall length mirror, and because he's much taller, he needs me to wear them for that as well. Funnily enough, in 10 years with my cuck, can't ever remember wearing a pair for him :) Plus he's a very quick summer, so no point in turning a 40 second fuck into a 15 second one. Takes longer to get them and put them on than the duration of him fucking me :)
Shenty2016 says it all ..... women look sexier in heels, ..... BUT ....... I won't wear socks to bed while having sex, and my woman should have her shoes off too! I love the feel of bare feet on my back. In a 69, shoes on a woman doesn't do her any good at all.
I can't speak for anyone else but I have a HUGE heel fetish. So for me, leaving on the heels is damm near mandatory lol. Don't get me wrong, if she feels more comfortable not wearing them, I'm cool with it, but going into it she knows how much they turn me on. Now, if a woman is submissive, then I will definitely make her wear them because I know that she is so driven to please me that she will comply to my demands.
My wife has never kept her heels on once she gets in bed with a guy. And no guy has ever asked her to keep them on. So what is it, and why is it that so many photos show women wearing their shoes while in the heat of passion? Is it a sex symbol, or what?
Because men like it, also when you wear nylons in bed.