Why do Jews fund interracial porn?

You people are fucking morons. This site just gets worse every day. One Jewish man funds one interracial porn company and all of a sudden jews fund interracial porn. He also happens to have 2 other porn brands, tushy and vixen. He is simply amazing businessman and entrepreneur and sees excellent business opportunities. In no way is Greg a cuckold like the people on this site who want to "breed whites out of existence" and other ******* that people here think is "going mainstream". Greg is alpha as can be. You don't have to be black to be an alpha male. Sorry to disappoint most of you here. Ps all his porn girls call him daddy and he can be seen out in the clubs in Hollywood with 5-10 girls all by himself. Hardly a beta male
You people are fucking morons. This site just gets worse every day. One Jewish man funds one interracial porn company and all of a sudden jews fund interracial porn. He also happens to have 2 other porn brands, tushy and vixen. He is simply amazing businessman and entrepreneur and sees excellent business opportunities. In no way is Greg a cuckold like the people on this site who want to "breed whites out of existence" and other ******* that people here think is "going mainstream". Greg is alpha as can be. You don't have to be black to be an alpha male. Sorry to disappoint most of you here. Ps all his porn girls call him daddy and he can be seen out in the clubs in Hollywood with 5-10 girls all by himself. Hardly a beta male

I also think there are many men in a hurry to get a black cock in their mouth they will regurgitate any type of bullshit if they think it will get them a like on their post by a black guy...
Just because some couple is adventurous and is having fun doesnt mean the. Hubby is gay.
You people are fucking morons. This site just gets worse every day. One Jewish man funds one interracial porn company and all of a sudden jews fund interracial porn. He also happens to have 2 other porn brands, tushy and vixen. He is simply amazing businessman and entrepreneur and sees excellent business opportunities. In no way is Greg a cuckold like the people on this site who want to "breed whites out of existence" and other ******* that people here think is "going mainstream". Greg is alpha as can be. You don't have to be black to be an alpha male. Sorry to disappoint most of you here. Ps all his porn girls call him daddy and he can be seen out in the clubs in Hollywood with 5-10 girls all by himself. Hardly a beta male

But tushy and vixen both support ‘alternativ’ sex for white girls. Isn’t one about anal and what’s the other?
So, I have two views on this. First off, from what I have read and seen of the alt-right, they almost always like to take certain truths about society and culture, and align them with the alt-right narritive about the white race being marginalized by people of color, communists, liberals, and yes, those pesky Jewish people. There is some truth that the media industry is run by Jewish people, but though I am sure there are racist Jewish people, I doubt they are running interracial porn sites for some dark, dubious, purpose. I do think there is racism in the porn industry (look up Ghetto Gaggers, and race shame porn), but I don't think everyone Jewish people have a minopoly on it. But like I said before, Jewish people are very prominent in many entertainment based businesses. Again, Hollywood was started by Jewish immigrants: Warner Brothers, MGM, Viacom. The music business as well, especially during raps early rise in the 90s.
You lost me at the alt right comment. Youre as bad as the antisemites.
So, here is something about Jews, they know how to make money, even if it means dealing with some narrow minded Arab who thinks Gays should die and Jews shouldn't exist...they know money is power and they make it work.

This is why you don't see Jewish people whining about reparations or other crap like that. They use intelligence to conquer. In fact, one of my best fucks was a Jewish guy. Sure, wasn't nearly as big as my husband, or even other guys I have been with, but he fucked me so good I will always remember it.

In a nutshell, they have learned to do business even with those who hate them, openly, because they are above that.
What do you mean?

They use interracial porn because it sells and makes them alot of money. It has nothing to do with white genocide or some crazy conspiracy. If interracial porn wasn't popular they would stop making it. People like interracial porn popular, so Jews capitalize on that. They are just like all business men which are opportunist, nothing wrong with that.
You people are fucking morons. This site just gets worse every day. One Jewish man funds one interracial porn company and all of a sudden jews fund interracial porn. He also happens to have 2 other porn brands, tushy and vixen. He is simply amazing businessman and entrepreneur and sees excellent business opportunities. In no way is Greg a cuckold like the people on this site who want to "breed whites out of existence" and other ******* that people here think is "going mainstream". Greg is alpha as can be. You don't have to be black to be an alpha male. Sorry to disappoint most of you here. Ps all his porn girls call him daddy and he can be seen out in the clubs in Hollywood with 5-10 girls all by himself. Hardly a beta male
Sounds like we should all aspire to Greg's business acumen
Not necessarily referencing INTERRACIAL porn, but you can trace the allegation of a Jewish connection to porn back to Tricky Dick Nixon and his BFF Billy Graham. The following excerpt from Haaretz Feb 25, 2018. (Emphasis added)

"Nixon aide H.R. Haldeman first mentioned Graham's anti-Semitic remarks in a 1994 book, which Graham strongly denied. But when audio tapes from the Nixon White House were released in 2002, Graham could be heard referring to Jews as pornographers and agreeing with Nixon that the U.S. media was dominated by liberal Jews and could send the United States "down the drain."

''They're the ones putting out the pornographic stuff,'' Graham said to Nixon - "the Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country's going down the drain,'' he continued."
The relationship of the Jews with the alt-right is complex. Some prominent alt-right wingers, like Andrew Breitbart, the creator of Breitbart.com, are/were Jews. The main ideological differences with the antisemitic far right are obvious: the role of Jews in Western societies and the American support to Israel.

There are more interracial porn sites owned by Jews than Blacked, like Cable Rosenberg's Dogfart. Some prominent Jews, like George Soros, have funded NGOs that promote 'multiculturalism' and open border policies and I suppose this feeds the idea of a conspiracy. But I cannot imagine Greg Lansky drinking beer with Soros while they plot destroying the white race. Jewish society is as plural as any other ethnic or religious group

On the other hand, I wouldn't say interracial porn is so popular, and the porn industry is still quite racist, as there are many white actresses who refuse to perform with black actors. In a competitive industry, Lansky obviously discovered a 'niche market' and has created quality products to fulfill that demand.
The relationship of the Jews with the alt-right is complex. Some prominent alt-right wingers, like Andrew Breitbart, the creator of Breitbart.com, are/were Jews. The main ideological differences with the antisemitic far right are obvious: the role of Jews in Western societies and the American support to Israel.

There are more interracial porn sites owned by Jews than Blacked, like Cable Rosenberg's Dogfart. Some prominent Jews, like George Soros, have funded NGOs that promote 'multiculturalism' and open border policies and I suppose this feeds the idea of a conspiracy. But I cannot imagine Greg Lansky drinking beer with Soros while they plot destroying the white race. Jewish society is as plural as any other ethnic or religious group

On the other hand, I wouldn't say interracial porn is so popular, and the porn industry is still quite racist, as there are many white actresses who refuse to perform with black actors. In a competitive industry, Lansky obviously discovered a 'niche market' and has created quality products to fulfill that demand.
Well then I love Jews for funding and starting all that interracial porn and multiculturalism to put us white guys in our place. I hope they keep doing it more explicitly and live in a black dominated and female dominated world.
The relationship of the Jews with the alt-right is complex. Some prominent alt-right wingers, like Andrew Breitbart, the creator of Breitbart.com, are/were Jews. The main ideological differences with the antisemitic far right are obvious: the role of Jews in Western societies and the American support to Israel.

There are more interracial porn sites owned by Jews than Blacked, like Cable Rosenberg's Dogfart. Some prominent Jews, like George Soros, have funded NGOs that promote 'multiculturalism' and open border policies and I suppose this feeds the idea of a conspiracy. But I cannot imagine Greg Lansky drinking beer with Soros while they plot destroying the white race. Jewish society is as plural as any other ethnic or religious group

On the other hand, I wouldn't say interracial porn is so popular, and the porn industry is still quite racist, as there are many white actresses who refuse to perform with black actors. In a competitive industry, Lansky obviously discovered a 'niche market' and has created quality products to fulfill that demand.

totally agree. quality porn, good storylines, and Kendra Sunderland all great moves by Lansky.