Why are movies becoming money?

Why are movies made for money?
I believe you'll need to explain your question a bit more, frtaza. Live everything else in our capitalistic society "money" is usually the intent of doing anything. For one thing, movies aren't free ... they have their expenses to cover. But we're all into making money simply to survive.
So, I'm sure you probably have something more you are referring ... unless you're talking about amateur type movies.
I believe you'll need to explain your question a bit more, frtaza. Live everything else in our capitalistic society "money" is usually the intent of doing anything. For one thing, movies aren't free ... they have their expenses to cover. But we're all into making money simply to survive.
So, I'm sure you probably have something more you are referring ... unless you're talking about amateur type movies.
The movies on the site were free, why did they become paid? 😓😓😓😓
Ahhhhh those movies .... gif_Yellowball-SmackingForehead.gif ... try asking one of the moderators, but I imagine you'll have to ask the administrator, Funny Bunny. Just leave a message and I'm sure he'll respond.
If you don't know how, go to the top of the screen (blue area) and hit on the Members section. Anyone who is a member is there + all the moderators & administrators. They're pretty good at getting back to you. Hope this helps! Mac
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Why are movies made for money?
It takes people to make movies, people cost money, it takes supplies, sets, and other things that cost money as well. The makers of these movies want to make back what they spent and usually more as well so they charge for the movies.