White men finding interracial relations sexy?

And just how are you so certain? From a fantasy perspective, this can be whatever you want it to be and if it gets you off by wallowing in the "white boi inferiority complex", then more power to you.

I'm taking reality, though, not fantasy.

wbfbm, I tend to think, as well, that its a lot more than 1% and here's why. White guys are influenced a lot more by black guys than visa versa when you look at it. Look at all the white guys, the way they're wearing their ball caps, jeans, and earrings, and the hiphop music they're listening to ... etc. And their feeble attempts to "rap" like a black guy ... I tend to believe that a larger percent of white guys view black guys as more alpha and therefore have a desire to mimic them when possible. All this probably spills over into their sexuality and desire to be a part of the darker race. I wouldn't have a clue what percentage that is, but with all the white guys standing around at the mall and high schools while the black guys have their arms around the young, white girls, I'd say it is quite a bit more than that 1% ... maybe more like 8-10%.
pic_twocentsWorth2.jpg Mac
wbfbm, I tend to think, as well, that its a lot more than 1% and here's why. White guys are influenced a lot more by black guys than visa versa when you look at it. Look at all the white guys, the way they're wearing their ball caps, jeans, and earrings, and the hiphop music they're listening to ... etc. And their feeble attempts to "rap" like a black guy ... I tend to believe that a larger percent of white guys view black guys as more alpha and therefore have a desire to mimic them when possible. All this probably spills over into their sexuality and desire to be a part of the darker race. I wouldn't have a clue what percentage that is, but with all the white guys standing around at the mall and high schools while the black guys have their arms around the young, white girls, I'd say it is quite a bit more than that 1% ... maybe more like 8-10%.
View attachment 381738 Mac

I actually don't have a clue what the percentage is either and that's really not my point. What drives me nuts is the white guys on here that don't seem to be able to keep a handle on the difference between fantasy and reality and seem to have real mental issues (e.g. Inferiority complex, etc.). Very quickly the "all" statements start flying about how all white bois are weak, worship black men and the like.

Hey, I'm on here for a reason too...I think IR sex, of the BM/WF variety is extremely hot. But I keep in mind that this is not a majority opinion/fetish/kink/whatever you want to call it.
....What drives me nuts is the white guys on here that don't seem to be able to keep a handle on the difference between fantasy and reality and seem to have real mental issues (e.g. Inferiority complex, etc.). Very quickly the "all" statements start flying about how all white bois are weak, worship black men and the like.

This site tends to attract a lot of bisexual, white males with low, self-esteem for some reason. I think many of the comments as you refer to, come from this group more so than any others.
I have been wondering about the true extent of the phenomenon of white men finding it sexy to see a white girl with a black guy, as opposed to having negative feelings about it.

I don't live in the most open-minded place, so it's difficult for me to say, but I have been getting the impression that in certain parts of the world, it's becoming quite widespread for white guys to feel that way. What are your experiences with it, and how big percentage of white guys would you estimate are into it?

Because if so, white women would eventually start to expect that white men are into interracial that involves white females, and as a result we would be rapidly headed towards a world where it's completely socially acceptable for white women to confess their lust for black men, and the taboo aspect would simply vanish. And I couldn't decide if that's a good or bad thing!
sounds amazing!
My wife knows that I would love to share her be it with a white guy or another woman,First prize would be to share her with a big black guy, what a turn-on.
wbfbm, I tend to think, as well, that its a lot more than 1% and here's why. White guys are influenced a lot more by black guys than visa versa when you look at it. Look at all the white guys, the way they're wearing their ball caps, jeans, and earrings, and the hiphop music they're listening to ... etc. And their feeble attempts to "rap" like a black guy ... I tend to believe that a larger percent of white guys view black guys as more alpha and therefore have a desire to mimic them when possible. All this probably spills over into their sexuality and desire to be a part of the darker race. I wouldn't have a clue what percentage that is, but with all the white guys standing around at the mall and high schools while the black guys have their arms around the young, white girls, I'd say it is quite a bit more than that 1% ... maybe more like 8-10%.
View attachment 381738 Mac

While I tend to agree with most of your posts, excluding the political ones, I have a minor quibble here. What you describe is a superficial influence or mimicking. For the white guys that, as you have described, adopt elements of black culture, with regard to dress for example, how many of those white guys are going to keep that same persona when interviewing for a job or an interview with an admissions director of a college? I understand the general point that you are making, but I think aside from seeing that as a way to attract chicks and to be a part of the "in" crowd, I don' think it makes that much of a difference.

As for your overall number of 8-10%, I'd go slightly lower, in the 4-6% range.
While I tend to agree with most of your posts, excluding the political ones, I have a minor quibble here .... how many of those white guys are going to keep that same persona when interviewing for a job or an interview with an admissions director of a college? ....I think aside from seeing that as a way to attract chicks and to be a part of the "in" crowd, I don' think it makes that much of a difference.
I see I'm going to have to start hanging our my sign more often. pic_Opinion.jpg
Ouch, bm ... talking about hurting a guy's feelings; that sly "political" remark hurt. You know I'm sensitive there.
As far as how many of the white guys keep the same persona when interviewing ... probably about the same number as the black guys that are going before the magistrate for the third or fourth time.:smoke:
As for your overall number of 8-10%, I'd go slightly lower, in the 4-6% range.
I can live with those numbers ... actually. I think my point meant to be that it was quite a bit more than 1%. I wasn't implying any "fact" assumptions. I'm not sure the forum could handle such a action. :)

I see I'm going to have to start hanging our my sign more often. View attachment 383634
Ouch, bm ... talking about hurting a guy's feelings; that sly "political" remark hurt. You know I'm sensitive there.
As far as how many of the white guys keep the same persona when interviewing ... probably about the same number as the black guys that are going before the magistrate for the third or fourth time.:smoke:

I can live with those numbers ... actually. I think my point meant to be that it was quite a bit more than 1%. I wasn't implying any "fact" assumptions. I'm not sure the forum could handle such a action. :)

View attachment 383635

Point taken, counselor.
re: White men finding interracial relations sexy?

Maybe I speak for a lot of married, white guys, I know for me, what I find sexy is seeing my wife in a state of sexual desire/arousal, and then, seeing her contentment and smile after she's been thoroughly "FUCKED". It's quite a sight to behold. She's never been taken by a black man as of yet (simply a matter of circumstance), but having read all the info and the growing popularity/trend in black men & white women, I think we'll have that opportunity someday after our teens are grown and gone.
I know one thing, she gets into her fucking ... loves being fucked long and hard! and, having a wife that really enjoys sex is a blessing to behold. :)
If that is her pic, finding ANY man is not going to be a problem for you....
I'm not sure how many white men are into it, i think most won't admit it. I'm a white man, even if someone asked me whether i like watching white women have sex with black men i would say no. I have been fantasizing about white women having sex with black men for years and i always thought i was the only white man that liked seeing white women get fucked by black men.

I grew up in a very conservative environment. Where i'm from people are not very open to interracial dating, some people are actually against it. I think growing up in a racist environment made interracial sex very taboo for me. The first time i saw a white woman getting fucked by black men it was so taboo that i almost ejaculated into my pants.

If i'm keeping my love of interracial porn a secret, how many other white men are doing it?
I have been wondering about the true extent of the phenomenon of white men finding it sexy to see a white girl with a black guy, as opposed to having negative feelings about it.

I don't live in the most open-minded place, so it's difficult for me to say, but I have been getting the impression that in certain parts of the world, it's becoming quite widespread for white guys to feel that way. What are your experiences with it, and how big percentage of white guys would you estimate are into it?

Because if so, white women would eventually start to expect that white men are into interracial that involves white females, and as a result we would be rapidly headed towards a world where it's completely socially acceptable for white women to confess their lust for black men, and the taboo aspect would simply vanish. And I couldn't decide if that's a good or bad thing!
Why would it be a bad thing? I can't think of a single reason.
I'm not sure how many white men are into it, i think most won't admit it. I'm a white man, even if someone asked me whether i like watching white women have sex with black men i would say no. I have been fantasizing about white women having sex with black men for years and i always thought i was the only white man that liked seeing white women get fucked by black men.

I grew up in a very conservative environment. Where i'm from people are not very open to interracial dating, some people are actually against it. I think growing up in a racist environment made interracial sex very taboo for me. The first time i saw a white woman getting fucked by black men it was so taboo that i almost ejaculated into my pants.

If i'm keeping my love of interracial porn a secret, how many other white men are doing it?
I think there are many more white men into interracial sex observation than we all know. White males are the number one consumers of interracial porn.
While I tend to agree with most of your posts, excluding the political ones, I have a minor quibble here. What you describe is a superficial influence or mimicking. For the white guys that, as you have described, adopt elements of black culture, with regard to dress for example, how many of those white guys are going to keep that same persona when interviewing for a job or an interview with an admissions director of a college? I understand the general point that you are making, but I think aside from seeing that as a way to attract chicks and to be a part of the "in" crowd, I don' think it makes that much of a difference.

As for your overall number of 8-10%, I'd go slightly lower, in the 4-6% range.
Well stated! My thoughts exactly.
I can't believe it is bigger than 1%. Jesus where is the hardcore evidence of it being bigger than that? Some people have anecdotal evidence from seeing what, cultural copying of famous people? Also this is BM-WF fantasies we are talking about, why not the reverse? I think white guys finding any relations sexy is because they are guys.
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Nice attitude to have ... that'll certainly drive her into the arms of many men. It's one of the primary reasons women cheat on their husbands. ;)
I like boxing, myself, and once I was watching one and a hockey game started. :p
Hey bro. I'd say 7% white men into black guys fucking white pussy. But some fantasize of a world where white men not allowed to bang white or any woman.
I can't believe it is bigger than 1%. Jesus where is the hardcore evidence of it being bigger than that?

Any porn tube site. Yeah, we can factor in how it's easier to capture video now than around 15 years ago, but just look at the volume and quality of recent homemade IR content. Then factor in the people who play it close to the vest by not sharing the intimate sessions online. It's much higher than 1%.
While I tend to agree with most of your posts, excluding the political ones, I have a minor quibble here. What you describe is a superficial influence or mimicking. For the white guys that, as you have described, adopt elements of black culture, with regard to dress for example, how many of those white guys are going to keep that same persona when interviewing for a job or an interview with an admissions director of a college? I understand the general point that you are making, but I think aside from seeing that as a way to attract chicks and to be a part of the "in" crowd, I don' think it makes that much of a difference.

As for your overall number of 8-10%, I'd go slightly lower, in the 4-6% range.
And to add to that, the same can be said of black people; there are plenty of black people wearing goth clothing, tailor made suit's, skate clothes etc etc. And all those cultures borrowed from other cultures. The T-shirt originated from Egypt if I remember correctly.

People have always integrated other cultures in to their own. You simply see a sub culture (so called black culture) being increasingly popular in media etc. But see the prefix there? Sub? The norm is not black culture or it would not be a sub culture.

To what extent these people integrate black culture in their life or black people integrating other cultures in their life depends on the person.

The data

The same goes for IR porn on the web; The data from pornhub suggests that it's the women who mostly like to search for big black cock and the likes. And the idea that porn viewing behaviour can be quantified in to how many white guys want to see their wife being 'blacked' is not very scientific.

Every young will try to identify with a group by following the dress code. Now assuming any of this has to do with a sexual KINK, is not really scientific either. Cultural elements in a fetish are simply imprinted to the person, mostly men, by accident. It's not the cultural or racial aspect that is significant but the fact the person was somehow imprinted to develop a fetish involving IR aspects.

Psychology today:

Now when you take in to account that it is mostly women (of any race) searching for big black cock on pornhub (a women is 150% more likely to search for BBC). And that on a fetish site like this forum, dealing with IR fantasies, it is mostly men doing the fantasizing (just like the data suggests; men are more likely to develop a fetish). We can conclude that the percentage of white men involved in this IR fetish contributing to IR porn views is negligible to start with.

The percentage of men that have this 'wife sharing fetish' is relatively small and the popularity of 'black culture' or IR porn have nothing to do with the development of a fetish on a personal level. Granted the racial and cultural elements have to be available to become a fetish.

So NO, white males are not the main consumers of IR porn when adjusted to relative consumption. Women of all races are the most likely to search for BBC.

Yes most of the people with an IR related fetish are men. This has to do with the nature of the male brain.

Oh btw, men are also relatively the biggest consumers of IR, but in the case of men it's... Asian women.


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