white bois have you been turned sissy bitch by IR porn?

It was 1967, I'm 12 visit my cousin his parents gone away, we watch his dad's 8mm movie Black Man white woman wearing thi high nylons and brown garter belt, the hook was set I wanted to be her after movie we went upstairs to his room and I sucked his cock that got me in the boat. Wasn't long he was fucking me, then came his sisters nitty, thy high nylons, garter belt, bra and makeup. 14 a Black foster boy 15 or 16 came to live with them and one night while I was on my back getting fucked by my cousin I saw over his shoulder the foster boy was watching with a smile and motioned for me to come to his room, later I went and spent the rest of the night with him, I swallowed one and got my sissyboi pussy seeded deep by both. I have had many relationships with Black Men over the years I was always infem taking the role of the woman and have never been mistreated of which I am very grateful. 😘