Which is better, Length or Width?

We have rhythm for a reason . And there’s a angle for everything . I like to believe I have a good mix. People sleep on our rhythm it is a major factor. I have woman not be able to take the tip and I have had woman that I was hitting the back of it and they would take my hips and thighs if they could. Do some prep work , and if they love black dick they’ll help find an angle.🤷🏾‍♂️💁🏾‍♂️
Spoken like a man with true experience. You are so right about the angle. And it takes time and patience to find it, especially in various positions.
That's what I ask wife one day after we had meet our regular, I'm the longest and thickest she had ever had. I'm 7+ and thick as say a d cell battery, dude is not as thick but he has a little over 9. Loves his death and my width, we plan on putting both in her pussy at the same time next time we meet. I will let you know how she likes it.