What historical figure...

Hmmmm...we seem to have stumbled on to the celebrity thread vice the historical one...but sexy is sexy no matter what category they're in! :p
True! James is right. As decorative as the Hollywood folks are, let's get back to HISTORICAL figures.

I'm sure somebody has already posted Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy as First Lady. (Isn't it OBVIOUS?)

But let's dig back into HISTORY! What about young Jacqueline Bouvier, before she ever met John Kennedy? Here she is as a debutante in 1947:
And everyone knows that upper class society girls LOVE to experiment Black in college, right? So how about this cute coed Jacqueline Bouvier?
True! James is right. As decorative as the Hollywood folks are, let's get back to HISTORICAL figures.

I'm sure somebody has already posted Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy as First Lady. (Isn't it OBVIOUS?)

But let's dig back into HISTORY! What about young Jacqueline Bouvier, before she ever met John Kennedy? Here she is as a debutante in 1947:
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And everyone knows that upper class society girls LOVE to experiment Black in college, right? So how about this cute coed Jacqueline Bouvier?
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I believe someone has alreadt mentioned her but only in the KFK part of her life.

By the way., where are you located?

"I like to ******* and fuck"

That's how Brooksie described herself. She was extremely sexual. It is obvious in her pics. That's why she played sluts so perfectly. Her directors said she was so natural, she wasn't acting.

Louise was ******* by an adult whiteboi neighbor when she was about 9 years old. He mom blamed her for coming on to him. By her late teens, Louise was living in NYC and became a Ziegfeld Follies girl. Louise was handpicked to work the Follies private rooftop parties for wealthy men. Her whole life centered on being a sex object and she described herself as needing to be sexually humiliated, to be turned on. She said: "At these parties we were not required, like common whores, to go to bed with any man who asked us, but if we did the profits were great. Money, jewels, mink coats, a film job — name it."

In 1925, Charlie Chaplin came to NYC to promote his new movie. Chaplin rented the poshest Ambassador hotel room for the entire summer and kept Louise Brooks and Peggy Fears as his private sluts. Chaplin was afraid of infection and would paint his dicklet with iodine as prevention. Louise called it his "little red rocket".

So Louise's life centered around sex and she was extremely experienced -- and disgusted with -- whiteboi's tiny dicklets. There is really little doubt that Brooksie became an eager Black Cock Slut. When she went to Europe to make Pandora's Box, Louise said her all-time favorite activity was hanging out in the Black jazz clubs in Berlin and Paris. Remember, this was Berlin in the Roaring Twenties, infamous for open sexual behavior and debauchery. Louise could have blended in with the snowbunnies getting gangbanged in the Black clubs. She described herself and other white girls as "drifting with sax players".

Louise married the wealthiest whiteboi in Chicago and ran out on him after only a few months. All her life whiteboi cucks continued to send Louise support money. But she returned to live in NYC, where she could attend Tallulah Bankhead's sex parties and where she could easily serve the Black Man's Cock.

With her flat chest, luscious legs and boyish black bob, Brooksie promoted an intensely sexy androgynous look that still inspires white sissies like me today.





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Mata Hari. Beautiful burlesque babe married to a white guy. No doubt in my mind when she was dancing she had a line of bbc ready to open her holes.
"I like to ******* and fuck"

That's how Brooksie described herself. She was extremely sexual. It is obvious in her pics. That's why she played sluts so perfectly. Her directors said she was so natural, she wasn't acting.

Louise was ******* by an adult whiteboi neighbor when she was about 9 years old. He mom blamed her for coming on to him. By her late teens, Louise was living in NYC and became a Zeigfield Follies girl. Louise was handpicked to work the Follies private rooftop parties for wealthy men. Her whole life centered on being a sex object and she described herself as needing to be sexually humiliated, to be turned on. She said: "At these parties we were not required, like common whores, to go to bed with any man who asked us, but if we did the profits were great. Money, jewels, mink coats, a film job — name it."

In 1925, Charlie Chaplin came to NYC to promote his new movie. Chaplin rented the poshest Ambassador hotel room for the entire summer and kept Louise Brooks and Peggy Fears as his private sluts. Chaplin was afraid of infection and would paint his dicklet with iodine as prevention. Louise called it his "little red rocket".

So Louise's life centered around sex and she was extremely experienced -- and disgusted with -- whiteboi's tiny dicklets. There is really little doubt that Brooksie became an eager Black Cock Slut. When she went to Europe to make Pandora's Box, Louise said her all-time favorite activity was hanging out in the Black jazz clubs in Berlin and Paris. Remember, this was Berlin in the Roaring Twenties, infamous for open sexual behavior and debauchery. Louise could have blended in with the snowbunnies getting gangbanged in the Black clubs. She described herself and other white girls as "drifting with sax players".

Louise married the wealthiest whiteboi in Chicago and ran out on him after only a few months. All her life whiteboi cucks continued to send Louise support money. But she returned to live in NYC, where she could attend Tallulah Bankhead's sex parties and where she could easily serve the Black Man's Cock.

With her flat chest, luscious legs and boyish black bob, Brooksie promoted an intensely sexy androgynous look that still inspires white sissies like me today.

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Thank you, nanci, for a WONDERFUL post! Not just a photo or two, but also an explanation of historical context. I am inspired to learn more about "Brooksie" and can't wait to track down her movie Pandora's Box. Here's my modest contribution to your effort:
It's from a set of nudes taken by a photographer who tried to sell them without her permission. Louise sued him to block release in 1925. While I sympathize with her efforts to control the images, I also give thanks that the images were not lost to posterity.
"I like to ******* and fuck"

That's how Brooksie described herself. She was extremely sexual. It is obvious in her pics. That's why she played sluts so perfectly. Her directors said she was so natural, she wasn't acting.

Louise was ******* by an adult whiteboi neighbor when she was about 9 years old. He mom blamed her for coming on to him. By her late teens, Louise was living in NYC and became a Zeigfield Follies girl. Louise was handpicked to work the Follies private rooftop parties for wealthy men. Her whole life centered on being a sex object and she described herself as needing to be sexually humiliated, to be turned on. She said: "At these parties we were not required, like common whores, to go to bed with any man who asked us, but if we did the profits were great. Money, jewels, mink coats, a film job — name it."

In 1925, Charlie Chaplin came to NYC to promote his new movie. Chaplin rented the poshest Ambassador hotel room for the entire summer and kept Louise Brooks and Peggy Fears as his private sluts. Chaplin was afraid of infection and would paint his dicklet with iodine as prevention. Louise called it his "little red rocket".

So Louise's life centered around sex and she was extremely experienced -- and disgusted with -- whiteboi's tiny dicklets. There is really little doubt that Brooksie became an eager Black Cock Slut. When she went to Europe to make Pandora's Box, Louise said her all-time favorite activity was hanging out in the Black jazz clubs in Berlin and Paris. Remember, this was Berlin in the Roaring Twenties, infamous for open sexual behavior and debauchery. Louise could have blended in with the snowbunnies getting gangbanged in the Black clubs. She described herself and other white girls as "drifting with sax players".

Louise married the wealthiest whiteboi in Chicago and ran out on him after only a few months. All her life whiteboi cucks continued to send Louise support money. But she returned to live in NYC, where she could attend Tallulah Bankhead's sex parties and where she could easily serve the Black Man's Cock.

With her flat chest, luscious legs and boyish black bob, Brooksie promoted an intensely sexy androgynous look that still inspires white sissies like me today.

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This is interesting. Thank you!
Thank you, nanci, for a WONDERFUL post! Not just a photo or two, but also an explanation of historical context.
Thank you. I absolutely adore Brooksie. She was both extraordinarily beautiful and an unapologetic slut. She could go from that bitchy glare of hers, to an innocent smile that would light up all of NYC.


I am inspired to learn more about "Brooksie" and can't wait to track down her movie Pandora's Box.

You should be able to find it for free online. Pandora's Box is a great dark classic that stands up well even today. W.B. Pabst choose to cast Louise (the American) over the established German actresses of the 20's. He felt that only Louise could do justice to Lulu; the innocent waif/unrepentant slut -- and millions of fans agree. Many theaters do a special Pandora's Box and Diary of a Lost Girl night (Brooksie's 2 most famous movies).

Louise was 15 when she was allowed to move to NYC -- with a crotchety old-maid chaperone -- so she could join the Dennishawn Dance Troupe. By 18 the chaperone was gone and Louise was on her own in the Big Apple. Can you imagine her life at 18, a featured Ziegfeld Follies girl, in the most exciting city on Earth? As a featured Follies girl, Louise's weekly pay was equal to a journeyman electrician, supporting a family of 4 (I looked up 1920s pay rates). Louise lived a glamorous life, paid for with her own money. At 19, she became the personal slut to the most famous man in the world, Charlie Chaplin. His contacts launched her film career.

Louise made one huge mistake. She was offered the lead role opposite James Cagney in Public Enemy. She turned it down to go be with a boyfriend in NYC. Public Enemy became a huge success that would have insured Louise's career (but she was thinking with her pussy).

Here's my modest contribution to your effort: It's from a set of nudes taken by a photographer who tried to sell them without her permission. Louise sued him to block release in 1925. While I sympathize with her efforts to control the images, I also give thanks that the images were not lost to posterity.

That's a sweet pic of our naked Lulu (Louise called herself Lulu....the film slut she portrayed, that W.B. Pabst claimed Louise was in real life). What tragically was lost to posterity, was Brooksie's personal memoir Naked On My Goat. She destroyed the manuscript, because she thought the graphic details of her sex life were too lewd and shocking for 1950s America. This is more evidence that Louise was an eager Black Cock slut and she may have praised Black Men and Big Black Cock in the book. This is a shame, because the most beautiful flapper of the Roaring Twenties was also a Black Man's slut and she would have made a wonderful role model for young white girls.



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So to keep this in a perspective of historical figures....
First Wave Feminism freed women to date far away from their parents oversight. The automobile gave women the opportunity to work and women generally enjoyed more of the freedoms men always had. Perhaps this is why the Roaring Twenties had a different ideal of feminine beauty.

The sexually free flappers bound their breasts flat. They were skinny and wore their hair in short bobs that promoted a very androgynous look. They shortened their dresses and showed their thighs with rolled stockings. Also, on the streets of Berlin and Paris, skinny weak whitebois pranced openly as sissies, looking very much as androgynous as the flappers.

In these pics, Louise Brook's flat chest, bobbed hair and boyish features are clearly androgynous - and Louise was considered the iconic beauty of her day. Louise could be mistaken for a feminized white sissy. Consider this feminization of the whiteboi, being depicted in female Hollywood stars at a time when Black Culture was the hot new thing and whites were flocking to Black Jazz clubs. I believe the underground IR lifestyle was quite good in the cities in the Twenties. The common androgyny suggested the exclusion of the whiteboi as too feminine for sex with women -- and the secrecy of the Speakeasy's would have lent itself to white girl/Black man sex.



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Gene Tierney She had such a sexy overbite;)





Louise tells how she once punched her first whiteboi husband, because she thought he was trying to have sex with her (it turned out to be a mild California earthquake that shoved him against her). Louise also refused sex with her second whiteboi husband and left him after a few months.

She insisted that her name was Mary Louise Brooks and refused to answer to her whiteboi husband's last names. It's pretty clear Brooksie was done with weak whiteboi dicklet. In those days she had the resources to privately get Blacked.

Here is my fav pic of Brooksie. It's nice to know that she submitted that fine pale body to Black Men. And she is a wonderful thin, flat role-model for young white sissies.

Great pics of the luscious Betty Page!

Betty was not just a Black Cock slut...the famous Betty pinup queen was created by Black Men.

In 1942, Betty married a whiteboi who was drafted into the Army. Betty promptly ran off on him to go Port-au-Prince, Haiti.....yes, the land of Big Black Cocks. Betty said that she loved the Haitian people and culture more than any place else. I'm sure you did love that Black Iron pipe Betty.

When Betty finally left Haiti, she divorced her limp-dicklet whiteboi and moved to.....where else? Of course, NYC....just like Louise Brooks.

In NYC Betty was strolling alone on the Coney Island shore, when she "just happened" to meet a Black Man.

Jerry Tibbs was an NYPD officer and also an expert photographer. Jerry and another Black Man Cass Carr, were doing underground nude photography....and it was these 2 Black Men who "created" Betty Page the pinup girl. They gave her the trademark black bangs. The same sexy black bangs that made Louise Brooks an icon 30 years earlier.

And were these Black King's banging Betty? Are you kidding? Does a sissy squeal when you pinch her clitty? It's quite a statement of Black Power, that Betty Page the pinup girl -- who millions of whitebois jerked their micro-dicks to -- was a devoted Black Cock slut, who pursued her Black lust from Haiti to NYC!