Watching your own porn

Interesting Question. When i first started my sexual exploits there were no video cameras available to the public. Polaroids were very common also the common camera or a 35 mm . Of course you had to know someone or do the development and print yourself. Did get filmed twice by a 16mm movie camera. Years later after marriage we got a video camera that took a full sized vhs tape. It was large and heavy so most of the time on a tripod.
We hardly ever watched those tapes. At one time a guy talked my guy into editing a dozen of them down to three four hour vhs tapes. Several thousand sold in the 80's to private collectors. We also ran them at stags and other all male gatherings to inspire the guys i always entertained in a room down the hall.
I never saw or heard my guy watching them. Shooting them was more my idea than his. Why i really don't know. I think i planned to watch them to relive the experiences but i was so busy lining up and doing more i just never had the time.