Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I just have to ask, because nobody can be that _____, nevermind ...let me just ask you outright,.. are you a liberal posing as a "Trump supporter" in order TO TRY to make Trump supporters look ignorant...???

Aw don't be mean he's just a bro who likes to take epic bong rips then listen to Joe Rogan podcasts and watch Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro wreck the libs on YouTube.

Eventually he'll get sucked into some Contrapoints videos and come out of it.
Fuck you all who are liberals who are mindwashed. I feel sorry for you.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so NOW the IRS and Trump Tax Records are against Trump, too, huh? Damn, its getting so that other than the Trumptards, (the real stubids), the only ones who will be paying attention to what Trump has to say will be the dogs, and only if someone ties a bone around his neck.

gif_Dog2.gif .................. gif_DogWithBone.gif ............. The GREAT TRUMP CONSPIRACY!
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Anything I say you will not listen just like my cousins and friends I lost for standing up for my self and what I beleive in!!!!

That's RIGHT .... Going Down because of what you truly believe; good boy. Just be sure to GO DOWN, and if you have any friends, take them too, ok?