Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden**-s-death-for-his-own-political-gain-in-2016
Just how many of those things would the Republicans have corrected?
Or, chose not to correct when they controlled all three branches of government?
So when Joe admits to mistakes and how he would correct them, where is the issue in a binary system? Go with a party that doesn't even acknowledge a lot of these social issues?
Do you also suggest that the people being taken off the street or having limbs broken by the Trump secret police in Portland just "chill"?
Let's tell this guy to just chill:

Let's tell these ladies to just chill:
Despite being a peaceful place my city of Toronto on occasion sees some riots every once in a while like when the G-7 showed up ten years ago. From the wikipedia article, I shared we had a taste of the disruption you had in America in 2010. The best advice when hordes show up is not to be a target and as another Premier of another province was once recently quoted, "Stay the blazes home." That was similar to the talk my dad once gave me when I was reaching adolescence: If I didn't have any after school-related group projects, chess practice (yes I was a nerd and I still am :geek:), or tutoring come back home ASAP because there were some out there that would delight in my destruction being a young Black male at that time. It might not be the most heroic response but it keeps you alive to figure out how to live another day as Black guys don't generally have bullets bounce off our chests nor are our necks thick enough from being suffocated when its squeezed upon unless you have some super-heroic abilities where you can personally intervene and do better?

About the Trump secret police. Let's say you are in Trump's shoes, what would you do? Would you allow these people to continue to burn down your cities and appear as an indecisive POTUS? Or would you try to maintain order and to stop the violence? In the process, there will be some collateral damage and then you would be viewed as a bully which is how you are portraying Trump? I guess it is very easy to be the backseat driver @ridgelyfan?


Get ready to welcome our next president with a reality check. When people celebrate Trump’s new reign of power, don’t counter them with “he’s never going to last.” Instead, hit them with someone they’ll actually listen to: Trump himself. As SNL cheekily put it, when people ask you why you support Trump you tell them…

Trump said: “Now this poor guy, you ought to see this guy.” (Mocking a disabled NYT reporter; Source)

“Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.” (2005 video released; Source)

Your comeback: America, the melting pot, the land of… acceptance? “People say Trump will ‘Make America Great Again.’ But I can’t think of a time when America was greater than it is now,” Wake Forest University junior Maya Menon said. “We have advanced so much socially and economically. America, in my opinion, is great now,” Menon said. “But just because we have a long way to go does not mean we aren’t moving forward now.” Is Trump really going to push this country in the direction it needs to go to turn “great” to “best”? Or is he just going to make sure straight white males don’t slip from power?

Trump said: “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?” (Source)

Your comeback: Name one time when Trump responded politely to someone who has questioned him. Constantly shaking his head, interrupting Clinton with a pout and a scratchy, “wrong” from the other side of the debate stage don’t show very good listening skills. As he holds the title of POTUS, keep your opinions to yourself or watch out. You might just get the crap knocked out of you.

Trump said: “When I am president, it will always be America first.” (Source)

“When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say China, in a trade deal? I beat China all the time. All the time.” (Source)

Your comeback: He’s already managed to misread China’s currency system. So Foreign Policy 101? One class our president elect seems to have skipped back at school.

Trump said: “[Hilary Clinton] said, ‘Maybe you didn’t pay taxes.’ And I said, ‘Well, that would make me smart.’” (Source)

Your comeback: “He has ran at least four businesses into the ground and used Trump University to scam the most vulnerable of society,” Jake Orvis, president of College Democrats of Georgia said. “It goes to show that with a ‘small loan of one million dollars’ one can game American bankruptcy law and take advantage of struggling Americans,” the Georgia Tech junior said. He understands business? More like he knows how to #FakeItTillYouMakeIt.

Trump said: “”I will build a great wall–and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me… I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” (Source)

Your comeback: If he achieved the American dream, will he help you too? “Sure, Trump has achieved the American Dream, if you consider [the American Dream to be] receiving a million dollar loan from his ******* and being born into a well-to-do family with a secure social safety net,” Wake Forest University senior Sebastian Ivory said “Additionally, Trump’s 17 cabinet appointees have a combined wealth higher than one-third of Americans. Including Betsy DeVos, who is worth over 5 billion dollars, and Wilber Ross, who is worth nearly 3 billion,” Ivory said. I hate to say it, but I’ve seen smarter cabinets at IKEA.

Trump says: “I think I’d get along very well with Vladimir Poroshenko. I just think so.” (Source)

Your comeback: We don’t know how big an influence Russia’s hack and release of Clinton emails was on the American public. Some say it didn’t matter anyway; others say Russia’s got our POTUS in their pocket now.

Trump says: “I was against going into the war in Iraq.” (Source)

Your comeback: You can act like the man himself and ignore the fact checking during debates, the articles listing his lies and his rating on Politifact (a website that fact checks politicians’ statements for accuracy), but the odds are stacked against you. There are digital records, via Twitter (Trump’s favorite social media) and video interviews showing his evidence against his own words. In fact, Colbert was able to have his own debate–Trump v. Trump–with all the contradictory things Trump’s said.
It's a good thing you are pals with @MacNfries @subhub174014 as he does not like to see "the name of that woman who campaigned against Trump in 2016 after securing her DNC Leadership" used on this thread anymore.
The absence of an answer, does not indicate there is no answer.

What's really frustrating about your posts, is that they are so cartoonish sometimes. There is a structure and process here.
Trump was not a stranger to politics, had a built up base and did not come out of nowhere. The surprise is not that a clear bigot would use divisive 1960s rhetoric to run for office, the surprise was that it still works.

However, Trump has shown Americans that without some leadership skills, this country can devolve into a banana republic in a short time. Extremely high unemployment, riots, viral pandemic, divisive politics and the suspension of constitutional rights by police ******* that answer only to the President. That's Trump's America.
Especially because of the fact that I live in Canada the last thing that I would want to see is absolute chaos to reign in America. We are your next-door neighbor and we rely upon the flow of the trade of goods even during this pandemic and down to our entertainment as well for at least probably 60% are geared towards American networks. Others are French, some Canadian networks, and the rest are multi-ethnic channels geared towards our exploding demographic of all cultures literally from everywhere around the planet that are settling here in Metro Toronto and its GTA.
This x10000

I feel like for STIFF this is just entertainment, like "haha what if the bad guys won that would be a funny twist ending", or "what if Snape was a good guy all along?!"

But this stuff has really real consequences for a lot of people.
So would always maintaining a serious outlook upon your desired goal make any difference? Agonizing and stressing about your outcome day and night until you get nightmares, raise your ******* pressure, maybe have a few strokes or heart attacks help attain your goal any faster @ridgelyfan? Hope for the best and maybe plan out a few contingency plans where possible. Chill.

It's a good thing you are pals with @MacNfries @subhub174014 as he does not like to see "the name of that woman who campaigned against Trump in 2016 after securing her DNC Leadership" used on this thread anymore.

I really doubt's just the right can find nothing supportive of their candidate...… they push more of the Russian bot ******* that they colluded with to put out!

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although I will admit the American voter is one of the fucking dumbest animals there is...…..they can not remember yesterday....only what is in today's news!

the term "sheep" comes to mind.....last election there were a number of people still undecided...….until the Russian Bots went on their terror binge the day of the election
I really doubt's just the right can find nothing supportive of their candidate...… they push more of the Russian bot ******* that they colluded with to put out!
Speaking of Russia did you hear about the new book "Fallout"? It promises to be an intriguing page-turner. 🔥🔥🔥

And Gregg Jarrett's books appear interesting too, I'll see if I can find them on Amazon...
Or potentially in Trump's future Presidential library for sure to educate future Americans what REALLY happened during his tenure as POTUS.

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STIFF I think maybe you watched so much anime that you can't connect or empathize with humans anymore. If you can watch people get beat down and tear gassed at random while peacefully protesting, then feel sorry for the guy who needlessly tear gasses his own people in a pathetic attempt to try to appear tough, something is a little broken inside you.
STIFF I think maybe you watched so much anime that you can't connect or empathize with humans anymore. If you can watch people get beat down and tear gassed at random while peacefully protesting, then feel sorry for the guy who needlessly tear gasses his own people in a pathetic attempt to try to appear tough, something is a little broken inside you.

It’s anti-American . . . but then again . . . STIFF is not American sooooooo :p
STIFF I think maybe you watched so much anime that you can't connect or empathize with humans anymore. If you can watch people get beat down and tear gassed at random while peacefully protesting, then feel sorry for the guy who needlessly tear gasses his own people in a pathetic attempt to try to appear tough, something is a little broken inside you.
I think a lot has been exposed here on Stiff today.
No team sports, or clubs, thus leading to lack of identity.
Avoids demonstrations of human or civil rights and groups them as 'trouble makers'. thus no real belief system besides self.
Always defaults to authority. Not willing to stand up for himself (or others)
No friends, spouse, or even a dog.
Lives a different life on the computer.
No empathy, probably love anime more than humans.
Fantasizes often.
Like Trump.

I'm not a psychiatrist but, there is a couch with his name on it, somewhere.
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You seem quite angry, and ignorant. I guess I was living in Texas, I would be too.
Good thing you don't live in a state with easy access to guns and *******... aww *******.
(by the way, if Texas did leave the US, Mexican Army would AGAIN take it back in five minutes)

Texas likes to talk ******* about leaving the union.....but then they have a slight management problem and have had for years.....typical of a red state...…...they suck money from the blue states......and texas one of the worst

Chapters 11, 12 & 13 - Government 2306 with Sistrunk at ...
Federal money is an important part of the Texas budget, ... The policies of the national government influence Texas, but, for the most part, large segments of public policy, such as education, infrastructure, and legal matters, are state and local matters. ... Texas leads the nation in the percentage of residents who lack health insurance coverage.

Texas Government 2306- Chapter 14 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet
For a Texas Government political science class. Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Search. ... Each of the following is a condition for receiving funds through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) except ... Texas has three of the nation's top five counties of 250,000 or more people with the highest rates of poverty.
STIFF I think maybe you watched so much anime that you can't connect or empathize with humans anymore. If you can watch people get beat down and tear gassed at random while peacefully protesting, then feel sorry for the guy who needlessly tear gasses his own people in a pathetic attempt to try to appear tough, something is a little broken inside you.
I have loads of empathy for those being gassed, shot, or otherwise. I am especially saddened and grieve the passing of those minding their own business and trouble finds them as if you are walking somewhere and out of nowhere a dog bites you. It's another matter is if you see an angry crowd and you decide to confront them cognizant of the danger that could be associated with that activity when it could have been avoided in the first place @ridgelyfan.