Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Don't forget all trade deals and executive orders and judges appointments
I don’t expect you to know this, but executive orders mean nothing. All undone with the stroke of the pen. And bunch of conservative unqualified judges are Mc Connell's doing, not your precious.
I’m not debating you at all. There is no debate. I’ve only corrected your mistakes with facts. I find your love of trump curious at best. Can’t debate with someone not armed with facts. I don’t care to discuss opinions.
It gets kind of old rehashing my arguments again and again. This very thread is kind of a diary going back just over a year. Interwoven within it are things I have said in favor of Trump. If you are curious feel free to read them and watch any videos @Rambbc, Peace.
It gets kind of old rehashing my arguments again and again. This very thread is kind of a diary going back just over a year. Interwoven within it are things I have said in favor of Trump. If you are curious feel free to read them and watch any videos @Rambbc, Peace.
Not curious at all. I think you’re position and input in the conversation at all is comical at best, sad at worst, but mostly ridiculous and idiotic.
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If you think you are bothering me with that, your not. It seems to be your only mentally available argument. “Go trump” , “trump 2020” your an embarrassment to the Republican Party and actual conservatives everywhere. Your little war cry will age badly like “lock her up”
I text from phone but like the thread says go trump
I keep it short .I get the feeling you were really into glue
I can’t think of another reason why you’d be so .. slow. I don’t want to assume you were born with a mental deficiency you can’t help, which maybe that’s the case, if so then I apologize. Otherwise it’s what I got for an explanation of you and your cult.
Not curious at all. I think you position and input in the conversation at all is comical at best, sad at worst, but mostly ridiculous and idiotic.
"Your position" instead of "you position" @Rambbc. 🤓 Your spelling is sound but your grammar appears weaker than my arguments. :ROFLMAO:
In any case, we shall see who America places in the Oval Office later in November on this year of 2020.
Well, it appears it IS due to your ignorance, STIFF, but I don't think its due to your geographical ignorance.
The USA looks like the anus of the entire world when it comes to combating the covid-19 ... hell, don't say its the media. Look at the countries that are NOW restricting US citizens from entering their countries. We haven't experienced a full pandemic as of yet, but when you start seeing thousands of US citizens dying EACH DAY, EVERY DAY, maybe you'll wake up to finally admit the Trump Administration was a bit wrong when they said it would "blow over" back in February. Don't you dare insult me again with your arrogance and stupidity, STIFF.or I'll give you something else to run tattletale to the Administration about ... comprende'?
So, in that case, @MacNfries why does not history blame Woodrow Wilson for the 1918 Spanish Flu debacle? ;):unsure:

And I was just illustrating as you realize where Wuhan City is located. Unless China generously provided territory for America within its borders which you have sovereignty over that I am unaware of, it was China that initially dropped the coronavirus football not America with all due respect. So the very initial blame goes to President Xi not President Trump, or at the very least if an investigator was sleuthing the mystery of how the coronavirus began it would involve President Xi at the very least and then "follow the money" to the true perpetrators of the crime, if possible?
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