Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump brushes off criticism: 'Everybody’s called a racist ...
6 hours ago · “The word is so overused, it’s such a disgrace," he said. A new Quinnipiac poll out Tuesday, however, found that 51 percent of voters believed Trump to be a racist

Stunning poll shows how many Americans say President Trump ...
A startling new poll shows "virtually no change" in the percentage of Americans who believe President Donald Trump is racist after his controversial "go back" tweets. The survey from Huffington Post and YouGov showed that 50 percent of Americans thought the president was racist, while 35 percent said he isn't racist. A similar survey in May

Naturally...would expect nothing if you think the right cares about minorities....think again

New polling finds Republicans like Trump more after racist ...
Jul 17, 2019 · President Donald Trump’s recent racist tweets may have sparked a firestorm, but contrasting responses among Republicans and Democrats signal how …
The World Hates Donald Trump, According to New Global Poll ...
A median of 22 percent have confidence in Trump and 74 percent lack it, while the comparable numbers are better for Putin (27-59) and Chinese President Xi Jinping (28-53). German Chancellor Angela Merkel, by contrast, rates well with a median confidence level of 42 percent and no-confidence level of 31

Trump is the worst president ever, 41 percent of Americans ...
Interestingly, while a large number of Americans chose Obama as the best president ever—16 percent—just six percent chose Trump. Abraham Lincoln just nudged past Obama to …

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump
Jan 11, 2018 · Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump. Voters believe Trump is not honest by a 63 to 34 percent margin, while they think by a 59 percent to 39 percent margin that he does not have good leadership skills, the poll says. In addition, respondents by a 59 percent to 38 percent margin believe he does not care about the average American.

the number is growing...….

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached | TheHill
The poll found 40 percent approve of the job the president is doing, and 54 percent disapprove. Only 43 percent said Trump will end up serving his full four-year term in office.
You’re as wrong about jail time as you are about him getting re-elected :}

Oh No! He is looking at jail whether or not he has to serve it is the question and I don't think he many lawyers and to big a fish to fry

as for re-election....that is not a given and right now not looking good...already lost 2 states he won last early to tell....the dems still could shoot themselves in the foot

I will say this....there are a lot of smart dems running right now...….but electable...????

the question is...…..when sanders doesn't get the nomination......and he stands a snowballs chance in hell of getting it.....will he throw a tantrum again and not support the person that does get it
You can send me all the bullshit that you can find on Donald Trump but I still don't like him because hes a horrible individual. And I don't care how the economy is doing.

I'm done with talking about dumb-ass Donald Trump so please stop sending me things because I'm not responding anymore.

If you prefer I will refrain from calling out your profile name when I produce more evidence when Donald Trump does good. Provided you are done debating with me? Instead you could remain anonymous @Igotskillz27 and I will continue to openly speak with @subhub174014 who you are in full agreement with anyways. I know in the future you will be regretting your opinion. Peace.
If you prefer I will refrain from calling out your profile name when I produce more evidence when Donald Trump does good. Provided you are done debating with me? Instead you could remain anonymous @Igotskillz27 and I will continue to openly speak with @subhub174014 who you are in full agreement with anyways. I know in the future you will be regretting your opinion. Peace.

sorry guess we won't be hearing from you for a while if you are going to wait until Donald Musoweenie does good...been at for 2 years and has done anything for anyone except himself and the ones that don't need it
If you prefer I will refrain from calling out your profile name when I produce more evidence when Donald Trump does good. Provided you are done debating with me? Instead you could remain anonymous @Igotskillz27 and I will continue to openly speak with @subhub174014 who you are in full agreement with anyways. I know in the future you will be regretting your opinion. Peace.
Trump is a mute point for me dude. Debate away with whom everyone will listen to your BS about this clown.
Trump is a mute point for me dude. Debate away with whom everyone will listen to your BS about this clown.

getting there myself....posted to many links showing facts ...and he ignores and posts a pic of a black in a mega hat or a minister vid...claiming that as fact......he claimed jesse Jackson supported trump...I showed him that wasn't matter what you post he doesn't look or listen just reposts the same thing and calls that proof
you really are wasted...….how much stuff and links and etc do I have to ignore them all and post a pic of one or two people that like trump......your evidence is just another pic or movie of the same thing you post every time...means nothing!

check the go trump thread!.....I have posted all kind of FACTS about your man...not some pic of someone wearing a MAGA hat...….the gut is a total waste of skin......not an ounce of any good in him...he just has the knack of brainwashing those that will buy a bridge if he asks

It is testimony from a Black Billionaire that speaks with Donald Trump personally. And furthermore my source was CNBC which for the record is a business channel and they don't really have any political alignment. Furthermore Robert L Johnson openly supported Donald Trump on CNN too. He is speaking from his heart, not motivated by any monetary bribes as Robert L Johnson is very rich. So I added that as new evidence that POTUS Donald Trump is not a racist. Plus to accumulate that sum of money Robert L Johnson is not a foolish man either as he can judge people by their character for business. So that indirectly illustrates too that Donald Trump is not a crook either. Honestly @subhub174014, @Igotskillz27 and a few others that desire to remain nameless if somehow Jesus himself appeared calling Donald Trump a fair and just man who was not racist you would look for fault there too? I know there is no convincing you just for those who are voting capable Americans who are fence-sitting political agnostics that are looking for a reason to believe in POTUS Trump in 2020.

My Evidence for anyone new to this thread:
you guys need to have a back up plan....don't think you do.....pretty sure it will be Biden on the dem time goes on trump feeling more and more heat....who knows what will happen...he could get re-elected and keep those doors shut somehow...but think it is just a matter of time...….I also think there are to many repubs afraid of him...because McConnell backs trump also..(he is getting that Russian money also)

I guess you failed to watch those links I provided @subhub174014 as neither of those CNBC videos nor the CNN video I provided did Robert L Johnson ever wear a MAGA hat? Perhaps you saw him elsewhere where he did wear a MAGA hat? If so please provide a link to that video where he did. Robert L Johnson was speaking from his perspective as a Black businessman that knows Trump personally. Not from the perspective that you, and others that desire to remain nameless, provide the link of an anonymous pastor that did some biased one-sided research against Trump while neglecting all the good that Trump is doing as seen below. And Robert L Johnson also stated he provides advice to Trump's administration frequently.

If you need another reason to hear about all the good Trump is doing did you hear very recently how Trump helped keep America safe, and indirectly the world safe while you @subhub174014, and others that desire to remain nameless, got your horsey ride riding on Trump's back? Giddy-Up Trump YeeHaw!!! This is Trump's back-up plan that guarantees Trump's second term that you were looking for @subhub174014 as well as those that desire to remain nameless.

Hamza Bin Laden, who I previously mentioned here (, ******* of Osama Bin Laden, seething with revenge against America for killing his dad was killed undoubtedly preventing another 9/11! Way to go Trump! As my proof I credit the UK's "The Guardian" as seen below. I guess CNN is not covering it due to the DNC debates going on tonight?

Go Trump!

My Evidence For Those That Are Objective To Verify What I Am Saying:
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I guess you failed to watch those links I provided @subhub174014 as neither of those CNBC videos nor the CNN video I provided did Robert L Johnson ever wear a MAGA hat? Perhaps you saw him elsewhere where he did wear a MAGA hat? If so please provide a link to that video where he did. Robert L Johnson was speaking from his perspective as a Black businessman that knows Trump personally. Not from the perspective that you, and others that desire to remain nameless, provide the link of an anonymous pastor that did some biased one-sided research against Trump while neglecting all the good that Trump is doing as seen below. And Robert L Johnson also stated he provides advice to Trump's administration frequently.

If you need another reason to hear about all the good Trump is doing did you hear very recently how Trump helped keep America safe, and indirectly the world safe while you @subhub174014, and others that desire to remain nameless, got your horsey ride riding on Trump's back? Giddy-Up Trump YeeHaw!!! This is Trump's back-up plan that guarantees Trump's second term that you were looking for @subhub174014 as well as those that desire to remain nameless.

Hamza Bin Laden, who I previously mentioned here (, ******* of Osama Bin Laden, seething with revenge against America for killing his dad was killed undoubtedly preventing another 9/11! Way to go Trump! As my proof I credit the UK's "The Guardian" as seen below. I guess CNN is not covering it due to the DNC debates going on tonight?

Go Trump!

My Evidence For Those That Are Objective To Verify What I Am Saying:

no matter what all you post....and it is definitely biased and for the most part false...….facts are facts.....last election he got 20% of the black vote....but that is you yourself said at one time jessie Jackson supported him...that was last election...not now...MOST blacks can see how he is dividing the country and a racist...I posted more than enough facts and yet you seem to ignore....I have posted article after article...where the country and the WORLD laugh at him......he is a joke and a crook and a pervert! your answer will be Clinton...….Clinton is not in the white house for one
list is growing as more comes out

List: 100 House Democrats calling for an impeachment ...
May 23, 2019 · As President Donald Trump has been openly feuding with House Democrats pursuing investigations into him, his administration and his finances, some lawmakers are calling to start an impeachment ...

Democrats for impeaching Trump: Who wants to open an ...
May 31, 2019 · Calls for the impeachment of President Trump are growing louder. After the release of the Mueller report, 106 House Democrats say they support at least opening an impeachment

Nearly half House Democrats support impeachment. But that ...
There’s substantial support among House Democrats for at least taking the first step to impeach President Trump. Almost half of House Democrats back beginning an impeachment proceeding, a ...
trump got what he wanted...….this will make things look good FOR A WHILE...people will spend money they don't have...making the economy look good...…But later when they don't have the money to pay back those items what then....but trump isn't worried about that......only making things look good for the election

If The Fed Cuts Rates Next Month, This Is What Happens ...
The Fed's unprecedented attempt to hike rates out of the greatest recession since the Great Depression is over: and whether the Fed cuts in two weeks, or July, the futures market indicates a greater than 90% likelihood of at least one 25 bps rate cut in the funds rate by the end of 2019.

Fed rate cut: How It could affect borrowers and savers
Apr 04, 2018 · The Federal Reserve on Wednesday signaled that it may cut interest rates as soon as next month for the first time in more than a decade. But while rate cuts are like steroids for …

An Interest Rate Cut: What Does It Mean? | Home Guides ...
In America, the Federal Reserve Board manages the interest rate environment through monetary policy. An interest rate cut generally means that the economy has fallen into recession. In response to recession, the Fed targets lower interest rates that encourage people to take out loans and invest money.

When the Fed Cuts, What Happens To Mortgage Rates?
Oct 28, 2008 · So, you can see there have been some pretty big swings in mortgage rates shortly after the Fed’s actions. Now You Know. No surprises any more. Fed cuts lead to inflation. Inflation leads to higher mortgage rates. If history has a way of predicting the future (which it normally does), you can expect a Fed cut to lead to higher mortgage rates.