Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I know that's english but, can you Americanize it for me?
Reminds me of Scot I dated once. She was/is so hot, but her english was damn near unrecognizable.
Then I went to Kilmarnock and realized everyone in Ayrshire sounded angry and mumbly.
The Scots language is, in fact, a continuation of the North English ( Northrumbia ) dialect of the Old English language,which is combined to some extent with the Scottish Gail language from the Old Irish language. I still have a lot to learn English, but I think Australian and American South are the two ugliest dialects! They stretch the words, and is therefore very similar to the whining of cats! :)
The Scots language is, in fact, a continuation of the North English ( Northrumbia ) dialect of the Old English language,which is combined to some extent with the Scottish Gail language from the Old Irish language. I still have a lot to learn English, but I think Australian and American South are the two ugliest dialects! They stretch the words, and is therefore very similar to the whining of cats! :)
You should try listening to a 'brummie' accent (from Birmingham, UK) . That's ugly!

Trump campaign revises Pennsylvania suit, again

The latest version of the lawsuit asks the court to declare Trump the winner in Pennsylvania.

President Donald Trump’s campaign has filed yet another version of its lawsuit over the election results in Pennsylvania, now contending that he should be named the victor in the presidential contest there or that the state legislature be given the authority to assign the state’s 20 electoral votes.

The third iteration of the suit also restores legal claims dropped in the second version that the campaign’s constitutional rights were violated because of allegedly inadequate access for observers during the processing of mail-in ballots.

The campaign eliminated those claims in a version of the suit filed on Sunday, but Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani has said that was due to a miscommunication prompted by harassment and threats directed at lawyers who represented the campaign.

The new complaint claims 1.5 million mail-in or absentee votes in seven Pennsylvania counties “should not have been counted” and that the disputed votes resulted “in returns indicating Biden won Pennsylvania.”

The new pleading also continues to pursue an unusual tack for Republicans: invoking international standards to assess the legitimacy of U.S. election procedures. Trump campaign lawyers also leveled bitter criticism at a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision Tuesday that found, by a vote of 5-2, that access for election observers was adequate even if they could not see the details of individual ballots.

“In contrast to the 2002 International Electoral Standards … the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has struck out in a unique direction among democracies and declared that meaningful observers are not part of verification and votes may be counted without any review by political campaigns and parties,” the Trump campaign’s new complaint says.

“The Pennsylvania Supreme Court opinion that declared that the law only requires that observers be present, is a patently inconsistent opinion by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, as many Pennsylvania counties followed the law, logic, and tradition of employing observers to not only be present but to ensure the elements of the election code were being strictly followed,” the suit said. “This disparate treatment between Pennsylvania counties created a textbook example of an Equal Protection violation, prohibited by the Unites [sic] States Supreme Court (Bush v. Gore).”

The new complaint also comes close to accusing the judges of Pennsylvania’s highest court of political bias
, the kind of accusation that is common in newspaper editorials and cable news shows but rarely appears in federal court pleadings filed by experienced attorneys.

The latest version of the Trump campaign’s suit was filed one day after a hearing held in federal court in Williamsport, Pa., about an hour-and-a-half north of Harrisburg.

During the five-hour session, U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Brann sounded skeptical that the most sweeping relief sought by the Trump campaign — throwing out hundreds of thousands of votes, or perhaps more than a million — was justified by problems with poll watching or disparate procedures for “curing” defective mail-in ballots.

Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat, and the seven counties named as defendants in the suit have asked Brann to throw it out. They contend the Trump campaign and the two Pennsylvania voters who are also plaintiffs in the case lack legal standing to pursue their claims in federal court.

Trump’s side filed a formal request Tuesday to ******* disclosure of records related to the election, including copies of the outer envelopes of mail-in ballots that were counted. The Trump campaign’s lawyers are also seeking a hearing where they can present live witnesses to discuss the alleged deficiencies in the election observing process.

Brann had scheduled such a hearing for Thursday, but he canceled it at the conclusion of the arguments Tuesday, leading to speculation that he might throw the case out.

Michigan GOP and RNC ask state to delay certification as Monday deadline looms

The Michigan Republican Party and the Republican National Committee on Saturday demanded that Michigan delay certifying the victory of presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden, saying the state should conduct an audit of votes in the Detroit area.

The Republicans asked the state board of canvassers to put off for 14 days the certification that is scheduled for Monday.

“It would be a grievous dereliction of this board’s duty to the people of Michigan not to ensure that the irregularities … are thoroughly investigated by a full audit before certifying Wayne County’s results,” wrote state chairwoman Laura Cox and Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

They cited “numerical anomalies” and “procedural irregularities” that would leave “the distrust and sense of procedural disenfranchisement felt by many Michigan voters to fester for years” if unresolved by the board.

One of the Republican board members, Norm Shinkle, has said he is considering a delay. The board has four members, two Republicans and two Democrats.

The request came a day after President Trump met at the White House with Republican state Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and GOP state House Speaker Lee Chatfield.
After the meeting, the two state legislators said they “have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan.”

“As legislative leaders, we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan’s electors,” they said.

Trump Skips Pandemic Session At G-20 Summit, Heads To Golf Club

Donald Trump attended the summit’s opening session but headed for the links rather than listen to world leaders discuss COVID-19.

President Donald Trump participated in the opening session of this year’s virtual Group of 20 summit on Saturday but did not attend a side event dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Trump instead left for the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, while that session was underway, CNN, The New York Times and mom Jones reported.


Trump campaign files appeal after Pennsylvania judge ...
President Trump’s legal team on Sunday filed an appeal to a federal judge’s ruling that struck down his campaign’s effort to block the certification of votes in Pennsylvania. The appeal …

Trump campaign files narrow appeal in Pennsylvania - …
6 hours ago · President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a narrow appeal Sunday in its longshot bid to have Trump declared the victor in the presidential race in Pennsylvania …

Trump slams Paris climate agreement Biden intends to …
1 day ago · President Donald Trump railed against the Paris climate accord on Sunday, telling world leaders at a virtual summit that the agreement was designed to …

US begins formal withdrawal from Paris climate accord ...
Nov 04, 2019 · The move is the first step in a year-long process for the US to fully vacate the landmark agreement to reduce planet-warming gas emissions, which nearly 200 nations have agreed to.

Chris Christie calls Trump's legal team a 'national ...
1 day ago · A staunch ally of Donald Trump said Sunday it was time for the President to end his futile gambit to overturn the results of the election.

Chris Christie calls Trump legal team 'national …
1 day ago · Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had harsh words for President Trump’s legal team as it pursues its increasingly quixotic quest to overturn the November election. “Quite frankly, the conduct of the president’s legal team has been a national embarrassment,” Christie …

Does he really think he will find enough votes to overcome the 12.000 biden won by?​

Trump requests Georgia recount
1 day ago · President Donald Trump’s campaign requested a recount of votes in the Georgia presidential race on Saturday, a day after state officials certified results showing Democrat Joe Biden won the state, as his legal team presses forward with attacks alleging widespread fraud without proof. Georgia's results showed Biden beating Trump by 12,670 votes out of about 5 million cast, or 0.25%.

Trump requests recount in Georgia - POLITICO
1 day ago · President Donald Trump’s campaign said it filed a petition for recount in Georgia, one day after the state certified Joe Biden’s victory. While Biden won the state by more than 12,000 votes ...