Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The American Patriots will never let Bendin and Blow in office!
There's nothing "patriot" about the American Patriots, you fool. Hell, the local national guards unit would probably be asked to remove these unemployed weekend warriors.
Probably the title Proud Boys is accurate ... "boys" no doubt. And being "proud" ... of what? Following a dictator's attempt to ******* himself into office? Donald's proven he can't govern a nation any better than he can run his businesses. He's a loser, Doorcpl.
Sorry all you socialist/communist dumb dumbs! Trump isn't going anywhere for another 4 years! Your cheating pile of ******* representatives got caught! The American Patriots will never let Bendin and Blow in office! You saw that yesterday. If you would have won fairly, that would have been one thing, but your party has to cheat. Your going down!
And with all those thousands and thousands of Trump supporters, not a bit of violence. Only violence came from the Biden Loves Morons, and ANTIFA fags! Shows perfectly well what is wrong with this country!
Sorry McDildoNflies, but that firing squad will be pointed at you and the rest of your domestic terrorists! Your days are numbered!
After cheating you little dick braindead loser! It's documented! You couldn't win without stealing Trumps votes! Your pussicrats are caught pisshanded!

Riiiiiiiiiiiight :rolleyes: Piss and moan and scream and shout all you want . . . I don’t give a flyin’ fuck see . . . cuz come January 20 Donald Chump is GONE 😜 God bless (and save) America from that scourge 🇺🇸
Every one of you that think like this...Sorry all you socialist/communist dumb dumbs! Trump isn't going anywhere for another 4 years!... are just showing the world how really dumb thick & stupid you really are, i swear you all have the mindset of a 4 year old that takes his ball home so no other ******* can play because he can`t win. it`s america you fools not Russia.
Every one of you that think like this...Sorry all you socialist/communist dumb dumbs! Trump isn't going anywhere for another 4 years!... are just showing the world how really dumb thick & stupid you really are, i swear you all have the mindset of a 4 year old that takes his ball home so no other ******* can play because he can`t win. it`s america you fools not Russia that idiot trump is not Vladimir Poroshenko he will leave in january or get lead out by secret service men, up to him either way he will be gone, mark my words lol.

And seeing how he had no problem exposing the Secret Service to COVID (including when he was supposed to be in the hospital with active coronavirus), I’m sure they will be quite pleased to usher his sorry ass out. “Mr. President, we can do this the easy way or hard way . . . leave on your own accord with any shred of dignity and grace you have left . . . or we can drag your orange ass out of here kicking and screaming like we did your bed wench Omarosa . . . which shall it be”??? 😁😅😆
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Sorry all you socialist/communist dumb dumbs! Trump isn't going anywhere for another 4 years! Your cheating pile of ******* representatives got caught! The American Patriots will never let Bendin and Blow in office! You saw that yesterday. If you would have won fairly, that would have been one thing, but your party has to cheat. Your going down!
Oh he'll be going somewhere and it will be for a lot longer than four years.
Who got caught cheating?
Why not take the House, or the Senate?
How did they take the one line item- President- change it, and no others?
You're living in a fantasy world. An angry, white-hot, butt hurt angry world.

The 'American Patriots' are neither. A marginalized group of pussies.
That's President-Elect Biden, and Vice President-Elect Harris, ya loser.
One more bit of advice, you look terrible in the suspenders and stockings, leave it to the women.
And with all those thousands and thousands of Trump supporters, not a bit of violence. Only violence came from the Biden Loves Morons, and ANTIFA fags! Shows perfectly well what is wrong with this country!
Sorry McDildoNflies, but that firing squad will be pointed at you and the rest of your domestic terrorists! Your days are numbered!
Fags? Wow, 1983 called and wants it's words back you bigot.
MILLIONS celebrates in the many streets of America last weekend. Millions of freedom loving Americans, and not one skirmish or bit of violence. THOUSANDS of HATERS come out yesterday, and guess what, violence. Fuck 'em, the gutter trash losers.
You lost.
You're an unskilled cuck living in NE Wisconsin, losing is not new to you. Embrace that old comfortable feeling and do what you do best. Step out of the way and let men (and women) handle this.
Fags? Wow, 1983 called and wants it's words back you bigot.
MILLIONS celebrates in the many streets of America last weekend. Millions of freedom loving Americans, and not one skirmish or bit of violence. THOUSANDS of HATERS come out yesterday, and guess what, violence. Fuck 'em, the gutter trash losers.
You lost.
You're an unskilled cuck living in NE Wisconsin, losing is not new to you. Embrace that old comfortable feeling and do what you do best. Step out of the way and let men (and women) handle this.

“Dirtbagz” on their Harleys 😁
After cheating you little dick braindead loser! It's documented! You couldn't win without stealing Trumps votes! Your pussicrats are caught pisshanded!
Of course it's documented, in some secret place that no one but Rudy Giuliani knows and can find.
People who are 'caught' usually don't need someone else to tell them, because, you know, they are caught.
People who are caught, usually fight the process from being exposed.

Biden's team, has not filed a bunch of counter suits, have not objected to recounts, have not sued to start the transition.
They've begun working on building a new government and addressing the issues that affect our nation, while the president has been whining and sulking because he was rejected, in record numbers. The pussicrats are the ones crying over rejection(it's the Republicunts🤫).
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As for the Trump administration ......

View attachment 3726841
I am so discussed with all of the negative response to what is happening in this country. Donald Trump defeated a heavily favored Hillary Clinton in 2016. sure she won the popular vote but she lost the election not to the republican party but because of a great many Americans frustration with our governments corruption and it's status quo mentality. This mentality has held America back ever since the Pilgrims sailed here and founded Jamestown and Plymouth. A few examples through out our history, the people of the new Plymouth Plantation became divided over the seperation of church and state, America elected John Adams 2nd President of the United States and later John Quincy Adams our sixth President, the beginning of making government a family affair which included the Harrisons , Roosevelts, Kennedy's, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and lastly Bill and Hillary Clinton, not to mention governors, senators and representatives all related.

Donald Trump has received over 71 million votes many not even claiming to be republicans, so where did these votes come from ? I know " Trumpsters" that includes some republicans that only voted republican to vote for Trump, he has many independents and disgruntled life long democrats . These 71 million people are not going to stand by while while a completely torn in thirds democrat party steals this election. Trump has the numbers to start a new government party. Oh well then we will see.
I am so discussed with all of the negative response to what is happening in this country. Donald Trump defeated a heavily favored Hillary Clinton in 2016. sure she won the popular vote but she lost the election not to the republican party but because of a great many Americans frustration with our governments corruption and it's status quo mentality. This mentality has held America back ever since the Pilgrims sailed here and founded Jamestown and Plymouth. A few examples through out our history, the people of the new Plymouth Plantation became divided over the seperation of church and state, America elected John Adams 2nd President of the United States and later John Quincy Adams our sixth President, the beginning of making government a family affair which included the Harrisons , Roosevelts, Kennedy's, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and lastly Bill and Hillary Clinton, not to mention governors, senators and representatives all related.

Donald Trump has received over 71 million votes many not even claiming to be republicans, so where did these votes come from ? I know " Trumpsters" that includes some republicans that only voted republican to vote for Trump, he has many independents and disgruntled life long democrats . These 71 million people are not going to stand by while while a completely torn in thirds democrat party steals this election. Trump has the numbers to start a new government party. Oh well then we will see.
The hypocrisy on YOUR views on Trump's win over Biden's is insane. Not ignorant, straight up insane.
They both got 306 electoral votes.
Biden won the popular vote and electoral college vote.
Biden is winning in the courts and recounts.
Trump's Administration said this was the most secure election in history.
Yet, you say it was stolen.
Hillary got 66 million votes! You were not concerned about that majority of Americans not being heard, were you?
Trump got 73 million votes and you accept that as fact. Yet, you cannot accept that Biden got 79 million?
Trump got 10 more million votes than four years ago. The Democrats got 13 more million.
You think a majority of states and the population is going to let this 'stolen election' sham go on much longer?
Pray to your god, probably Fred Trump, that we don't decide to throw out his do nothing ass before the new year.
You're wrong on your little presidential history, as you are on this election. Very wrong.
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The hypocrisy on YOUR views on Trump's win over Biden's is insane. Not ignorant, not straight up insane.
They both got 306 electoral votes.
Biden won the popular vote and electoral college vote.
Biden is winning in the courts and recounts.
Trump's Administration said this was the most secure election in history.
Yet, you say it was stolen.
Hillary got 66 million votes! You were not concerned about that majority of Americans not being heard, were you?
Trump got 73 million votes and you accept that as fact. Yet, you cannot accept that Biden got 79 million?
Trump got 10 more million votes than four years ago. The Democrats got 13 more million.
You think a majority of states and the population is going to let this 'stolen election' sham go on much longer?
Pray to your god, probably Fred Trump, that we don't decide to throw his do nothing ass before the new year.
You're wrong on your little presidential history, as you are on this election. Very wrong.

Straight up straight jacket man . . . straight up STRAIGHT JACKET 😬!!! You can’t reason with these people. LOCK THEM UP!!! LOCK THEM UP!!! LOCK THEM UP!!!