Toxic Fetishism vs. Preference

Couple of quick points. I just wrote about this yesterday, so check out my post. The pinnacle is both real and a myth. It was created to "protect" white women from Blacks, but in many cases it's having the opposite affect. White women know what time it is, and they're not falling for that protection stuff anymore. We (blacks and whites) have made it, in part, a purely sexual thing. White men know they're not going to "control" their women with this myth any longer, and now they're curious about it too. Personally, I don't "prefer" one race over another, but you're right, it is a turn on to have a site (with all of the b.s. that that we all have to wade through) where the sexual side is laid out for all to see and hopefully, enjoy. I'd suggest putting your anger away, because this site is all about the enjoyment of interracial sex, and that part will drive you to anger if you're expecting to not see it on a site that promotes it. If you want to discuss it more, hit me up! I'd enjoy hearing more from you!
You completely mistreated my comment smh. The anger I had was the initial anger of realising the truth about desirability- knowing that white women have the sexual superiority over us but that initial anger and jealousy turned to lust because just like many black men, I also think they are sexual superior too because IR porn between white women and black men is the only type of porn I even like. The only porn I enjoy and the only porn I can get aroused to.

And I see no one on this site has an issue with the millions of white women on here that loveeeee BBC but go home to their white husbands, whats the difference?
Black men and white women are the most sexually compatible but relationship wise, they are the most divorced group.
Black men and white women are the most sexually compatible but relationship wise, they are the most divorced group.
Yes , a white women can't relate to what I go though. Example ...a successful upper class white woman will never date or marry a middle class black man , because she doesn't understand his struggle. But a black women in that same position would and support him though it if she sees he's a good man and working to better himself.
Yes , a white women can't relate to what I go though. Example ...a successful upper class white woman will never date or marry a middle class black man , because she doesn't understand his struggle. But a black women in that same position would and support him though it if she sees he's a good man and working to better himself.
They really don’t understand no matter how hard they think they do. There will always be a disconnect.
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I think the fetishizing of other people is a common function of human fantasy!

I personally believe that the line between fetishizing and preference is the probability of you getting what you desire and wanting someone or something that you are not but it's not limited to ethnicity or culture.

If you take and White man, black man, Hispanic man, and Asian man, raise all of them in the same suburbs, all same schools, 2 parents households and they all study engendering then wanting to marry any one of those guys regardless or their ethnicity is simply a preference not necessarily a fetish. Now if one is 6" foot 9", and the others are 5' 9" then that's a fetish especially if you're ass is 5' foot 4". If the one desire is really fit and the others are average build and not very athletic at all then that's a fetish especially if you are the opposite of fit! Lizzo tried to shoot her shot At Captain America Chris Evan's and got rejected. Now they are both rich and famous people but as far as fitness and attraction is concerned they are on totally opposite ends of the scale.

She was fetishizing him because she desired a man at the opposite end of the attraction of fitness scale than herself. The only way that Lizzo will ever get what she wants is to either come down on fitness and attraction scale that she wants her man to be on or she will have to come down on how rich and famous he is. These things work differently for men and women!

Again if a 5' foot 4", 200 pound, black woman who works in retail at Walmart and has 3 children, and she wants her man to be black, 6' foot 8", with a six pack, making six figures at the stock exchange, and has no children, then that's not a preference, that a fucking fetish because she is none of what she is wanting!!!
What's your line in the sand between a white girl preferring black men vs. having a fetish and/or a toxic attitude about it? For me, it's ignorant to think there isn't some level of fetishism in an interracial relationship or ir sex in general. No white girl fucks a black guy or vice versa without a racial factor crossing their minds. And pornography, which this site is made for, ultimately caters to that fetishism.
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Nothing wrong with a fetish ... but if it's driven by racism .. that's a different, more disturbing story
Black men and white women are the most sexually compatible but relationship wise, they are the most divorced group

That may be a true statement but I have a number of girlfriend who are very involved with black me , most of them married to their black lovers, much like myself. and I don’t know of one girl who has ever divorced their black husband. The only ones I know who’s got divorced are the ones who divorced their WHITE husbands and soon after, ended up with a blaclue man..
That may be a true statement but I have a number of girlfriend who are very involved with black me , most of them married to their black lovers, much like myself. and I don’t know of one girl who has ever divorced their black husband. The only ones I know who’s got divorced are the ones who divorced their WHITE husbands and soon after, ended up with a blaclue man..
Fact cousin Sherri and sister Lisa divorced White husbands for black men 61,60 respectively
Isn’t there a fetish aspect in everything that turns you on though?
I mean if your gay your gay you can’t help that it turns you on, it was only when society accepted that fact that society improved for the better all round.

My introduction was swift and the following situation was probably fetish based of course but I loved that guy with all my heart , colour opens love biridges not blocks them.