Thug 0r Gent

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I still don't understand what black man in 2014 or any era for that matter could even entertain the thought of leaving your house and being a "thug". One of the most important decisions you make when you present yourself to the world is how you dress and look. Wearing pants below your ass, 3 sizes too big for you, your mom's panty hose on your head and a throwback jersey that resembles a dress is NOT how you should present yourself to the world. You are allowing everyone with two braincells to rub together that comes in contact with you, to make a negative judgment. And for good reason. Throw in the "ebonics" that can nary be called English and what do you end up with? A bunch of sambo one man minstrel shows shucking, jiving, hooting, hollering and buck dancing around the streets.

I'm ashamed anyone would even ask such a question. The ONLY reason you would ever be a thug would be if you were so impoverished that the projects and gutter is all you know. If that was the case, you wouldn't have an internet connection. Nor would you be concerned with this site.

The day this toxic stereotype is no longer portrayed as something to strive for is the first step in ending the mental illness that some call, "Black Culture" which didn't even exist 50 years ago. Shake my damn head at any black man over the age of 12 that would purse the "thug" or "swag yolo phag" image. And any woman attracted to that image is either bottom of the barrel, or secretly racist and gets off from a black man that willingly makes himself inferior to the rest of society. Shake my damn head.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I still don't understand what black man in 2014 or any era for that matter could even entertain the thought of leaving your house and being a "thug". One of the most important decisions you make when you present yourself to the world is how you dress and look. Wearing pants below your ass, 3 sizes too big for you, your mom's panty hose on your head and a throwback jersey that resembles a dress is NOT how you should present yourself to the world. You are allowing everyone with two braincells to rub together that comes in contact with you, to make a negative judgment. And for good reason. Throw in the "ebonics" that can nary be called English and what do you end up with? A bunch of sambo one man minstrel shows shucking, jiving, hooting, hollering and buck dancing around the streets.

I'm ashamed anyone would even ask such a question. The ONLY reason you would ever be a thug would be if you were so impoverished that the projects and gutter is all you know. If that was the case, you wouldn't have an internet connection. Nor would you be concerned with this site.

The day this toxic stereotype is no longer portrayed as something to strive for is the first step in ending the mental illness that some call, "Black Culture" which didn't even exist 50 years ago. Shake my damn head at any black man over the age of 12 that would purse the "thug" or "swag yolo phag" image. And any woman attracted to that image is either bottom of the barrel, or secretly racist and gets off from a black man that willingly makes himself inferior to the rest of society. Shake my damn head.
Very nicely put.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I still don't understand what black man in 2014 or any era for that matter could even entertain the thought of leaving your house and being a "thug". One of the most important decisions you make when you present yourself to the world is how you dress and look. Wearing pants below your ass, 3 sizes too big for you, your mom's panty hose on your head and a throwback jersey that resembles a dress is NOT how you should present yourself to the world. You are allowing everyone with two braincells to rub together that comes in contact with you, to make a negative judgment. And for good reason. Throw in the "ebonics" that can nary be called English and what do you end up with? A bunch of sambo one man minstrel shows shucking, jiving, hooting, hollering and buck dancing around the streets.

I'm ashamed anyone would even ask such a question. The ONLY reason you would ever be a thug would be if you were so impoverished that the projects and gutter is all you know. If that was the case, you wouldn't have an internet connection. Nor would you be concerned with this site.

The day this toxic stereotype is no longer portrayed as something to strive for is the first step in ending the mental illness that some call, "Black Culture" which didn't even exist 50 years ago. Shake my damn head at any black man over the age of 12 that would purse the "thug" or "swag yolo phag" image. And any woman attracted to that image is either bottom of the barrel, or secretly racist and gets off from a black man that willingly makes himself inferior to the rest of society. Shake my damn head.
Sir, you rock my world!! **standing ovation!!**:bounce:
So you want the ass kickings and the whole nine?
My ex's ******* was attracted to the Thugs, she got one, well, she thought she was getting great sex from a real man, not some college boy Gent. Turns out he beat the living ******* out of her, destroyed her apartment, jammed his fist down her throat (couldn't talk for days). He's got a serious restraining order, and cannot be within 100 feet of her. I wonder how many of you ladies would enjoy sex after being nearly beat to death by a Thug.
My ex's ******* was attracted to the Thugs, she got one, well, she thought she was getting great sex from a real man, not some college boy Gent. Turns out he beat the living ******* out of her, destroyed her apartment, jammed his fist down her throat (couldn't talk for days). He's got a serious restraining order, and cannot be within 100 feet of her. I wonder how many of you ladies would enjoy sex after being nearly beat to death by a Thug.
Sorry to hear that. My comments was meant to wake people up in their sense of reality. To half the women here, this is merely a joke or game. They really don't have a clue to what a true black man is.
A thug is someone who is going through struggles, has gone through struggles and continues to live day by day with nothing for them. A true thug!
To be a true thug doesn't mean wearing "bling" Listening to rap or talking "slang" Being gangsta isn't superficial.... To be a true thug means you haven't had it good your whole life, and you intend to change that. You do what's right and you don't take ******* from anyone, and you stand up for your friends, and don't let them take ******* from anyone. A skater can be thug, a prep can be a thug, a nerd than be a thug.......etc! Everyone just has sterotypes
Educated, intelligent gentleman all the way!!! The brain is the most powerful sex organ, and a man who cannot stimulate my mind (a requirement) cannot possibly satisfy my body. Besides, only a man who has the power to control his life, and steer his destiny, has the power to dominate and control my body!!

well said
Most of you people don't even know what the word thug means so sad that people of today watch a rap video on youtube with some jackass bufoonery and think they know about thuggin and buggin...

Bottom line is i am a fighter/martial arts/mma/bodybuilding/fitness type also a trained bodyguard and can break a wannabee thugs jaw...but still treat a ladie with respect and perform in and out of the bedroom.

To the ladies out there that think a thug is something special stop watching so much youtube media bullshit and wake the hell up...because when he kicks your ass down the street the police will not be there to help you and i will not feel sympathy for you either.
