The worst possible scenario (for a non-Republican) is starting to look likely

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Recently, I heard that "Nanjing boy" Kanye Omari West will also run for president of the United States.
I think Kanye's campaign speech must be full of music and passion. I think Americans must like it very much.
"Come on, babies! In my speech, let's dance to the music!”
Kanye's running is really simple and coming from the simple thinker himself, President Orangeman ... if you can't get the black vote, divide the black vote away from Biden ... wow, what an awesomely unique GOP strategy. The Tea Party Republicans use to do that ALL the time; still a bunch of those losers still in politics but they're diminishing by the voting cycles ... 'TeaPartier Tillis (Senate R in NC) is trailing his opponent by 12 points in NC. He's GONE in November. Everyone hates him. Burr, another Senate GOPer sees the handwriting on the wall fo the BOP ... he's already announced he won't be running when his term ends in 2022.
So, Kanye's running is something that the black people need to recognize as another unqualified candidate with no true interest in actually addressing black issues. I look at it as a true opportunity by the black communities. I just hope we can find proof that Kanye's paycheck is coming from the
"Great Divider" Trump, himself. Hell, Kanye's not even a registered candidate in many US states.
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Look at Trump's opponent, a 78 year old man. What can you expect him to do? stay awake?
We knew it was a tragedy before the talk show started.
The key importance of Biden running for President ...
• re-establish a moderate, competent politician (hopefully to both sides at some point) and get rid of the extremists
• return an "experienced" candidate to the White House who at least understands basic principles of the Constitution and political procedures.
• regain the confidence of our allies and other countries
Joe Biden will, no doubt, choose a running mate who is also moderate. He says he's selecting a woman this time ... I honestly don't care who he chooses as long as they have more competence that the jerk in the White House now. That shouldn't be very hard ... a 6th grade would be more competent than the Orangeman President. Biden has already said that he's running for ONE term only.
Kanye's running is really simple and coming from the simple thinker himself, President Orangeman ... if you can't get the black vote, divide the black vote away from Biden ... wow, what an awesomely unique GOP strategy. The Tea Party Republicans use to do that ALL the time; still a bunch of those losers still in politics but they're diminishing by the voting cycles ... 'TeaPartier Tillis (Senate R in NC) is trailing his opponent by 12 points in NC. He's GONE in November. Everyone hates him. Burr, another Senate GOPer sees the handwriting on the wall fo the BOP ... he's already announced he won't be running when his term ends in 2022.
So, Kanye's running is something that the black people need to recognize as another unqualified candidate with no true interest in actually addressing black issues. I look at it as a true opportunity by the black communities. I just hope we can find proof that Kanye's paycheck is coming from the
"Great Divider" Trump, himself. Hell, Kanye's not even a registered candidate in many US states.
Because Kanye went to primary school in Nanjing for a year, this experience will make Kanye impossible to be elected president of the United States, so they will let Kanye make trouble to prevent the emergence of a second trump.

If Kanye gets an unexpected advantage in the election as trump did in the election campaign, the American media will immediately bombard Kanye's experience in China:

“American people, you must know the true identity of the presidential candidate you support! Kanye Omari West's real identity is actually a member of the Communist Party of China. He is a proletarian soldier sent by China to the United States! Enemies of freedom and democracy!”

I'm looking forward to this scene.
The key importance of Biden running for President ...
• re-establish a moderate, competent politician (hopefully to both sides at some point) and get rid of the extremists
• return an "experienced" candidate to the White House who at least understands basic principles of the Constitution and political procedures.
• regain the confidence of our allies and other countries
Joe Biden will, no doubt, choose a running mate who is also moderate. He says he's selecting a woman this time ... I honestly don't care who he chooses as long as they have more competence that the jerk in the White House now. That shouldn't be very hard ... a 6th grade would be more competent than the Orangeman President. Biden has already said that he's running for ONE term only.
Now the problem is that even rational people like you don't know what kind of people can govern the country, how do you think those who believe that the earth is flat can elect a good president?
Now the problem is that even rational people like you don't know what kind of people can govern the country, how do you think those who believe that the earth is flat can elect a good president?
So you still know people who think the earth is flat, huh? I imagine those that might think the earth is really flat aren't really into voting anyway, wouldn't you think?
What we know with the upcoming election is that Biden has spent many years in Congress and 8 years as the Vice President to B. Obama, one of the most liked Presidents in the world. He has integrity, experience, common sense, world respect, and many other qualities that the current dictator President doesn't have. He'll also have the advice and guidance of that same well liked President Obama. There's really NO comparison to these two men.
“American people, you must know the true identity of the presidential candidate you support! Kanye Omari West's real identity is actually a member of the Communist Party of China. He is a proletarian soldier sent by China to the United States! Enemies of freedom and democracy!”
No one is going to take Kanye serious guim ... he's running to help distract from Trump, who has put him there. Trump knows some black people will vote for Kanye simply because he is black ... period! He's suppose to be a distraction ... most everyone I've spoken to are ignoring him.
No one is going to take Kanye serious guim ... he's running to help distract from Trump, who has put him there. Trump knows some black people will vote for Kanye simply because he is black ... period! He's suppose to be a distraction ... most everyone I've spoken to are ignoring him.

For people thinking black people will vote for black people because he is black, don't know understand the black community.
If that's the case, ask former President Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton or Carole Mosley Braun how that worked out?
You will point to Obama, but it was not just blacks that found him to be presidential quality. Two elections where he won the popular vote and the electoral college say plenty of people, thought so too.

Blacks did not default to the black candidate earlier this year either (Sens. Cory Booker or Kamala Harris). They chose the candidate that polled time and time again, to beat Donald Trump. Not the most liberal. Not the most black. The best choice on the list. Overwhelmingly. Biden had two nickels and a concession speech ready before South Carolina. Now he's measuring the drapes in the Lincoln Room.

You underestimate how little serious cred Kanye has in the black community. Music? Yes! Politics? From the man who said slavery was a choice? Not a chance. Will he get some votes? Sure. But so did Gus Hall everytime he ran for President.
Kanye isn't going to be on the ballot, and I don't think Kim is going to give him enough money to actually run a campaign. It's just a source of amusement, like Vermin Supreme but less actually relevant.
So you still know people who think the earth is flat, huh? I imagine those that might think the earth is really flat aren't really into voting anyway, wouldn't you think?
There are some people who claim that the earth is a plate. I have met them on the Internet. They seem to be publicizing some anti science, anti wisdom, anti knowledge and other remarks, trying to brainwash me, but they have found the wrong brainwashing object. I said to them:

"I'm the successor of socialism. What qualifications do you have to talk nonsense in front of me?"

"Oh ~ ~ ~ *******! The next one... "
What we know with the upcoming election is that Biden has spent many years in Congress and 8 years as the Vice President to B. Obama, one of the most liked Presidents in the world. He has integrity, experience, common sense, world respect, and many other qualities that the current dictator President doesn't have. He'll also have the advice and guidance of that same well liked President Obama. There's really NO comparison to these two men.
It is because Biden has been in Congress for many years that I have no expectation of him. Although Biden has been in politics for a long time, his political executive ability has never been proved.

Biden does not have any political achievements that can prove that he has good political ability. The most important thing is that as long as the people in Congress are all funded by the chaebols, do you dare to trust the officials in Congress? You have a lot of guts, and the governors of the states are actually more capable.

Vladimir was born in 1952, from the KGB; Xi Jinping was born in 1953, from the elite bureaucrat; and the American hope star Biden, born in 1942, the 78 year old congressman... Hope he will not doze off when he is interviewed.
No one is going to take Kanye serious guim ... he's running to help distract from Trump, who has put him there. Trump knows some black people will vote for Kanye simply because he is black ... period! He's suppose to be a distraction ... most everyone I've spoken to are ignoring him.
Yes, no one will take Kanye seriously... As in Trump's campaign, who would have thought trump would win? Since there will be an accident, who can guarantee that there will not be a second accident?

So they will use "Nanjing boy" Kanye instead of others. If there is a second accident, they will easily let Kanye disappear and then put their favorite candidate on the stage.
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So they will use "Nanjing boy" Kanye instead of others. If there is a second accident, they will easily let Kanye disappear and then put their favorite candidate on the stage.

Who are "they"?

Also you have to be completely out of touch to believe that Kanye will ever "disappear". He didn't get his 30 million twitter followers being a quiet dude in the corner.
Who are "they"?

Also you have to be completely out of touch to believe that Kanye will ever "disappear". He didn't get his 30 million twitter followers being a quiet dude in the corner.
"They" refer to those who made Kanye a presidential candidate.

When I say "disappear," I mean to disqualify Kanye as a candidate.

For example, in the event of an accident that Kanye won the election advantage, those who let him become a candidate will immediately partner with people from the opposing parties to attack Kanye in the media. At that time, there will be endless scandals surrounding Kanye, forsing him to announce his withdrawal from the general election campaign.

In a sense, this means that Kanye "disappeared" from the presidential campaign.

But I believe that Kanye will be paid to his satisfaction whether he "disappears" or not.
A group of intellectuals, thinkers, writers have come together to sign a letter defending free speech and free exchange.

As the article concludes: “It’s a defense of people being able to speak and think freely without fear of punishment or retribution, of the right to disagree and not fear for your employment.”

A lot of these are well known intellectuals and writers from diverse walks of life. Many got flak from the woke crowd, and some even hastened to apologize and perform self-criticism.

This is the type of considered, conscienced plea that is being drowned now by the ‘liberated masses’ ranting on twitter.

Was this how it was like in China in the 1960s?

I feel scared for the future.

Clinton was a great president.

Bush pushed the US far to the right (by the standards of 2000).

Obama came and was a welcome breath of fresh air. But the right hated him and reacted, and after being stonewalled and insulted by the right for years, Obama himself started tilting far left in response.

In 2016 Obama instructed schools to support transgender. That was ultra sensitive. Title IX hadn’t ben tested like this before, but now was essentially being used to justify treating females (and males who chose to feel female for the day) the same.

Many people including me were uncomfortable with that.

As a real teacher (not a twitter lecturer), I am perfectly aware that 15 year old boys will do everything they can to sneak into the girls’. You can see examples of the brilliant young male mind at work in movies like Private School, where guys dress like girls in order to peep on girls.

I thought Obama's edict on transgender bathrooms would anger the political right and turn into a major cultural war, and it did.

So the right got stronger, got Trump elected.

That in turn angered the left, leading to the cancel culture and statue destroying movements of today. Suddenly it seems that we don’t need any public discussion or process of law to remove an object seen as offensive by some.

With the current societal trends, the woke left would definitely get most of its demands had it attempted to work through legal means.

You can see that happening in the State of Mississippi and the Redskins team. Both are finally changing. Ole Miz is getting rid of that offensive Confederate symbol from its flag!

So why take things into your own hands? It is unbecoming of a democratic society. Martin Luther King’s generation believed in civil disobedience, not chaos. They won their battles using legal means such as Brown v Board.

I hope the woke left does not carry things any further. Trump’s presidency can self destruct on its own, leaving adults and moderates to carry the election and take charge. But if the left continues its lawlessness, it will push fence sitters and moderates into the arms of the law and order right wing.
It is because Biden has been in Congress for many years that I have no expectation of him. Although Biden has been in politics for a long time, his political executive ability has never been proved.
They said the same of Barrack Obama, and when they were being proven WRONG, some stepped up to obstruct him, even vowing to make him a 1-term president.
Biden does not have any political achievements that can prove that he has good political ability ....the governors of the states are actually more capable.
Disagree ... Biden has had many successes as a congressman, AND President Obama thought high enough of Biden to stay with Biden as his 2nd term running mate (2012-2016). Unlike Trump who no one knew if he was capable of performing the duties of POTUS, Democrats, in general, feel very comfortable with Biden because he's a moderate. At this point in US politics, we need a President who will strive to bring the moderates of both parties together and eliiminate the polarization of our current politics. There's no one in politics more capable.
.... the American hope star Biden, born in 1942, the 78 year old congressman... Hope he will not doze off when he is interviewed.
You've been listening to too much right wing politics, guimoy. You know you can take a frame photo of a politician and insert it anywhere. Right now Republicans are not only embarrassed of their President, but ashamed of what the GOP has become. They know Trump will lie about anything and some of them are willing to lie out of desperation. Please pay attention to the US politics, not the right-wing fake news.
So the question still stands ... can Biden beat Trump in the upcoming election? Based upon credentials and consistent, daily surveys, etc ... Yes, BUT, Trump plays by a totally different set of rules ... he lies, cheats, ask for foreign adversary help, obstructs, and redirects , in other words, a basically egotistically dishonest individual. We know he'll MO again because he's done this through his entire business world, yet his party not only ignored it, but took the leash off the President to do as he pleased. Unprecedented in todays modern technological age. Don't expect the 2020 election to be a repeat of 2016 OR EVEN the 2010 congressional takeover. People are fully aware of the goals/directives of the Republican party now.
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Was this how it was like in China in the 1960s?
There are differences in forms. The cultural revolution in China was initiated by officials. Originally, it was only to eliminate dissidents, but it was out of control when it was extended to the people, which led to further deterioration of the situation and eventually became a catastrophe in China.

The United States, on the other hand, is a civil rights movement, which is used by officials to seek political interests and artificially catalyze the deterioration of the event, leading to further national disasters.

The similarity between them is: if you are not a friend, then you are the enemy.

The difference between the two is: in China, when the upper level events spread out of control among the people, they led to disasters, while in the United States, civil incidents were catalyzed by the upper level and led to disasters.

I understand your concerns, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Because the national conditions of the United States and China are different, I don't want to be considered as advocating communism. In fact, I don't advocate Soviet style communism because it proved to be a failure.

As a digression, as a Chinese, I still don't know exactly what communism with Chinese characteristics is, because in order to meet the needs of society, China's policies have been changing as long as there is a need.

Perhaps, even the Chinese government does not know.
Disagree ... Biden has had many successes as a congressman,
This is the difference between China and the West. Chinese people focus on practical ability, while Westerners focus on public praise.

I won't say which of the two is more important. I will only say that when I need to have an operation, I hope that a doctor with excellent medical skills will perform the operation for me, rather than a well-known nurse. The two have totally different meanings.

Of course, if we follow the western thinking, we will certainly say that it is because the doctor's skill is superb that we can't let him perform the operation, because it is too easy to ******* me with his superb medical skills, and it is safer for nurses to operate.

However, I will still choose a doctor with superb medical skills, because the doctor can prove that he has the operation qualification with his superb medical skills, while the nurse is only popular, but there is no evidence to prove that he has superb medical skills.
You've been listening to too much right wing politics
I know. I say Biden dozes off is just a metaphor.

He is 78 years old, and his energy can't cope with the complicated state affairs. Have you not noticed that Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama are aging badly after leaving office?

In fact, the best age to be a national leader is 50-60 years old. If you are over 70 years old, your body can hardly bear the burden of high-pressure work.

If Biden is elected president of the United States, it is not because Biden has political talent, but because we have no other choice.
I know. I say Biden dozes off is just a metaphor.

He is 78 years old, and his energy can't cope with the complicated state affairs. Have you not noticed that Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama are aging badly after leaving office?

In fact, the best age to be a national leader is 50-60 years old. If you are over 70 years old, your body can hardly bear the burden of high-pressure work.

If Biden is elected president of the United States, it is not because Biden has political talent, but because we have no other choice.
We don't. And Trump is just four years younger. That four years meant a lot in high school but after 30, not so much.
Obama looks great for 58. Clinton is 73 and been out of office for 20 years. He bounced back from bypass surgery and is very healthy still running everyday. Better shape than when he served. I don't know about Bush.
There are differences in forms. The cultural revolution in China was initiated by officials. Originally, it was only to eliminate dissidents, but it was out of control when it was extended to the people, which led to further deterioration of the situation and eventually became a catastrophe in China.

The United States, on the other hand, is a civil rights movement, which is used by officials to seek political interests and artificially catalyze the deterioration of the event, leading to further national disasters.

The similarity between them is: if you are not a friend, then you are the enemy.

The difference between the two is: in China, when the upper level events spread out of control among the people, they led to disasters, while in the United States, civil incidents were catalyzed by the upper level and led to disasters.

I understand your concerns, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Because the national conditions of the United States and China are different, I don't want to be considered as advocating communism. In fact, I don't advocate Soviet style communism because it proved to be a failure.

As a digression, as a Chinese, I still don't know exactly what communism with Chinese characteristics is, because in order to meet the needs of society, China's policies have been changing as long as there is a need.

Perhaps, even the Chinese government does not know.
Big Difference:
Civil Rights Movement led to big changes that made life better for all Americans. Each time we have a movement here, we move closer to better a Union. This is our history. It goes back to the beginning, when white men without ownership were barred from serving or voting in some state. Women, could not own property at one time in some states and had to marry in order to get their birthright. Blacks and Chinese were specifically excluded from society. Each group fought, it was ugly but prevailed in bringing the ideal of this country to a more accurate demonstration.

You say you don't advocate Soviet Style Communism. Is here another style you support?
So why take things into your own hands? It is unbecoming of a democratic society. Martin Luther King’s generation believed in civil disobedience, not chaos. They won their battles using legal means such as Brown v Board.
Being an educator, you know:
From Brown v. Board to the Civil Rights Amendment was over a decade?
MLK and followers, were threatened, abused, beaten and murdered?
Today, there is no excuse of 'waiting until people are ready'. We all grew with the same country values. 'Their time will come', is not fair burden to put on people who are literally suffering from unequal treatment.
Accepting violence on the people demonstrating for change, exercising their free speech is a loser position. We are just not that society anymore.