Teacher outed

Did he show is face. Once has a female teacher who had made a few adult movies to pay for school.
Twenty years later four students tried to blackmail her. She told them to take a hike. Them the parents got involved. Until she threaten to out ten of the fathers for hiring pro girl friends and a group of mothers that were either dancers or pro girl friends. The PTA was silent on the matter wonder why

Well done!
In every school, a number of parents have their own dirty secrets -- like the ones you cited. One might apply the old saying about people in glass houses not throwing stones.

Yes, and as we learn from the example posted in The Arranger's post above, the best defense is to go on the attack.

People who humiliate others, must have their information posted which is even more shameful.

Moreover, I wish amendments to the law could be made regarding doxxing. It should be ok to dox people who commit serious offences. If you ******* someone and film it and post the video, the victim can't stop the video from being posted far and wide no matter how many court injunctions she gets. The same goes for people who commit ******* and serious assault and make videos showing off how they bullied or beat someone. But the law should make it 100% acceptable to dox the perpetrators in retaliation.

EG it should be legal to post the photos, full names, phone number, address, workplaces, associated professional memberships and associations of the rapists. (The only problem is that with the current supreme court, there is no way this will be allowed.)

France's Cesar Awards really pissed me off. Top honors goes to a confirmed ******* and serial ******* who is also a fugitive from the law. Was disappointed to hear that only a few actresses walked off. Every single female in the room, including the waitresses and the events organizers, should have walked off.