Taking wife to Africa


She wanted to go on a medical mission because she has a huge heart. So I agreed to go and help with some construction in the village while she did medical check ups. The place we were going was a remote part of a country in the Northern Central part of Africa.

The first hint that something would be interesting about this trip came when we got picked up from the airport by 2 large dark skin African men. They drove this extremely old volkswagen beatle with not a lot of space in the back at all! Then they told us they were picking up another man from the airport so when we got in the car that man sat in the passenger seat then there was a driver and that left me and the wife and one of the African men in the back. The car had no air conditioning and the temperatures were blazing hot! My wife was sitting in between me and the African man but with such a small back seat she obviously was making physical contact with him in subtle ways. Only a few minutes into the trip to the village my wife looked at me and said "There's no way I can wear this shirt it's so hot." She took her shirt off and was left wearing just the long skirt she traveled in and a bra. She has C cups that are perfect to cup and look amazing in a bra. Her real asset is her ass and she is 30 years old with dark hair. I knew the African man was getting an amazing view and probably had never experienced a beautiful white woman sitting so close to him wearing such little clothes. He stared at her openly which was very odd to me but my wife seemed to enjoy the attention actually! Nothing happened in the car but I knew she was being a little flirty with this big African man.

Fast forward to the village and my wife- her name is "Kelly" gets out of the car wearing just the skirt and her bra only I noticed she had pulled the skirt up and tied it so that it was very short and she said it was because it was just so hot she needed air on her legs. She looked unbelievably sexy with her amazing ass poking out and you could even see her panty lines since the skirt was pressed against her sweaty body. The African men took notice very quickly but she acted like she was just there on a mission and she immediately went to work asking for people to get in a line for medical check ups. It was at this point that we were introduced to our translator who was an older darkskin man with a British accent who had apparently grown up in the village then went to England and was given an inheritance to come back to the village and be a translator/liason for Westerners who visit the village for trips like the one me and Kelly were on. The man wanted us to call him Kareem because he loved Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Kareem was a very funny man and he was making Kelly laugh constantly from the first moment she met him.

The village was what you would expect. Very poor and lots of skinny dark skinned Africans in need of medical attention. What was striking was the amount of clothes they did/or did NOT wear. The men wore very little- never a shirt and some of them didn't even wear pants and I felt like they must be a huge dick tribe or something because every one I saw was enormous and way bigger than my own. The women there also did not wear shirts but they did wear shorts and when Kareem caught me staring at their oversized breasts he said it was because they all have so many ******* I guess? THen he sort of winked and said "the men love to have sex in this village. THey love sexy women. They will love Kelly." He said this almost like he thought I would like hearing him say it but really it kind of scared me to think of a bunch of big black African men wanting to have sex with my wife. That's when I started to look around at the men and take notice of their reactions to Kelly and they were all clearly loving this white American woman. Some only stared. Some licked their lips as if they were going to devour her. Some tried to flirt with her and would smile at her even though she couldn't understand what they were saying. The women all looked at her in the same way and that was very unexpected! It seemed like Kelly was the center of attention and not only because she was helping them medically but because there seemed to be a sexual tension in the air.

Kelly obviously noticed sexual tension too because at one point a group of young men all stood near her probably 4 of them and each of them had an enormous black dick and she kept looking over to make eye contact with me and then she would look at their dicks and back to me and then sort of smile or make an astonished face and laugh to me. I just sort of laughed back to her but really it seemed like she liked it. So later on after the medical check ups were done that first day Kareem took us to our place to stay. It wasn't a tent thankfully but it was some sort of hut that he said were for guests to feel honored while many of the tribal people had to stay in tents. When we got into the cabin I expected Kareem to just leave us alone for the night since we were exhausted from traveling but instead he told Kelly he'd like to do a dance for her as a custom for visiting women to his village. He took her by the hand and placed her sitting down on the floor with a pillow behind her and I noticed when he put the pillow behind her he placed his big black hand on her white body. He had been wearing clothes like an American would wear- pants and a tshirt but all of a sudden he removed his pants and was wearing just a cloth and he took his shirt off. He didn't even ask me my permission for any of this but he did ask Kelly if he should continue and she smiled and looked over at me to see if I would approve and I said "Do you wanna see the dance so we can get some sleep already?" She made a comment I wasn't expecting saying "It might give me something nice to dream about." Did my sexy young white wife actually find Kareem sexy? Did she really want to think about him while she slept with me? I was annoyed so I just said "whatever."

I stood with my back against the wall as she sat to where she was eye level with what would be dancing behind kareem's cloth. Kareem started to chant first and Kelly was smiling and bitin her lips with excitement and then he started to dance. The dance was VERY sexual as Kareem shaked his black ass and grinded his hips and something massive danced from behind the cloth. Sometimes he would stand back so Kelly had a great view and other times he would come closer to her so she could almost feel the heat off his body. The entire time he chanted as he danced and the entire time Kelly smiled and bit her lip not even looking over to me to see my reaction. If she would have seen my reaction she may have been shocked because I found the scene in front of me satisfying and arousing. I was wearing tight underwear so you couldn't tell but I was getting an erection watching this man be so sexual with my wife and her clearly enjoying it. We had never done something like this in America and Africa was the last place I'd ever expect Kelly to act like this. I don't know what got into me but I said "Kelly why don't you stand up and dance with him." She looked back at me and said "I want to but I don't know if I can dance in this skirt." I said "We're in Africa they hardly wear clothes here and when in Africa do as the Africans do." She just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders then pulled her skirt off to reveal her amazing white ass in black sexy satin panties.

There was my gorgeous wife dancing with Kareem in nothing but panties and a bra inside of a hut in the middle of Africa. He would come close to her and rub his body against hers and she was just trying to move her hips as good as he was. This went on far longer than I could ever dance and it eventually turned into Kelly with Kareem behind her and his hands on her hips and him teaching her how to sway to his chanting beat back and forth and back and forth and side to side and over and over again. I was hard the entire time. I was watching his large dick behind the cloth rub against her body and I was watching her rubbing her hand up and down his body with sweat dripping off hers and I couldn't wait for when Kareem left and I got to talk to her about this and I couldn't wait to feel her pussy as I figured it was obviously very wet from dancing in such a sexual way with a stranger- a black stranger- clearly far older than her but with a dick way bigger than mine.

I'll continue if there's interest.
What happened next with Kelly, Kareem and another big black African man was so sexy to see but it was nasty and animalistic- if you don't like this then you won't want to continue reading.

There she was grinding her amazing ass back into Kareem's old, big and very black dick with a huge smile on her face. Kareem could tell Kelly liked what he was doing with her and a look of concern came across his face. Kareem looked over at me and asked me if it would be OK for him to go get a friend of his and then return to our hut for the night. I was hard as I had ever been and didn't want what I was watching to stop so I said "yes of course." Kareem thanked me and told me he would return in just a few minutes.

When he walked out of the hut Kelly fell down on her back and looked at me with her eyes fluttering and said "Oh my gosh that was the sexiest dancing of my life." She didn't even seem to mind if this all bothered me or not. She said "Babe I could feel his huge dick rubbing against me and it was absolutely incredible." She wanted to know what it looked like from my perspective and this was the moment of truth so I looked at her and I said "Honestly you looked incredible and I really wanna know how much bigger than me he is." She smiled and said "I'm so tired and slap happy that I'm stupid enough to answer this but he is way bigger than you it's not even close." That stung me hard to hear it but just as she said it Kareem came back into our hut with a very fat and very old black man who was completely naked and was wearing a crown on his head.

Kareem came into our hut and it all started to make sense why he had to leave. He said "This is the head of our village and the king of our tribe-people and you should call him Adon." Kareem said Adon must meet all the women who come to the tribe before they are allowed to ... and then he muttered a word in their native tongue that I didn't understand and Kareem didn't explain but Kelly didn't seem to care at all. Kareem explained that Adon wanted to meet and greet Kelly with a kiss. Adon was fat for an African and even compared to Americans- I bet he was 300 pounds! He was probably about 60 years old and he stood a few inches taller than me. He had a very serious look on his face and he didn't acknowledge my presence at all. Upon Kareem's announcement he walked over to Kelly and he made a motion for her to bow down to him. Kelly looked at Kareem confused and then to me and she shrugged her shoulders at me and then got down on her knees. that is when I noticed the size of Adon's cock. His cock was absolutely massive and with Kelly on her knees it was right in her face. Adon seemed to be mumbling some things I couldn't understand and then he rubbed his hands through Kelly's hair before pushing her head into his stomach and Kelly had her gorgeous white face right in the stomach of this fat old black man and Kareem said "He wants you to kiss his stomach." Kelly kissed all over it and Kareem said "He wants you to lick him." Kelly laughed thinking it was a joke but when she looked over at Kareem and realized it was no joke she simply obeyed and licked the fat stomach.

Adon then pulled her up by her chin and made a motion for Kareem to continue his dance. Kareem told Kelly to come and dance with him for Adon and the 2 continued doing what they had done before Adon arrived. As Kelly danced Adon stared and his cock grew to a full erection. Kelly noticed the big black cock hard for her and it seemed to make her dance even more sexually against Kareem's cock. The dancing and Adon's watching went on for about 5 minutes and nobody in the room was paying attention to me any longer. Kelly was transfixed on the big black men and Adon was obsessing over her and Kareem knew he wanted to be with Kelly but it seemed obvious he knew Adon was entitled to be with her first. Adon snapped his fingers and told Kelly to walk over to him with a hand motion. That is when he took a bottle out of a basket in the hut and he held it up to Kelly's mouth and Kareem said to her "You must ******* for him." I have no idea what was in the bottle but it was obviously something alcoholic and very strong because Kelly flinched upon the ******* hitting her tongue and Kareem laughed. Adon yelled at her and ****** her close to him and he held her by the ass against his body and Kareem said "You must continue to ******* for him." She drank quite a bit of what was in the bottle and she was not the same after that.

She almost instantly became soft and was obviously hot and wet. She looked over at me and smiled and licked her lips and grabbed Adon's fat body and licked him. She turned to have her ass facing him and she stared at Kareem and she bent over and slowly took her panties off and asked Kareem to take off her bra and he did. Kareem told Kelly "Adon is going to give you what you want now." Kelly looked at Kareem and said "I know and I love it and I want you to take your big black cock out so I can have you next." Kareem said "What do you want your husband to do during this?" Kelly laughed and said "I want him to watch." This was the first time I realized Kelly was a slut for black cock and I have to admit I loved it.

Then it happened. Kelly turned back around and faced Adon and she was so transfixed on his black cock and so horny from whatever she drank that she didn't even have to be summoned she lickd all over the fat old black african mans body just like he liked. She made her way up to his lips and she licked all over them. she licked down his fat stomach and to his enormous cock and she licked all over it. She took his big black cock in her mouth and sucked and sucked and sucked without paying me any attention at all. Adon eventually got down on his back and positioned himself to where Kelly would have to stare right at me while she rode on top of him and that's exactly what happened.

As she slid on top of his nasty fat black body and put his enormous black cock into her tight white pussy Kareem said to her "Adon wants you to tell your husband how it feels as you take him." At first she couldn't speak much since she was wincing from the pain of getting him inside of her but whatever she drank made her fluids and juices flow from out of her like I've never seen before so after a minute or so she was able to bounce up and down on the magnificent piece of man. She looked at me and said "Honey I have fantasized about this for so long and this is why I really wanted to be here. I was hoping I would get taken by primitive and tribal black men. I'm so glad I drank that stuff and this big sexy black man is making me his slut." Then she asked me if I liked what I was seeing. I looked her dead in the eyes with a massive hard on and I said "I love it as much as you do." She started to laugh and the laugh turned into loud moans and even screams and she said "I will never be able to settle for just you after feeling what I feel now. I love Adon's big black dick and his sexy black body. Then she started licking his fat stomach and Adon just kept pounding away as her juices could be seen going down his shaft. I looked at my wife and without anyone touching me I came in my pants. Kelly had a massive orgasm right after I did and she fell off Adon's sweaty body. Kareem looked over at me and said "I'm about to be with your wife but before I do- Adon would want you to clean up her juices....."
When Kareem told me Adon wanted me to clean Kelly's juices after he just fucked her with his majestic black dick I was stunned and didn't know what to do. Kelly was laying on the floor ******* and obviously feeling really good and Adon was standing over her with his cock still dripping onto her and Kareem was doing all the talking for Adon. Even though I was really turned on by the whole thing I couldn't bring myself to just go down on my wife after she had just taken that big black dick and plus I think he came inside her and I could see her pussy was obviously the wettest I had ever seen it and sloppy and I just couldn't do it. Adon became angry that I wasn't doing as he wished so he kept pointing down at Kelly and yelling over at Kareem. Kareem finally looked at me and said "Adon says he gave your wife the pleasure you can't so now you must do your part or else I'm going to make you do it." I still refused and then Kareem said "I'm sorry friend" and he punched me and as he punched me he grabbed me and ****** me down. I realized now that I was going to be sucking Kelly's pussy and from my vantage point I was staring right at it and it was so wet and above us was Adon with his massive black dick and Kareem was holding me up to Kelly. Kelly looked down at me and smiled and said "Please baby I want you to do it I want to do whatever Adon wants us to do." I asked her if he came inside her and she nodded her head then I said "Do you want it baby?" She moaned "So bad" THen I said "I'll do it for you." I dove into her pussy and started eating like an *******. I licked and I licked and I licked and it tasted amazing and I loved the experience. She loved it too she laughed and moaned and smiled and writhed in pleasure. Adon stood over us the entire time until eventually Kelly said "Yes baby I'm cumming for you...." Then Kareem said something to Adon and Adon walked out of the hut.

Kareem then pushed my head out of Kelly's pussy and he looked at her and said "I know you want my big black dick you've been wanting it this whole time haven't you?" Kelly instinctly nodded her headed and said "yes give it to me." Kareem said "whitey you are gonna stay right where you're at while I pleasure your wife and I don't want you to move no matter what happens tonight you understand? You're outnumbered here don't try anything stupid." I understood I could get my ass whooped if I didn't let them do what they wanted so I just agreed and watched. Kareem stood over Kelly took out his big beautiful veiny black dick and shoved it in her throat. she slurped and moaned while he grabbed the back of her head and I was so hard. then she without being told started to lick his balls and the area between his balls and ass hole and Kareem loved it.... Kareem looked right at me and said "I'm gonna take your wife's ass now...." In one swift movement he picked her up and bent her over so that her face was right next to mine.... He smiled at me spit on his dick and then rammed it into her ass and I could see the pain on her face as she was inches from mine. Kelly was gripping the ground in front of her and her amazing ass had Kareems gigantic black dick moving inside it and I watched as he slowly pushed it all the way in and when it got all the way inside she started to make loud moans. Kareem pulled out and pushed back in and this went on for about 45 seconds until they had a rythm. Then you could tell kelly was loving it because she was pushing back against his black dick and that's when she started to dirty talk to me. "His big black dick is filling me up I've wanted this for so long and just didn't know how to tell you.... You just weren't giving me enough but now I've found what I've been needing. I want you to serve me while I serve the black men here." I couldn't believe what I was hearing but I was so turned on then i heard the sound of the door. Adon was standing at the door with a group of about 10 of the men from the village and they all appeared to be the elders of the community because they were all at least 50.

Kareem laughed and said "THey are coming for this sexy white woman now." Kareem said get out of the way and go sit on the wall Whitey... I was afraid of getting beat up so I just got up and walked over to the wall and sat down while he was still behind Kelly and Kelly was beginning to love the black dick in her ass and she wasn't paying me any attention at all. The big black men circled around her and watched and one by one they got hard and pulled their dicks out. I thought this must be some genetically enhanced village or something because all their dicks were enormous. Kareem picked her up without ever removing his dick from her ass and he told one of the men to sit down- the man was the oldest of the group probably close to 70 and was very thin which made his dick look even more amazing... Kareem looked at me and said "I'm going to let my uncle share her with me first." Kareem's uncle laid down and still without taking his dick out of her ass Kareem lifted her up and spread her legs until she was straddling his uncle and the pleasure on Kelly's face was unreal. Once she got situated on Kareem's uncle she rode on his dick quick and sexy while looking back at Kareem who was still thrusting inside her ass and was now gripping her titties with his thumb in her mouth. Kareem whispered something in her ear then she looked at me and she yelled "You're my cuck now and I'm their black cock whore." the elders all kept stroking their dicks in a circle around them and I just sat and watched.