Summer Help

It all started my last year of college. I was dating the boy of my dreams Tommy Richards. Tommy was all-state quarterback for the football team and we were very close to becoming engaged.

I had been on the cheerleading squad but had to quit because frankly, Tommy and I needed money to continue living together off campus.

One day while checking the posts in the Student Union building, I noticed one looking for an accounting student to intern at a local CPA's office.

?Fantastic!? I thought, this may be exactly the break Tommy and I needed. Now I could get a part time job and we could afford the rent, which we were now actually a month behind on.

When I showed up the following day at the office I was surprised to find that the owner was a rather short, paunchy black man...maybe 50 years old. This wouldn't have been a problem at all except for the way he looked at me. As soon as he came out of his office to greet me, he nearly stopped in his tracks and looked me over. I found it kind of gross.

Regardless of his impropriety, I was determined to get the job?for the sake of my staying with Tommy.

Mr. Joseph took me into his office and pulled his chair out from behind his desk, positioning it right in front of me. He began talking in this phony Barry White type of voice. I thought: amazing...this old black man thinks he is going to seduce me!

Mr. Joseph?he insisted I call him ?Ward??continued to prattle on about the office and how sure he was that I'd be an excellent ?fit.? It was crude the way he accented the word ?fit? when he said it, but I pretended not to pick up on the lewd message he was delivering.

As our conversation drew on though, I had to admit, I was impressed with his persistence and confident manner. Most boys on campus seemed to get tongue-tied around me. This was definitely not the case with this slight, portly black man. He seemed convinced he could seduce me...and I was both taken slightly back and impressed by it.

As Ward continued to speak to me, as corny as it was, I did start to get slightly taken in by the Barry White routine. He was good at it. I found myself liking the sound of it...somehow it made me, I guess.

The next thing I knew, Wards black fingers were stroking my leg. I had worn a very short skirt to the interview; I'll admit it was to impress my interviewer. I now realized that unfortunately, it was having even more than its desired effect. I wished I had worn a pants suit. But now my own lack of business judgment was working against me. I had come to the interview showing myself off, and now this old, middle aged, very black man wanted me to show more?a lot more!

I was about to ask him to please stop what he was doing, but I was honestly afraid it would ruin my chance of getting this job, which Tommy and I needed badly. Several times just as I was about to say something he'd remove his hand, then as the conversation would go on for a while, the fingers would start gliding along my thigh again.

I'm ashamed to say, this old man was arousing me a little. I had never been with a man so self-assured and so aggressive, but subtly so.

Finally, he concluded and offered me the job. A smile played across his thick lips. I'm sure he was feeling very self-satisfied that he was able to play with my legs during the interview without my objecting. He probably read it as my consent to his advances. I didn't mean it that way at all.

When I left I was angry I hadn't told him to stop, and wondered why I didn't. I convinced myself that it was the money?I needed the money?and, after all, it was for Tommy.

I got home and undressed. I was stunned to find my panty hose was damp in the crotch. To be honest, it was very damp. I stared at it for long moments. I held it up and sniffed it. It was my woman's scent. couldn't be...that strange, little black man couldn't...couldn't ever..have made me...wet?

I got into the shower and as I lathered myself, I felt my body responding tremendously to my touch. My nipples were very hard. I squeezed my breasts and it felt so good. I squeezed them again, much harder and cruder this time. I was becoming very hot and very horny. It had been a long time since I'd felt like this. I loved Tommy, but the sex wasn't really a part of it. He wasn't very accomplished. I began playing with my clit. I whispered to myself, ?Oh, Tommy.?

I strained in my mind to visualize the man I loved as I leaned along the tiled wall of the shower. My fingers were working furiously at the stiffening bud that was about to provide the strongest release I'd had in months. Then it came, almost with a flash of light. I shivered and moaned. I sank to the flooring of the tub as I continued shivering and quaking with the powerful orgasm. Finally as it subsided my lips whispered something...and it echoed back at me within the confines of the shower.

It was a name...


I sat in stunned silence, my thighs splayed apart as wide as the tub walls would allow. I couldn't imagine what was happening to me.

That night I lay in bed listening to Tommy snoring. But I was distracted wondering what I'd wear tomorrow. Should I wear the extra short black skirt, along with my white hose and white shoes with the spiked 4-inch heels?

Suddenly I caught myself.

Why was I thinking about this? What did it matter what I wore? I felt very confused.

The next day?after going back and forth several times?even after putting on my pants suit, I returned again to the short skirt. I took off the pants suit, and almost as if in a strange trance, found myself dressing in the white hose, extra short black mini, and 4-inch heels.

I looked in the mirror...I looked like a sex kitten. Why was I doing this, I wondered?

When I showed up at work Ward was obviously pleased. As short as the dress was that I wore to the interview, the skirt I wore for my first day under his charge was even shorter.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I felt I should know better. What was this over-confident man going to think? Of course, he would assume I was dressing for him. He would think I wore this extra short skirt so he could have a better view of me.

?Was I...?? I wondered.

?Heidi, join me for lunch today,? Mr. Joseph asked me, in a way that was more a command than request.

?Uhhh...well, ok, Mr.Joseph,? I responded, not knowing how I could decline without creating a scene.

Then he leaned over and said softly, ?What do you like to eat, sweetheart??

He knew that statement could be read two ways...and he knew that I knew it too. I played dumb to try to ignore the second possible implication:

?I like just about anything,? I replied, and then cursed myself for having answered so stupidly. My reply could be taken two ways, also. Ward smiled as if he had read my statement in the double entendre he was trying to use with me.

?We'll see,? he smiled, lewdly. ?We'll see...?

Ward drove me to a very expensive restaurant in his Lexus. He was obviously well off. Surprisingly for this day and age, the sight of an older, black man with a very young, blonde girl still turned heads.

When we exited the car, Ward was the kind of gentleman that has gone somewhat out of style. He opened the door for me and took my hand as I exited. Unfortunately, as we entered the restaurant I felt his hand on the small of my back. I was surprised to find him so bold as to be insinuating his arm behind me, as if I were his date or something.

It annoyed me, but I wasn't sure how I could stop it without creating an uncomfortable situation with my new boss.

We were escorted to a private table in the back and had a wonderful meal. Ward insisted I have wine before, during, and after the meal. I had ******* nearly 3 of the small glasses. I am not much of a drinker, so I was left feeling a little buzzed.

On the way back to the office, Ward could tell I was slightly tipsy. As he spoke to me he began to touch my knee, soon his hand was placed firmly on it and began to stray upward along my thigh.

I wanted to say, enough. But I was feeling weak and tired from the glasses of wine. Soon, Ward's hand was confidently stroking my thigh as we drove. The damn skirt I wore was sliding easily upward to my hips. Finally, I placed my hand meekly around Ward's wrist, as a way of implying I wanted him to stop. But he ignored my signal. His hand continued to stroke my thigh even more boldly, even as my hand enfolded his wrist. Indeed, it now would have appeared to an onlooker as if I were guiding his hand under my skirt and between my thighs.

We drove a few miles and I found myself looking down, stunned to see this old, paunchy black man's black hand situated between my legs. My thighs were now spread widely apart. To any onlooker I would have looked like a young, blonde whore with her hand guiding an older black man's up under her skirt and between her wide open, inviting thighs.

Ward was manipulating my clitty through the thin nylons I had on.

?MMmmmm...? I heard him moan lewdly as he felt my wetness spreading over the strained nylons.

?You like that, don't you, Heidi??

I could only moan in response. I was very horny and felt very weak under the vile ministrations of this confident black man.

He pulled the car into our work site's parking lot. He parked in a secluded, reserved spot for his Lexus. Then I felt him grab the back of my neck, and gently, but firmly, begin to push my head down toward his crotch.

I heard him fumble with his zipper, then heard it unzip loudly. As he pushed my head down I could only offer feeble resistance. I felt so weak under the demands of this surprisingly confident, powerful man.

In the back of my mind, I thought of the previous day when I thought his come-on so ridiculous. Now here I was, my pussy hot and wet, with my head being ****** down toward his unsheathed cock.

I opened my eyes to find his very fat, very black dick positioned inches from my mouth. He continued to confidently ******* my head down until my lips were firmly planted on the warm, wet head of the thick, black cudgel.

I felt like crying, but remembered that I was doing it for Tommy. It's for Tommy I insisted to myself. Then my lips relented, and I took the warm, thick dick into my mouth.

?That's ?a? girl,? I heard Ward Joseph snort.

?Lunch ain't over yet, girl,? he chuckled to me.
I am ashamed to admit the rest. I just wanted to get it over. I began to bob my head up and down on his thick and rampant organ. I could taste the thick salty seed that was leaking from his dick in the form of precum.

It sounds terrible, but I liked the taste. He tasted wonderful. I was becoming more aroused as I swirled my tongue around his meaty African weapon. He grunted and it made me feel proud that I was giving this older man?whom I once thought ridiculous?all the pleasure I was capable of.

?Faster, bitch,? my black captor demanded. I responded. I began to work his dick, furiously bobbing up and down on it. Occasionally I'd pull my head off of him and lick the around the nozzle of his thick, black, beautiful cock. I even kissed it a few times...then I would devour it again, bobbing and working away at it like a woman possessed. I could hear my own snorting and grunting, as I worked the thick black hunk of meat that Ward offered me from the fly of his pants.

?Gonna get somethin? to wash down all that meat now, girl,? he groaned.

Then it started. The man I considered a paunchy, old man now unleashed a fount of thick seed into my mouth, the likes of which I'd never experienced before or since. He came...and came...and came...until I had trouble swallowing anymore.

?Don't you get any on those pants, bitch? he warned, as I coughed and swallowed, choked and swallowed more.

Finally, I felt I was getting full from the excessive loads of cum that my new employer was discharging into my mouth. I felt him grab the back of my hair and lift me off his drained member.

A string of cum hung from my chin. I stared at him and he smiled over at me.

?Well, that was ok for the first day at a new job. But don't worry Heidi, once you been doin? this for a few weeks, you'll get better.?

After fellating my new black boss, Ward Joseph, in the parking lot, I returned to work the remainder of the afternoon.

A large cum stain adorned the breast of my blouse, which the two other co-workers gawked at, having figured out what must have taken place during lunch between the boss and the new intern.

All afternoon, I worked in stunned silence, like a somnambulist, while my new boss casually would ask for my assistance in his office.

?Please take these files and organize them by alpha and date, Heidi,? Mr. Joseph would casually instruct, and then on occasion as I turned to leave with the files, I would get a slight pat to my ass.

A few times his assistant, Billy, saw the pat to my ass and smiled admiringly at Ward, who would smirk back with smug satisfaction; he wanted everyone to know that the young blonde was his?completely!

By the end of the day, I was exhausted and defeated. Ward's hands were now on my hips, then patting my ass. There was no stopping this dominant, arrogant black employer from having his way with me.

Occasionally I would try to stop his hands, but he would persist and I could see stopping the regular groping of my body was futile. By the end of the day, I no longer tried. At one point, Ward came up behind me at the file cabinet, reached around, and started groping my breasts. He was a little rough in doing it, but, again, I was too weak to stop him now.

Billy came around the corner and witnessed it.

?Excuse me!? he said loudly, with a huge grin beaming across his ebony face. Then he wheeled about and left us alone.

?Please, Mr. Joseph, this has really got to stop. I just want to do my job, ok?? I pleaded to this man who was injecting himself so fully into my life.

?This is your job, Heidi,? he said, firmly, ?So get used to it...understand??

What could I say?


Then he began rubbing his fat, meaty dick into the crevice of my ass cheeks, and kissed me deeply on the neck.

I moaned. He was making me hot again. I tried to think of Tommy, but then Ward turned me toward him and leaned his face into mine. Our lips met and I realized this brazen black man was kissing was still only my first day at work.

I pushed at him, but he was too strong and held me close. He was actually a few inches shorter than me, so it must have looked ridiculous, this paunchy little black man pulling this tall, young blonde to him...and making her submit.

Rather than wind up wrestling with him, I finally submitted to his lips. I even began kissing him back. My thought was to give him what he wanted and then to get out of there and never return. Forget the money. Everything had gone out of control; I was becoming this horrid man's fuck toy.

As we kissed, my black employer began trying to insinuate his tongue into my mouth. I resisted, but his damn persistence made him continue to work my lips open. As my lips gave way, just slightly, to his ministrations, his thick tongue slid deeply into my mouth. Both our mouths were now open wide with his tongue playing crudely with mine.

Ward Joseph's hand now caressed my breast, his thumb rubbing my hardening nipple. I grabbed at his wrist, but this time, I confess, I did little to pull his hand away. My grabbing of his wrist was only to show token resistance to his taking of me. Psychologically, I needed to feel I was at least trying to resist, even as my tongue now played with his willingly.

Minutes must have drawn on when I found my arms wrapped about his neck. I was aggressively kissing this strangely sexual and assertive little man.

Mr. Joseph's black hands now cupped the cheeks of my ass and massaged them through my skirt. Soon he'd pulled the skimpy skirt up and mauled my ass cheeks roughly, under the skirt.

I was so wet now...I was afraid what I might do with my demanding black superior, right there in a corner of the office?when suddenly, Mr. Joseph stopped, pulled away, and returned to his office.

I stood weak kneed and stunned at the abrupt end of his usage of me.

After attending to myself in the ladies room, I finished the day of work. I knew at the end of the day I should just leave and never come back. But, instead, I found myself entering Ward Joseph's office to let him know I was leaving for the day.

It's hard to explain what I was thinking about...I guess I wasn't thinking. My body was just reacting...reacting to the power of this slight, but bullish, black man who had taken his blonde quarry?in just one day.

In my mind I thought briefly of Tommy, and hoped, if he ever found out, he'd forgive me.

?I'll be leaving now, Mr. Joseph,? I said, meekly to the little black man bent over work papers.

?That's fine, Heidi,? he said, without looking up. ?But tomorrow I'd like you to leave the panty hose at home. I'm thinking a plaid skirt with knee high sox would look nice on you,? then he looked up at me, holding me in a grim glare, over the rims of his reading glasses. ?Clear??

After a long pause, in which I struggled not to tell him to go fuck himself, I heard my response, as if coming from someone else in the room:

?Yes, sir.?

After shopping for the skirt and sox, I arrived home to find Tommy slouched on the sofa watching a baseball game. He only briefly noticed the large stain on my blouse and asked about it. I told him I spilled some coffee and that was the last he said about it. After all, Tommy would never have thought in a million years that it was really a stain of my new black employer's cum, which had drooled there from my chin after having sucked him off in the parking lot following lunch, would he?

Tommy also asked about all the new clothes I was buying; I told him I needed more clothes for work?period. He never mentioned it again. He was just glad I was paying the rent.
My mind boggled over the clothes bill, though. I was now starting to spend about a third of the money I was making on clothes to please and impress my new boss. It felt almost as if I were his whore and that dressing for him was now the main part of the job.

It was demeaning in a way...and yet it strangely excited me. I never dreamed I would react this way to being treated purely as a sex object?but I did. I felt sexier and more alive than I ever had before.

I got into the shower and turned on the burst of hot soothing water. Sitting along the rim of the tub, I thought back about all the black boys who had asked me out since junior high school. I had always turned them down. I never saw it as racist, but I just wouldn't consider dating a black guy.

Now I wondered what, perhaps, I had missed. After all, if a pudgy, little, middle-aged man like Ward Joseph could do to me what he had, seemingly easily, done, then what might a healthy, ?young buck? do?

My mind went back and forth, as I wondered if maybe it was in fact Ward's age that gave him the added confidence I found so difficult to resist. Perhaps it was older black men that were so difficult to say no to?whom were so over-sexed.

I remembered an African-American history teacher I had in one of my college classes, ?The Black Experience.? Being brought up in a very conservative, very white family, I found him?and his views?arrogant and abrasive. Now as I remembered him, and how he strode confidently across the classroom as he lectured, I found my fingers diddling away at my clit. I could here his voice, barking out about injustice and the underlying pettiness and weakness of the white race, and, slowly, my thighs fell open wider, my fingers diddled faster. I imagined him glancing under my skirt as he lectured me on my prejudices and advantages, and my thighs spread ever wider.

Suddenly, the bathroom door burst open and in walked Tommy naked.

?Whoa! What goes on here? Is my girl horny or what?? he marveled.

Tommy got into the shower, his skin seeming paler than I'd remembered?almost sickly. His little pecker bounced out in front of him. It paled (no pun intended) in comparison to Ward's thick, manly cudgel.

Tommy held me to him, our naked bodies against each other and kissed me.

I felt nothing.

I kissed back, but did not offer my tongue. Tommy's tongue finally insisted. I opened my mouth to him, and as his tongue played in my mouth I realized I had never rinsed out since kissing Ward and, for that matter, since fellating him.

Tommy was now running his tongue over the remains of my black employer's saliva and cum.

I started giggling, it seemed all so insane to me, both how much my life had changed in the last two days, and the situation of my fianc? now tonguing from my mouth the remains of a middle-aged, black man's seed.

?What's so funny?? Tommy asked, annoyed.

?Nothing. Let's get out...? I responded. He could tell I wasn't into his attempt at sex. He pouted the rest of the night, drinking beer and watching baseball.

I spent the evening doing my nails and trying on my new outfit, trying to figure out how sexy I could look for Mr. Ward Joseph...the new man in my life.

The next day I showed up to work in my extra short, plaid skirt; red, knee-high sox; and shear, white blouse. Under the blouse I wore a red brassiere that could be seen through the blouse and was cut very low, exposing my prominent cleavage.

In my hair, I wore a red ribbon. I was dressed as the perfect Catholic school girl for Mr. Ward Joseph, my black boss...the man who was, in effect, paying my rent. I had learned all too well that he was not a man to be fooled with and I most definitely wanted him to be pleased with me.

When I entered his office, a big smile spread across Mr. Joseph's face.

?Damn, girl! You sure take direction well, don't you?? he said with his grin still beaming. I think he half expected I would never show up at work again. Now here I was, and dressed provocatively?just the way he'd instructed.

?Come to Daddy!? he said, arms wide, implying I come sit on his lap.

I did. Immediately Ward's hands stroked my bare thighs, and then slid up under my skirt and between my thighs.

There was no longer any pretense or foreplay involved. My thighs spread easily for him and I, in fact, longed to feel his fingers stroking the swollen lips of my vagina.

?You like to dress for Daddy, don't you, Heidi?? he whispered, lewdly into my ear.

?Yes...? I whispered back.

?Yes what, baby??


Just then Billy walked into Ward's office and stopped short in his tracks at the sight of us. I quickly shut my thighs at the shock of the interruption...I still had some modesty. Unfortunately, my thighs clamped Mr. Joseph's hand between them.

?Guess you caught me with my fingers in the cookie jar, Billy!? Ward laughed aloud, secretly proud to be caught in the situation in which we were found.

?Sorry, boss,? Billy smiled, and continued to stand there staring at his boss? black hand, which appeared devoured between my thighs.

I turned my head away in embarrassment, my thighs still shut on Ward Joseph's probing hand.

?Well, Billy, how can I help you, boy?? Ward asked the young assistant casually, his hand still engulfed between my thighs.

From there the two men started to carry on a brief conversation about some office issue. As they were carrying on there casual conversation, Ward began to stroke his hand between my thighs, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He did it almost unconsciously, absent-mindedly, as they spoke.

Billy's eyes were constantly darting down to observe his boss? hand working slowly away between the young, blonde intern's thighs.

It felt so good. And Billy had already witnessed so much.... Slowly, as they spoke, I let my thighs spread to facilitate Ward's stroking between them. First, just a little, then they spread more...and more. After several minutes, I sat there on my black boss? lap, head buried in his shoulder, thighs spread wide apart, as this domineering black man stroked my wet pussy...all right before another young?and now, very horny?black employee.

After several minutes, I could hear that Billy was sort of making things up now to prolong his stay in Ward's office, watching his boss feel up the young blonde intern. The conversation had longer pauses and became ever more stilted, as Billy watched on, hungrily.

I could feel Ward begin to insinuate his fingers under the crotch of my damp panties. His fingers began to enter me. I moaned.

I heard Billy whisper, ?Holy *******...!!!? as he watched Ward begin to finger me right in front of his young assistant.

?You know Billy, some times a man has to take opportunity where he sees it,? Ward Joseph said softly, as he worked two more fingers into my wet, slick pussy lips.

?I always take opportunities other men stupidly leave available,? Ward continued. The squishing of his fingers in my fast lubricating cunt could now be heard clearly, as he spoke to his young charge. Billy was silent.

?For instance, a young man lets his beautiful fianc? go to the marketplace to pay his way...well, I say that young man is white trash. She deserves better?and she gonna get it! Meaning 'me?, of course,? he chuckled. This dominant man was now working his three thick fingers in and out of me more rapidly. I could smell myself thickly in the room...and I was rapidly approaching orgasm.

?I say, that young, gorgeous thing needs a Daddy...a black Daddy. One who'll take care of her needs...all of ?em. And I aim to do that with Heidi, here. She's gonna have ALL her needs taken care of by this black Daddy...ain't you sweetheart,? he whispered to me.

I nodded my assent.

Then my orgasm came over me in waves...warm, warm waves. I moaned and whined and hugged Ward's neck tightly. When it was over and I finally opened my eyes, I could see Billy still sitting there, eyes bugging out and slack jawed at what his boss had just done.

?Alright, baby doll. All done for now,? Ward said, as he patted my ass for me to get up and back to work.

As I stood up, Ward's hand slid up the back of my thigh, under my skirt, and he pinched my ass.

?Heidi, you are truly Grade A meat, baby doll,? he said smoothly.

Then he turned me toward him, with my back to Billy, and lifted my skirt. Showing my bared ass to Billy (I had only worn a thong).

?What you think, Billy?? Ward inquired of the shocked employee.

Billy was stunned and silent, his pants tented out with an enormous hard-on.

?Well, grab some of that, boy,? Ward said, reaching around and squeezing an ass cheek.

Hesitantly, Billy reached out and stroked the smoothness of the fleshy cheeks in front of him. Then he began to pinch them.

?Damn!!!? Billy muttered. Then he leaned over placing his lips to my ass. He kissed my ass and then I felt his tongue trail a wet warm streak across my buttocks. It tickled.

Billy's hand ran along my thigh and he began to bite my ass cheeks softly.

?Girl, I could eat you right now, right here,? Billy grunted, huskily.

?All right, boy, that's enough for now. I gotta get some work out of this girl today. So far, she oughta? be payin? us,? Ward Joseph chuckled, as he pulled down my now thoroughly wrinkled skirt.

Mr. Joseph patted my ass again, signaling my dismissal. I stumbled out of his office on shaky legs.

All I knew was that I was hot...and that I wanted more.

The rest of the day was spent trying to fend off Billy's advances while encouraging Ward's.

Billy now wanted more of what his boss had offered him a taste of?figuratively and literally.

Throughout the day Billy began to grope at me. Once or twice he smacked my ass, and once at the filing cabinet he groped my breasts, just as he'd seen his boss do the day before.

I consistently told him no, but after what he'd witnessed that morning, nothing was dissuading him that he could also enjoy this Caucasian girl's charms at his own pleasure.

?Damn girl, you got some titties,? he whispered, as he pawed my breasts at the filing cabinet.

?Billy!!! know I'm here for Mr. Joseph,? I'd try reprimanding him. Without blatantly saying it, I wanted him to realize I was Ward's?not his.

As I left at the end of the day, my blouse had a button torn, my skirt was a wrinkled mess and my thong was stretched and stained with my own secretions. I was ashamed and humiliated. I've become a whore, I thought. These arrogant, over-sexed black men have made me become the one thing I'd always looked down on?a whore!

Mr. Joseph and Billy had spent the day feeling me, slapping my ass, and groping away at will. I couldn't let that go on and maintain any self-respect. What would my friends or family think if they knew or ever witnessed how I'd behaved in that office...for those black men?

I was determined to not return again.

When I got home Tommy was there. As usual, he was watching TV and drinking beer.

?Come here and gimme? a kiss,? he demanded as I walked in the door.

I just walked by him. I didn't really feel like being with him. And I didn't want him to smell the sex all over me from my soaked panties.

I found myself in the shower again, incredibly horny.

?What have these black men done to me,? I wondered. My body was in a state of constant arousal. I worked my clit under the cascading fount of water...and images came to me again.

I saw myself as Scarlett O?Hara on the plantation after all the white men had gone. Could she not have ever wondered, as she watched the laboring slaves, their muscles rippling, slaked with sweat under the hot sun, whether they might not have been better lovers than Rhett or Ashley?

I thought of myself as Scarlett, inviting the house slave to help move a piece of furniture upstairs in my bedchambers. Then after arriving in the bedroom, reclining casually on the big bed and asking...?John, have you ever thought of me in any way other than your master's *******??

He stares at me in stunned silence.

?Well I've thought of you in other ways...ever since I was just a little girl.?

More stunned silence.

?Please John, come here to the bed.?

The large black man approaches hesitantly, confused, but with a rising lust for what might await him.

As he stands before me, sitting on the bed I lean forward and begin to unbutton his fly.

?Miss Scarlett, you sho? you want dis???

?John, I've never been more sure of anything in my life,? I answer with an earnestness that convinces him that I am now his property, not he mine.

I pull the large black dick from his pants and look up into his eyes deeply, as I shuck the meaty weapon. Then as the flower of all that is Southern and Confederate, I take the black, sweaty dick into my mouth and begin the age-old labor, bobbing and sucking, to bring forth the rich black seed with which only John can bless me.

After all, Tara will need a new generation of strong, young'dark'men to work it.

Suddenly?I came in the shower!!!


I had never in my young life experienced the quantity and quality of orgasms as I had since meeting Ward Joseph. My black employer had brought my young white body to life as no white boy had ever been capable of doing.

I realized I would be returning to Mr. Ward Joseph's office the next day, after all. It was my white, middle-class life to which I would not be returning...ever.
I returned to work the next day with the intention of insisting that my lascivious black employer stop treating me like his paid slut. I truly did tell myself that Ward would have to stop... that it would all have to stop. I was Tommy's fianc? and that was that?period! Over! Finis!

?But then why have I worn such a short skirt, again?? I asked myself.

As I entered Ward Joseph's office, my nerve began to give way. At first sight, I was shocked to see what appeared a paunchy, middle aged, short black man. But as soon as he looked up at me, I felt I was in the presence of a very potent African Chieftain.

?Heidi, let's not let those skirts get too long now,? he smiled, sarcastically indicating he liked that my skirt barely covered my privates.

?Is there anything I can do for you this morning, Mr. Joseph,? I asked, attempting to get our relationship back on a more formal and professional basis ? at least for appearance sake.

?Yes, Heidi. There is something you can do for me this morning.? Mr. Joseph remarked with mock formality. ?Why don't you close the door? This is a confidential issue, Heidi.?

I closed the door with trepidation.

Ward Joseph then wheeled his chair back from the desk, and I could see his trousers were tented grotesquely by his straining hard-on.

?Heidi, could you take care of this right away? It's your top priority for the morning young lady,? he beamed caustically. Then he made it bulge up against his stretched fly.

?I... I really think...?

?Heidi you're not paid to think!? he sneered. ?I do the thinking in this office. You're paid to do the labor. Understand, Swiss Miss??

I was stunned by his sharp command.

?Now, get over here and get on your knees... and do what you really want to do, anyway.?

A long moment passed. I couldn't seem to take my eyes from the large throbbing bulge in Mr. Joseph's pants.

My knees felt weak.

"May I lock the door??

?Of course, baby.?

I locked the office door. Then returned to the man whose will so over-powered my own that I was willing to whore myself to him.

I dropped to my knees before him and reached out to stroke the meaty hardness that was harnessed beneath the thin, expensive fabric of his pants.

I unzipped him and pulled out the thick blackness that now dominated so much of my fantasy and thought. I took it into my mouth and began to suck it and taste it. I loved this strong, black being and the thick aroma that wafted up from his loins into my nostrils.

I felt his hand cradle the back of my head as I bobbed and sucked, licked and kissed, the beautiful, black spire. I found myself worshipping at the alter of his black dick.

I looked up at my sexual master and placed my lips to the wet sloppy head of his dark organ.

?I love you Ward...? I closed my eyes and whispered.

?I know you do, Heidi. I know...? Ward answered as he pet my head. ?You just let me do the thinking for both of us, baby. I'm going to take care of you from here on in.?

The words were like an opiate to my ears. I wanted this man. I wanted his strength, his confidence, his willpower... I wanted his blackness... for me and me alone.

I continued to suck and suck at his thick mahogany shaft until he pulled my lips from his dick.

?I have to have you right now.? he grunted. ?Get those off and get on the couch.?

I no longer questioned this powerhouse of a man. I disrobed in the middle of his office, as did he.

?Goddamn, Heidi!? he remarked, looking me over. ?You've got to have the best body I ever seen, girl!?

I laid back onto the couch. Looking up at my naked, African-American employer, I spread my thighs as an invitation for him to take and plunder my white flesh how ever he saw fit.

Ward Joseph climbed onto the couch and stroked the fat, black dick that would have disgusted me just three days ago. He wiped it up and down along the pouting, slickened lips of my womanhood.

?Put it in, Heidi,? he sneered down at me.

I reached down and grasped the middle-aged, black phallus and positioned it to my vaginal passage. As he looked down, deep into my eyes, Ward Joseph, black entrepreneur, thrust his hips forward and broke into the white girl beneath him.

In his eyes, I could see he was breaking into all the white girls who had ever teased or taunted him with their good looks; who had ever ignored him while they flirted with white boys not half his intelligence or ability; who had looked the other way in disgust when they had seen him admiring them; all of them were now in heat beneath his bucking loins, unprotected and willing.

Ward began to punish me with deep powerful thrusts into my young and tender...and white pussy.

?Unnngghh...Unnngghh...Unnngghh,? I grunted, each time the middle-aged black above me slammed his pelvis to mine.

The fat dick was stretching, straining and battering the lips of my pussy. My demanding black superior was now breaking me open to meet the dimensions his sexing required.

Again and again, for what seemed like hours, Ward Joseph pummeled my soft whiteness with the dark, powerful blackness of his being. Outside the office door, no doubt, everyone heard the racket going on behind the boss? closed he got a full day's work from his young, white intern.

?She got ?in turned? all right!? would become the joke of the office in weeks to come due to this incident.

?Good God!!!? Ward moaned. Then I felt a molten eruption deep within my unprotected, Caucasian womb. As he did the day I fellated him in the parking lot, Ward came in plentiful waves of semen. I felt as though he were hosing my insides with the thick, rich black seed that would change the destiny of my heretofore quiet, white life.

Ward Joseph, the strange, little, black man I found ?gross? just days before, had now mounted and impregnated me with the seed of darkest Africa.

I looked up into his eyes and kissed him, open-mouthed. My tongue played with his in a nasty, hungry, dirty way.

I was now Ward Joseph's lover.

Ward and I spent the better part of an hour in each other's arms on the couch. He became hard again and we had several rounds of loud, violent fucking there on his office couch.

When he was finished, he sat up and told me it was time I got dressed and did the rest of my job, meaning the office work.

The rest of the day, I had all I could do to keep away from Billy and the other black employee. Every other minute they seemed to be trying to get me alone at some part of the office. After having heard their employer enjoying me most the morning, they now wanted to try to do the same. But I managed to evade their wiles.

My day was spent visiting the Women's Room and lining the crotch of my panties with paper towels so that I wouldn't leak remnants of Ward's voluminous seeding of me. I was scared to death I'd get up and find a sticky wet spot on my office chair.

During the day I would check in on Ward and see how he was doing. He was bent over his work and on the phone all the time. He pretty much ignored me.

?You feel so stressed, sweetheart,? I said to him as I casually massaged his shoulders. ?Is there any thing I could do for you?? I inquired, hopefully.

?No, babycakes. Not now. Got work to do. Later.?

?Ok...just let me know,? I purred.

?You know I will,? he smiled. ?Now get your sorry white ass back to work,? he chuckled.

I left his office with an exaggerated sway to my hips. At the doorway, I stopped, looked over my shoulder, stroked my ass and said loudly with a put-on sexiness:

?Just let me know when you'll need me again, Mr. Joseph.?

Ward Joseph laughed heartily, enjoying that the two other employees would have heard the obvious offer I had made their boss.

That night when I arrived home, Tommy was in an ugly mood.

?Why are you gettin? home so fuckin? late all the time?? he snarled.

?Because one of us has to pay the rent,? I countered, stopping him, momentarily, in his tracks.

?Are you seein? somebody?? he said, as if it just dawned on him.

Tommy followed me into the bedroom awaiting his answer. As I undressed, no answer came. With each passing minute, I could feel his shock and anger rising.

?You are! Goddamn it! You are fuckin? around!? he shouted.

?Tell me, who? Why? What's goin? on?? he stammered, both angry and frightened at the same time.

?Tommy...I think we need a break. Don't you?? I finally said, casually, as I combed my hair in the mirror.

?But...but...what...where will I go?? he stammered in bewildered disbelief.

?I guess you'll go and find a job,? I said bluntly. ?Most men do, you know,? I said, emphasizing the word, 'men.?

Tommy stood in stunned silence.

?Who is it?? he asked again. ?Heidi, I gotta know,? he pleaded.

Tommy had never been bested by another man before. Being all-state quarterback, he had always had girls chasing him. Times had changed. An experienced black man was now his competitor. And Tommy wasn't measuring up. I suddenly saw Tommy as just a boy, confused and inexperienced. Ward was a man: experienced, confident and potent...and black.

My choice wasn't difficult. Tommy had to go.

?Oh, no...? Tommy said, as if something terrible was dawning on him. ?No, no...Holy *******! You ain't fuckin? that old black man are you!? he blurted out. ?Tell me you ain't doin? that slimy, old, black bastard!?

I looked up at him shaking with rage:

?If you ever call him that again...? I couldn't finish the sentence. I was afraid of what I'd say.

?Goddamn!!! You are fuckin? that old, fuckin? *******-of-a-bitch!!!? Tommy was in a rage now.

?Tommy I think you should go sit down, have a beer and cool off. I'm not going to discuss it this way!?

Tommy punched the wall and stormed out of the bedroom. I heard him open a can of beer and plop himself on the couch, his second home.

I continued combing my hair, but I was shaking. Tommy was angry?jealous angry?almost out of control. He had never experienced a man getting his girl friend to cheat on him before. He had done it to others, as if it were his right as a football star. But he had never experienced being victimized before. And now it was by a squat, middle-aged black man, at that.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

I had on just a light, unbuttoned blouse, over my bra and panties. I still had my heels on. I heard Tommy open the door and exclaim:

?What the fuck are you doin? here??

I ran out to the living room, half naked as I was.

There in the doorway stood Ward Joseph. He was immaculately dressed in suit and tie. He must have come directly from work. I couldn't believe he did this knowing I lived with Tommy, nearly my fianc?.
At 6?3?, Tommy towered over Ward.

?Look asshole. You came at the wrong time! I know you been screwin? Heidi, ok! Now you're about to get your ass kicked.?

?I don't think so, boy,? Ward answered quietly, confidently. ?In the Marines, I was a Master Karate trainer for ten years. Now, if you'd like to see if I still have what it takes...and maybe want to take the whupping of your the hands of an old man, half your size...and in front of Heidi, here...well, go on, take your best shot. I'm not going anywhere.?

Ward stood there just a few feet from Tommy, staring him down. Tommy stood frozen. I could see red rising from his neck to his face. As the long moments passed, he seemed to be losing his nerve before this arrogant, assertive, little black man.

Finally, Tommy broke eye contact.

?Hey, if she wants you...that's her decision,? Tommy's voice quaked nervously.

?Exactly,? Ward confirmed. ?I'm glad you've come to see the light, boy. Now why don't you go for a little walk while I have a visit with Heidi??

I couldn't believe that this wouldn't rile Tommy back into a fighting heat. But he just stood there, again, for along few moments. Then he abruptly grabbed his jacket and walked out the door, red-faced.

Ward casually slammed the door behind him.

?You've got to send him packing, tonight. You deserve much better...much better, and much blacker,? he said, arms spread with a wide grin.

Ward Joseph then took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom.

When we got to the bedroom, we both began undressing as though we were a married couple who had been together for years.

After getting completely naked, I took Ward's clothing and put it on a hanger. I noticed there was no room in the closet, so I took some of Tommy's clothes and through them on the floor. I pictured the closet sans Tommy's wardrobe and realized there would now be enough room for Ward to leave some of his clothes here. It would make it easier for him to stay overnight.

We climbed into bed and kissed deeply.

?What made you come over tonight?? I asked.

?Needed some of this...? he answered nonchalantly.

?Weren't you concerned about Tommy??

?You kidding? He's a boy. Like I said before, I want his lazy, white butt out of here tomorrow.?

I nodded.

?I understand, sweetheart. And I agree.?

Ward rolled me over onto my back and began mounting me. His manhood felt as thick as a beer can as he poked it to my nether lips. I understood what he wanted. I reached down and guided the thick, meaty cudgel into my aching and wet cunt.

Ward drove himself home with a fast, hard thrust. I felt skewered for his enjoyment. He now lifted my legs up over his shoulders and bent me back for maximum penetration. With that, his hips began to jackhammer his bloated dick into me. I was being impaled by a man who would have easily met the description of 'sex machine?.

Ward Joseph at 5?6? was now mounting the 6?3? Tommy Richards? fianc?. And with each pounding thrust into my womb, the diminutive black man was taking me from the larger White.

Somewhere out in the dark, Tommy was ****** to back off, while the true alpha male, Ward Joseph, took his woman for breeding.

I moaned aloud under the violent, breeding assault of Ward Joseph. My large breasts?always too large for my slender frame?were now bouncing wildly about, nearly hitting me in the chin, as Ward pounded and pummeled himself into me.

?Ooooooo Ward!!!? I whinnied, as he rode me so roughly I thought the bed would give way. Then he grunted and I felt his balls lift and his dick spasm. He came in heavy viscous loads that flooded my womb.

Tommy had always used condoms. I had never even thought to ask Ward Joseph to wear a condom. It would have seemed ludicrous. And I would never have had the nerve to ask it anyway. Ward wasn't the kind of man you ask to be protected from.

On the contrary, I wanted him in me. I wanted him skin to skin. I wanted to feel the vitality of his naked blackness penetrating me, and I wanted to feel the warmth of his seed filling me and over flowing from if I were a white, blonde chalice made only to be filled with his virile African Seed.

I could feel the gooey semen oozing down the crack of my ass. Ward was still cumming though. It continued to run down the crack of my ass and began to pool on the bed, staining through the sheets to the mattress. I felt as though a volcano had erupted within me and a hot, thick river of lava now ran down over my ass.

My legs wrapped around Ward's hips:

?Make me a baby, honey,? I whispered in his ear.

To those words I felt his dick spasm again, causing more African lava to run down over my cheeks to what was once to be Tommy's and my marital bed. Tommy seemed to be a million years in the past. I was only concerned now with the 50-year-old, black man on top of me...Ward Joseph.

After several minutes Ward rolled off me and went to the bathroom to pee.

When he re-entered the room, I could see that, amazingly, he was starting to get hard again.

He got on the bed straddling my face, his knees beside my shoulders.

The black man I found ?gross? 3 days before for looking me over now began to jerk his dick just inches over my face.

He smirked down at me as he stroked the thickening meat just an inch below my nose. I knew what he was intending. It was crude, but I didn't care. I wanted what ever would please him.

As he stroked away, I leaned up and kissed the jerking head of his dick. It made my lips wet. I looked up into his eyes as I stroked his thighs. Soon I found my hand cradling his over sized balls, tickling and jiggling them to aid him in my own debasement.

?Many times I had to be ****** to just look at a girl like you, Heidi, and then go do this over a toilet, I have your gorgeous face to do it over. Don't I??

I nodded my assent with a resigned smile.

I could feel a sprinkling now of pre-cum that was flying here and there, onto my face, from the furiously flogged head of his rampant member.

Then the dam burst and thick, jetting bursts of viscous semen shot into my face. I closed my eyes and winced as I was hit again and again with powerful volleys from Ward Joseph's virile loins.

One shot hit my forehead and ran into my eye, closing it shut. Another went over the bridge of my nose and ran down my cheek. Yet another went into my hair, and one burst shot up my nose causing me to cough and *******, as Ward Joseph smiled down on his young, blonde target.

?I remember that smug little attitude you had the first day, bitch. I wanted to wipe it out of my memory. I want to remember you always, just the way you look now.?

I looked up through my one uncovered eye. Ward placed the sticky head of his dick to my lips. I strained to take it into my mouth. Again, he smile down at me, hands on his hips. He looked down at me, my lips stretched around the barrel of his fat, black dick, his cum poring down my face.

Ward straddled just a bit. I could feel him rubbing his hairy balls on my chin.

?Don't want to get whisker-burn, now do you, Heidi?? he laughed. I couldn't smile back because he had my mouth filled with him.

Finally, Ward pulled his dick from my mouth, it made a loud pop. He began to rub the nozzle of his meat over my cum-glossed face, and then feed it into my mouth. First he wiped my left cheek and brought it to my lips, then the right. It was as if he was using his dick as a ladle, feeding a hungry baby.

?That's it, Heidi. My, my, baby! You are a hungry little Swiss Miss today aren't you? Well, this is one African man who is going to keep that little belly of yours full?in more ways than one!?

I continued to be fed by Ward until most of the thick globs of his discharge were wiped from my face and swallowed. My face was still sticky and shiny with my black lover's seed.

Ward's cumming all over my face seemed to me like an *******'s marking his territory. He wanted it to be clear to me that I was his now, no one else's...and least of all, Tommy's.

I smiled up at him. I would have been just as happy to bathe in his cum if he'd wanted me to.

Although I had stripped the bed of the sheets, when Tommy got home later that night, he saw the huge cum stains all over the mattress. He just stared at them. He knew he could have never done that. They were the stains that only a very potent man could have left behind.

Tommy was like a victim of shell-shock. He was very quiet and extremely polite to me. He realized I had witnessed him freeze in the presence of Ward Joseph. Freeze and back down.

I indicated that Ward wanted him to go and Tommy packed and left the next day. It was almost like watching a lost baby go out into the world.

In time, Tommy called to see if I could help him with money. Ward hired him weekly to wash Ward and Billy's car. It was strange to see him out in the parking lot washing the cars. Billy would sometimes be ******* with Tommy insisting there was a spot missed and having him re-do it. Tommy never argued; he needed the money, badly.

As the months passed, my belly swelled enormously with Ward's first baby boy. We married a month before the baby came. The look in my parent's eyes when they met Ward was...well, on e of shock. But I didn't blame them. When I first met Ward I dismissed him the same way...but I learned better. My parents would too?in time.

I gave Ward first a boy, then twin girls a little over a year later. Ward loved showing me off pregnant to his friends. He was proud of me. You might say I was his white, Swiss, trophy wife.

All the children looked like him and were just as black. He told me that I was the ?perfect brood mare,? in that all the children resembled the *******.

And I was a good wife to Ward. Even when I was enormously pregnant with his children, I never neglected his ?needs?. In my 7th and 8th months, huge and swollen, I would still strip down and just hold on to one of the bedposts, while standing, and let Ward get behind me and pump his amazing tool into me.

I loved the sex just as much pregnant as not.

I'm proud to say that Ward has me currently in the family way again with his 4th. It looks to be another boy.

As for me, I have gotten everything I ever wanted. A large home, a virile, well-to-do husband, great sex, and a brood of healthy children. While my family is darker than I imagined as a baby, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Neither would my mom...but that's another story.