Suggestions to spot some of the fake profiles


Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends seeking out real connection with genuine members on this website, please, do use common sense to spot fake profiles and their posts, those that pretend to be one thing and are actually something else.

My suggestions are for you to compare the language pattern of males and females, the way they introduce themselves and the type of pictures they post. There is definitely a huge difference between the way a lady expresses herself and the way a gentleman does, even when they are good at writing erotic stories. Even when someone doesn't really care about what others think of their life and thus doesn't mind posting their face here, not everyone would be willing posting this kind of pictures for the world to see on a hook-up website, especially when you don't know who is on here and how your information may be used against you. Those who are genuine always take precautions and never really hunt for pictures from others, be it face or private part pictures.

Just a few suggestions. Feel free to add yours here to help everyone. Thanks!
Good ideas, good thoughts. Not everyone can spot the subtle differences, and in some cases, there are women who think much like a man. To me, a lot of the fakes are not hard to spot, but I know I can't be 100% certain even then, more like 90% probability.

When I see a woman post her face and some strong thoughts/opinions, I will often suggest they get verified. That is not a complete fix, as someone can be verified and still lie about their thoughts and experiences. But it does make them a lot more "real". If white males could verify, I know I would.
The only two people that actually showed up that we met with were not verified at the time. We’ve had at least a dozen “verified real person” members no call no show. I think a dead giveaway is immediate sex talk or wanting to discuss things like that in extreme detail. I think those folks are strictly into an online fantasy. If someone starts that with us we immediately just cut off contact.
The only two people that actually showed up that we met with were not verified at the time. We’ve had at least a dozen “verified real person” members no call no show. I think a dead giveaway is immediate sex talk or wanting to discuss things like that in extreme detail. I think those folks are strictly into an online fantasy. If someone starts that with us we immediately just cut off contact.
It's nice to have some online fun,but it's natural and even better to have real action. It cannot be compared.