Suggestions how to restart getting my wife to cuck me


Gold Member
My wife and I had been role-playing this alot about a year plus ago and it was getting close to becoming true. Then it must have spooked her because it suddenly all stopped. I love my wife and tell her I want to give her something more and something most wives would never get. She wins, I win, it gives her a life some women only dream of. I tried bringing it up several months ago and that night she was tired so nothing happened. We stopped watching all porn, it was a pretty noticable change. I don't want to spook her again so asking for some suggestions how to maybe kick start this.
A few years ago I cut her off and hoped it would get her energized to find a fwb. She started teasing me with all kinds of talk and kept telling me she would find someone to satisfy her as I would not give her any. I would just grin at her and tell to go ahead. Her toy got a work out for awhile as I think she was too chicken to really find someone. During that time she had to go out of town for work and one of her co workers went. I sneaked some rubbers into her suitcase and sexy lingerie. When she left I encouraged her to seduce him. When she got home she pulled out the items I put in her bag and said nice try the chemistry was not right. Since then occasionally I bring up the subject of finding someone and she just smiles. Hopefully some day she will finally do it.