State your state

I travel around alot so I have no one state I rest in and would state that I'm in a constant 'State' of motion.

Like my bro Tupac sang "I get around", and Ive been on long business trips from Seattle Washington twice, LA twice, San Fran CA, Las Vegas NV, Phoenix AZ, San Antonio TX, Chicago IL, Nashville TN, Birmingham AL, Little Rock AR, All over FL from Pensacola to Tampa three times, Orlando, all the way up to Auburn ME and every state in between on the East Coast. DC-MD-VA would be my home-base but I'm down in NC now for a while for business again.

What I find interesting is this graph from dadaviz (data visualizations) that shows the percentage make-up of white people in each state. Well now we know where we can find more desperate and horny white housewives at. I can attest WV has been very fruitful for me and a couple of my Bull buddies. :blackgrimace:

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