She's interested what next?

There are lots of online dating platforms. B2w can be helpful too. Try the "Search by location" feature and look for verified members in the result list. Your chances will be better if you have something meaningful on your profile, so fill in your profile first! This should include at least your location, age, what you are searching for in an additional player, your likes and dislikes. But don`t give any personally identifiable information. Verification is a big plus! You need not show face pictures or tattoos or anything that could identify you.

If you are really into this lifestyle and your woman has expressed her consent, you should do everything to make the first experience a good one. In order to achieve this it is advantageous to involve her in the selection process! Don`t select a guy who you think would best fit into your own fantasy scenario, but a guy she is attracted to. Also a selection process with both of you involved and having conversations about the other guy and the event to come helps bring you closer together as a couple and supports the characteristic of the lifestyle as a couple`s lifestyle.

Don`t select a guy on your own and surprise her with a "present" in a way like "Look, i got you a bull. Now fuck him and enjoy!" This is almost guaranteed to ruin it!

Best luck and success!
Just a thought, We've had consensual sex and We've had unbridled passionate sex (way better)... its important that she is eager to explore and embrace the lifestyle with all her might or it will just be a new ok experience for you both. Yeah, you know her likes so you both should find the right guy and with her enjoying it to her max, it will lead to sexy success.