Seeing your wife fall in love with her man

My Filipina wife totally loves me, but is deeply in love with her half-black boyfriend, who lives with us. Knowing that they are truly making love, instead of just fucking, is intensely arousing to me.

My wife is about 30 years younger than me, and her boyfriend is about her age. My libido is way down, so I’m happy with sex maybe every 3 weeks or so, but my wife and boyfriend make love almost daily. I’m never “denied” or overtly humiliated, but the boyfriend is my wife’s primary lover by default.

How many of you have wives who are truly in love with their lovers? How do you feel about that?
Your wife being 30(!) years younger than you and her live-in lover being half black and "about her age", speak of your "menage-a-trois" being as hot as the mouth of Hell (especially for you as the young lovers' voyeur) and of vourse wonderfully fulfilling for your wife.

To watch one's white wife being truly making love to by a strapping young black of her own age is, I agree, intensely arousing---in fact for me the most wankworthily beautiful spectacle of my life.

Also, the breathtaking emotional turmoil and angst induced by it in my ex-husband heart has so totally addicted me to the physical beauty of my black buddy in action with his wife beside me in the marital bed, that my libidinal surgings and erectile potency and ability to satisfyingly fuck my ex have come to totally depend on watching my buddy making love to her and her responding to him physically and verbally appreciatively and orgasmically infinitely more lovingly and powerfully than she ever did with me.

The sight and sound of her being so beautifully fucked by her sensational young new husband is the most sexually intoxicating and mind-and-body-blowing experience I can imagine and believe I will ever have in this life on Earth.

Perhaps even more divinely erotic and blindingly ecstatic sexual revelations and experiences await me in Heaven.

Who knows?
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I can’t tell you the heartbreak I’ve seen and the emotional damage I’ve witnessed as a result of illicit sexual relationships. The writings are on the wall and they’re very visible, your marriage days are numbered.

God doesn’t want you to experience that, so He’s protected you by giving you guidelines to obey.

The world today is full of so many opportunities for men and women to go astray when it comes to sexual purity.

And the first step in understanding your mate is to genuinely delight in one another’s uniqueness. Marriage takes forgiveness. It takes patience. It takes love and kindness. So as you grow together with your mate, let your differences mold both of you further into Christ’s image every day.

Don’t listen to anyone here or anywhere, to let your wife enjoy herself with her lover. They are living in a lustful sexual fantasy n not real love. That’s exactly what you may be feeling, living n experiencing the same lust n not love.

Our marriage is under attack daily, like a roller coaster 🎢 without brakes to stop 🛑 the dominoes from falling and crashing. May God have mercy on us....The saddest part, some of us riding inside those roller coaster 🎢, but ignoring the danger.
It's really interesting to me that you come onto an adult website that's almost entirely focused on glorifying interracial adultery, coveting each other's wives, etc., and start preaching to people. It seems to me you make a lot of generalizations and project what you see as universal truths onto others who are living a very different reality from what you describe.

My marriage isn't failing as a result of the sexual explorations my wife and I have shared. We face the "opportunities for men and women to go astray when it comes to sexual purity," that you mention. In fact, we regularly look for those opportunities, as they have shown us there is nothing we can't handle together. We've been together well over half our lives and our love grows right along with us. It sounds like @Brian1965 is in a happy, sustainable situation as well. At least I have no reason to doubt him based on what he's said here.

May I ask you what qualifies you to say things like, "your marriage days are numbered?" Are you a marriage counselor or something? Do you know the OP to be bipolar or incapable of assessing his own emotions? Have you been in multiple cuckold marriages and failed to make them work? Your statements about marriages requiring patience, love and kindness are spot on, but I'm not understanding why u seem to imply that everyone here who says they have those things is lying or incorrect. You say "the saddest part" to people who say they are happy, yet you never let us know your background or why we should think you know more about our marriages than we do.

Perhaps some of the people who are wishing they'd done things differently would be more open to your message? Perhaps new/renewed faith, a different direction and a message of hope would be really helpful to someone who's lonely, rudderless and full of regret? I'm not sure, but either way I can't figure out your goal in telling people who are happy, in love, AND enjoying their exciting alternative sex lives that you can see plain as day that they are headed for certain ruin.
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At the end of day, I get pleasure knowing Im improving a relationship. Ive been swinger since I was 19 and now 34. A true male swinger/breeder respects the boundaries of a relationship. Its natural for women to get emotionally connected to whoever they are getting sexually gratified by. I think when this happens of women falling in love with the "bull", its because people go into cuckold/swinging without a plan and open for anything that happens... and just that, anything can happen LOL.
This can happen whether you’re in this lifestyle or not. Time spent with an individual sometimes creates an attraction/bond that slowly dissolves other emotional ties. It can happen to any relationship at anytime. Creating a false sense of the problem within your mind can easily perpetuate problems and facilitate its existence when it might not even be prevalent in the first place. So, can happen to anyone at anytime.
Time spent with an individual sometimes creates an attraction/bond that slowly dissolves other emotional ties. It can happen to any relationship at anytime.
Exactly. If you don't want your relationship to be vulnerable to such things, in my opinion the answer is to cultivate, nurture and care for your emotional bond with your partner. If you spend your romantic time with your partner, building and maintaining a strong partnership, and make yourself available to others only for moments of sexual pleasure, it's far less likely that you'll run into problems in that primary relationship.

But if there are issues in that primary relationship that you're ignoring, or trying to "fix" by neglecting those bonds while creating new bonds with someone else, it's easy to guess that things might change in terms of which bond is stronger.
My fiancé fell in love with her first bull. It made the sex extremely fun to watch
Ditto with me, except the spectacle was in no way fun to watch but emotionally traumatic to a devastating degree, but commensurately so fantastically erotic I stood rooted to the spot I was consigned to until my legs gave way under me during the longest and loudest and most convulsive and ecstatic orgasm I had had at any time in my sexually-active life which then totalled some eleven years.

The experience instantly, joyfully and permanently and unregrettably totally addicted me to wife-watching. I have never once looked back, with the result that my ongoing experiences of wife-watching have become increasingly devastating albeit sexually fulfilling beyond any limit I could have believed possible when I started out so eagerly accumulating them.

And Yes, as with you, it was my wife's falling hopelessly in love on our marital bed with my extremely personable, handsome andyounger black buddy---including his vastly superior physique and magnificent and irrepressibly uncut cock---that blew me so totally and gratifyingly away.
My hubby and I were in this situation shortly after we began the hotwife/cuckold lifestyle. I fell madly in love with a guy I was seeing exclusively, he was handsome, a fantastic lover, huge dick, smart and funny. At first he was just our bull and he really got off on humiliating my hubby, which was exciting for hubby and I at first. Eventually our relationship became more than just sex, we were hanging out, weekends together and trips together, all while hubby was less and less involved. My lover convinced me to leave my hubby and move in with him, but once that happened, it quickly became clear that he just wanted me as a sex toy for him and his friends, but not as an actual partner. A few months later, after I came to the realization that I was nothing more to him than a prize to show off, we broke it off. Luckily for me, my hubby took me back and we wound up working things out. Hubby and I tried going back to a vanilla marriage, but that was a non-starter for both of us. We enjoyed the HW/cuck lifestyle too much. We established rules, I never dated anyone exclusively again and wound up having a stronger relationship with my hubby as a result. Not all aspects of the lifestyle are perfect, but trust in each other and good communication a key!
Wonderful that you two worked it out, I hope he's sharing ur joy to the fullest🤗
a wife I had been fucking for years with her hubbies knowledge wanted to leave him for me. He and I got on well and I persuaded her to talk things through with her hub before leaving him. They stayed together for another 5 years during some of which I continued to fuck her regularly. Then I got heavily involved with a woman and didn't fuck the cuck's wife for a couple of years. Did he learn anything from his experience? No. So what did he do? He nagged her to take a regular lover, And just as before with me she fell for the new lover. As it happens the new lover didn't want to get tied down so left he scene PDQ. But she decided that the emotional turmoil of being a hot wife was no longer her scene. She left her hub and eventually remarried and lived a vanilla marriage. He also eventually remarried and persuaded me to fuck wife 2. Some folk never learn.

You ain’t lying. Being successful in this lifestyle is easy but hard to do. I get it. Good luck men.

I still think it’s stupid for a woman to leave a husband that loves her for a man that just cares for your pussy.
It does doesn't it. I lost my ex wife and ex fiance to men they were fucking with my knowledge and approval, both my ex's fell head over heels in love with these guys, and were both pregnant to them 6 months later after our break ups. I had a few times as well, where they'd fallen for other guys they were fucking, but I was always either able to win them back or the guys became bored with them, so they came back anyway. But, I learned with both of them, if they can fall for another guy from having sex with them once, they were capable of it happening again... so I always kind of felt it wasn't a case of if, only a case of when... and I was right on both accounts. But yes, for the guys here who jerk off wanting their wives to fall for a bull, they have no clue how emotionally, mentally, sexually and especially financially damaging it is.
I can well understand your chagrin, Slinky1.

In my "case" I watched my wife fall very deepy in love with my beautiful young black buddy during their very first night of lovemaking beside me on our marital bed, which I had deliberately instigated and nurtured (see my previous posts here on that subject).

With my buddy and I being bisexual and having been exclusive lovers-in-secret before I introduced him to my wife on that fateful day, at the time I reckoned that the risk of my wife ditching me for him was very low indeed. But I admit that watching him make love to her increasingly more satisfyingly, far beyond anything I was capable of with her, did throw me into secret panics and fits of blind jealousy almost nightly during the first two weeks of his coming to live with us.

But, unexpectedly and somewhat paradoxically to my addled mind, my physical love-life with him thankfully intensified over those first weeks and has continued to deepen right up to the present day.

Ours seems to be one of those rare cases of unshakeable honor and love between rivals for a woman's sexual affections which has resulted in a boundaryless menage-a-trois that to this day continues to be beautifully emotionally fulfilling and intensely satisfying sexually for the woman and her two paramours alike.
In my case, my Filipina wife’s boyfriend is a student with not much prospect of supporting the lifestyle that my wife and I provide. Even if he were inclined to want to “steal” her away, my wife would never want to give up what we have together, especially since I don’t make her choose him or me. She is extremely happy having our marriage and her young stud, with my blessings, just as he is thrilled to be a part of our life.
In my case, my Filipina wife’s boyfriend is a student with not much prospect of supporting the lifestyle that my wife and I provide. Even if he were inclined to want to “steal” her away, my wife would never want to give up what we have together, especially since I don’t make her choose him or me. She is extremely happy having our marriage and her young stud, with my blessings, just as he is thrilled to be a part of our life.

A few questions:

What are the ages of you and your wife's lover?

What's his nationality?

Is he Caucasian or Black or Latino or Asian?

In what significant physical ways does he differ from you?

Do you envy him for them?

Is your wife's attraction and sexual love for him largely centred on crucial physical differences between you and him?

I'm very interested to know.

Thanks Brian.


A few questions:

What are the ages of you and your wife's lover?

What's his nationality?

Is he Caucasian or Black or Latino or Asian?

In what significant physical ways does he differ from you?

Do you envy him for them?

Is your wife's attraction and sexual love for him largely centred on crucial physical differences between you and him?

I'm very interested to know.

Thanks Brian.

I am 58. My Filipina wife is 27, and her boyfriend is 28. Her boyfriend is American. His mom is German-Irish, but his ******* is black Jamaican.

My wife’s boyfriend is quite muscular and in excellent shape, while I’m a bit on the chubby side. His cock is just a bit bigger than mine, but according to my wife, he has tremendous stamina and endurance.

I don’t envy my wife’s boyfriend. As I indicated, I’m am not denied. My wife and I have sex as often as I like, which is about every three weeks on average. I’m thankful that my wife has a boyfriend to fulfill her needs. It takes the pressure off.

My wife loves her boyfriend as a person, which is a combination of his physical and personality attributes. But I’ve never felt that her love for him has ever diminished her love for me as her husband.
I am 58. My Filipina wife is 27, and her boyfriend is 28. Her boyfriend is American. His mom is German-Irish, but his ******* is black Jamaican.

My wife’s boyfriend is quite muscular and in excellent shape, while I’m a bit on the chubby side. His cock is just a bit bigger than mine, but according to my wife, he has tremendous stamina and endurance.

I don’t envy my wife’s boyfriend. As I indicated, I’m am not denied. My wife and I have sex as often as I like, which is about every three weeks on average. I’m thankful that my wife has a boyfriend to fulfill her needs. It takes the pressure off.

My wife loves her boyfriend as a person, which is a combination of his physical and personality attributes. But I’ve never felt that her love for him has ever diminished her love for me as her husband.
You are so blessed, Brian. Your wife's young live-in lover sounds superbly studly but gracious, and physically the quintessential Spunk.

Given that he's half Afro-American and no doubt for myriad other reasons the possessor of great beauty of body, it must be incredibly exciting for you to watch him nakedly romancing then fucking your besotted wife.

Given his "tremendous stamina and endurance" and her need for him to fuck her daily because of your relative sexual incapability, it's easy to understand why she fell and has remained very deeply in love with him.

No doubt she is as beautifully multi-orgasmic with him as he is with her. All in all their love-making sounds as if it's extremely physical and wonderfully full-on. If fact totally wankworthy for an admirably generous and perfectly loving husband like you to watch.

Do you mind telling me what contraceptive precautions your wife and her plainly extremely potent and likely very fertile young lover are taking? As doctor and sexologist I'm especially interested. .

Last question: Do the three of you sleep together in the marriage bed?
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You are so blessed, Brian. Your wife's young live-in lover sounds superbly studly but gracious, and physically the quintessential Spunk.

Given that he's half Afro-American and no doubt for myriad other reasons the possessor of great beauty of body, it must be incredibly exciting for you to watch him nakedly romancing then fucking your besotted wife.

Given his "tremendous stamina and endurance" and her need for him to fuck her daily because of your relative sexual incapability, it's easy to understand why she fell and has remained very deeply in love with him.

No doubt she is as beautifully multi-orgasmic with him as he is with her. All in all their love-making sounds as if it's extremely physical and wonderfully full-on. If fact totally wankworthy for an admirably generous and perfectly loving husband like you to watch.

Do you mind telling me what contraceptive precautions your wife and her plainly extremely potent and likely very fertile young lover are taking? As doctor and sexologist I'm especially interested. .

Last question: Do the three of you sleep together in the marriage bed?
My wife is on the pill. It’s understood that in the unlikely event that she gets pregnant, I will accept the baby as my own regardless of who the biological ******* is. Both me and, of course, my wife (a staunch Catholic) would never consider abortion.

My wife’s boyfriend has his own bedroom, and my wife generally splits her time sleeping with him or me. However, sometimes her boyfriend takes the liberty of entering our bedroom and says, “is it okay?” I have never objected to him occasionally sharing our bed with my wife and I.

Also, we periodically all take vacations together (once, to the Philippines), and my wife’s boyfriend always stays in our hotel room, usually sleeping with us on our king size bed.
My wife is on the pill. It’s understood that in the unlikely event that she gets pregnant, I will accept the baby as my own regardless of who the biological ******* is. Both me and, of course, my wife (a staunch Catholic) would never consider abortion.

My wife’s boyfriend has his own bedroom, and my wife generally splits her time sleeping with him or me. However, sometimes her boyfriend takes the liberty of entering our bedroom and says, “is it okay?” I have never objected to him occasionally sharing our bed with my wife and I.

Also, we periodically all take vacations together (once, to the Philippines), and my wife’s boyfriend always stays in our hotel room, usually sleeping with us on our king size bed.
The inter-personal, living, loving and sleeping arrangements sound ideal for the three of you. They're very like those in the menage-a-trios with me and my young lover and his wife (my ex), with the difference that he and I are ardent voyeurs and get off hugely on watching each other making love to his wife.

We share the marriage bed about 90% of the time, with me occasionally sleeping in our spare room which has a kingsize bed for me to sleep in when my wife needs him to make love to her in the master bedroom without me there, or when my buddy wants me to himself which is rather more frequently.

My buddy is very handsome, a university track athlete, 6'5" tall with a beautifully muscular medium-to-slim black classical Afro-American physique. When naked he is charmingly unshy and adorns the master bedroom and our huge lounge and even our kitchen like a living exhibition of ever-changing works of art. His wife and I find it very erotic but also marvellously calming to watch him lying down, standing still or sitting or moving in the naturally graceful way he does everywhere in our aptly spacious house. When making love to my wife he is a beautifully fluid mover, supple and very strong and extremely orgasmogenic for her. I get very aroused indeed from watching him every time he makes love to his wife in my presence.

Did your wife’s choice of her lover have anything to do with him being part-Jamaican? Do you enjoy seeing him naked when he is making love to your wife and at other times?

Finally, do you think your wife has a conscious (or *******) desire and intention to have a baby or children by him? Or haven't you talked about that with her yet ?

I like very much you saying that should your wife slip up with her contraception and fall pregnant to her young lover, you will accept the baby as being yours. Which in a real sense it will be, with you having provided the perfect scenario for its conception.

Actually, I can easily imagine you being delighted to foster and bring up a baby fathered by your wife's physically and personality-wise choice young lover, even to the point of encouraging him to plant one in her by "mistake".
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I’m not sure my wife actively sought out a guy of Jamaican descent. She simply met and fell in love with him.
We have no immediate plans to have *******, since my wife is currently focused on building her career. We’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.
As of now, we’re very much like a family.
I’m not sure my wife actively sought out a guy of Jamaican descent. She simply met and fell in love with him.
We have no immediate plans to have *******, since my wife is currently focused on building her career. We’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.
As of now, we’re very much like a family.
Yes, it's all too easy for women to fall in love with young Jamaican men.

I'm glad that you three are now very much a family. It must be as hot as the mouth of Hell to watch your wife being made love to by her lover, who I'm guessing is beautifully built, athletic, superbly supple and beautifully smiley.

I trust that as well as being the perfect mate for your wife he's a great jazz and hip-hop and break dancer like my lithe young black bisexual buddy.

For me and my ex (his new freely-given wife) that's the Ultimate in black-buck sexiness.
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My hubby and I were in this situation shortly after we began the hotwife/cuckold lifestyle. I fell madly in love with a guy I was seeing exclusively, he was handsome, a fantastic lover, huge dick, smart and funny. At first he was just our bull and he really got off on humiliating my hubby, which was exciting for hubby and I at first. Eventually our relationship became more than just sex, we were hanging out, weekends together and trips together, all while hubby was less and less involved. My lover convinced me to leave my hubby and move in with him, but once that happened, it quickly became clear that he just wanted me as a sex toy for him and his friends, but not as an actual partner. A few months later, after I came to the realization that I was nothing more to him than a prize to show off, we broke it off. Luckily for me, my hubby took me back and we wound up working things out. Hubby and I tried going back to a vanilla marriage, but that was a non-starter for both of us. We enjoyed the HW/cuck lifestyle too much. We established rules, I never dated anyone exclusively again and wound up having a stronger relationship with my hubby as a result. Not all aspects of the lifestyle are perfect, but trust in each other and good communication a key!
Love this story! (In a heartfelt way) So much understanding for you both.