Seeding and Breeding!!

Would you let a BBC seed you?

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I have always fantasized about seeding and breeding potential and married hot wives.
The thrill of it never goes away when I see all the John Perkins comic strips and live pics of women being
preggo by the black men. Does anyone here have that same addiction that never goes away?
I find it real interesting breeding all the married and potential sluts alike. Care to share? Any thoughts?
I really enjoy the fantasy and get off thinking about multiple BBCs cumming in my fiancée one after another, but definitely not actually having her get pregnant. Hot fantasy though
Seeding and Breeding sounds all fun but lets be real here for a minute. (The following was something I wrote on another forum post and I am adding here also).

This is a great topic and requires some careful consideration and thought in addressing responsibly. Lets be real, grown, mature adults here and talk about this seriously putting all fantasies and the lust of sex aside for the moment.

First off, I am a BIG proponent of Planned Parenting. That means that two people should plan to be parents and when they can both agree that they want to have a baby together to bring in this world they both make the conscious decision to take on the responsibility of raising that baby until it turns 21 wholeheartedly. I come from a 2 parent household and my parents are still married to this day over 40years. I am stronger because of my two parents and growing up in a stable 2 parent household. My ex wife happened to have a white-******* and black mom and her ******* was never in her life. She talked to him maybe twice on the phone her whole 24yrs of life so far. It affected my ex-wife's self-esteem and she always made statements that she wish she knew him but she wished he was dead. She also was reckless in her dealings in life and would have been more careful had she had a ******* who could maybe provided her more guidance from a ******* figure role.

A baby needs both parents and they should know that both parents love them to ensure the baby grows up with a healthy and positive self-esteem as well as identity. In deep conversations I have had with friends who happen to be social-psychologists, and social workers they mentioned that many of the children they deal with who have problems in which they turn to gang-life, social misfits, or juvenile delinquents roots from broken single parent homes where the baby had no proper guidance, and attention. There is alot more I can say on this subject but I'm trying to be brief as I can be.

With all that being said on how I see the situation and the importance of baby rearing by two responsible parents who have PLANNED for having a baby, here is what I recommend on this situation of Black Bulls breeding their white female lovers:

For the Black Bull - he must first establish Rules of Engagement going into the Relationship with the white lover and her hubby (if one exists) as follows:

Should condoms be used (YES | NO)
Can the Black Bull cum inside the wife (YES | NO)
Can the Bull cum on the stomach, or back of wife (YES | NO)
Can the Bull cum inside the mouth of the wife (YES | NO)
Is the wife on the pill (YES | NO)
Will she agree to take a day-after or plan-b pill (YES | NO)
Does she want to be breeded (YES | NO)

Now in the case where the last answer is YES, then the next set of Rules should be as follows:

The Black Bull should be fully committed to support his white lover/or the wife both financially and emotionally and the wife should now have a lover and her hubby who is supporting her (and gets the best of both worlds of two men to help her as it should be). A Black Bull should not go into the engagement of breeding without being fully committed to supporting his off-spring that was conceived all the way. He should remain in contact and make himself available for the baby whenever the baby requests in the future.

If the hubby (cuckold) is open to his wife being breeded, then he should agree to keep and raise the baby in his home with his wife along with accepting co-parenting from the Bull and grant the Bull a lifetime role of open visits and sleep overs.

In the early years of the baby's life the Black Bull should be introduced to the baby as their GodFather. GodFather's are usually close to the family and take over as a ******* in the event if anything usually happens to the real ******* (God Forbid). As the baby reaches puberty, becomes more aware of the world, self-conscious, and learns about the birds and bees (sex) and can understand where babies come from then shortly after maybe at 14, or 15 the baby should be told who the real ******* is (the Black Bull) and that the baby was conceived in LOVE by both the GodFather (Bull) and the mom(white wife).

The white hubby (cuckold) should be there and supportive and explain to the baby that he also loves the baby as one of their own and that the baby came from a woman that he loves, their mom and therefore they love them no different. Once this revelation is provided, the hubby (cuckold) should remain in the role as the step-******* so long as he remains married to the wife.

I think so long as the Black Bull, white lover/wife, and hubby all remain mature adults and continue to show love, loyalty, and family-bond to the baby, it would reinforce a supportive positive social system for the baby to develop a healthy self-love, self-identity, and self-esteem. And the baby should be told and shown the benefits of having both the ******* of the mom and ******* as they are now stronger having two classes of the human family in them but especially the Black ******* as that is the first *******, dominant, and the strongest hence they are darker than the mom and Godfather.

A lot of careful thought, and parent planning needs to be done in advance before any such breeding take place. A review of finances should be done to ensure the Black Bull, lover/wife, hubby have all the financial resources necessary to raise, rear, and support the baby. The last thing that is needed is to bring another baby into the world that wasn’t planned and becomes a hardship on the one parent to raise without cooperation from the other partner whom she conceived with. There are plenty of children who grow up with chips on their shoulder and become a burden on society (Welfare-children never given a fair chance in life) and turn to a life of crime because they feel no one ever loved them nor cared and face financial hardships especially where their parents are concerned.

In closing, let me take the time out right now and here to talk about how precious and special the miracle of life is and the sacredness of a woman’s womb. A birth of a baby is nothing to take lightly and should be looked at as an honorable life mission that was bestowed upon you by the Heavens and what ever the name is you give to the source of all life in the universe. Having a baby is a HUGE responsibility and neither parent involved should shun that JOB as a parent.

With all that being said, if I was to plant my seed and breed, I would live up to every word that I wrote 100% and as the wise proverb goes "My Word is Bond and Bond is life and I should give my life before my word shall fail me." Any of my seeds are special treasures and just like a Gardner in the garden you must take care of your seeds to water them, give them nutrients, and sunshine so they grow up healthy, tall, and strong flowers who produce more beautiful seeds and flowers. Its No different with seeds you implant into the white cum-slut/lover and any man who plants seeds and doesn't take care of them is not really a man and should suffer severely a universal punishment (law of karma, etc.)

Hopefully this helps some people and I welcome more discussion, feedback and chats about this.

Beautifully written. Totally agree!

You express many words about this topic. But like you said, we've gotta get real.

In times where fatherhood is under assault, disparaged and de-emphasized by so much in society - from the family law system, feminism, an epidemic of single mothers & negligent fathers - much of what you're proposing, while nice on paper, is QUITE a reach.

Wishful thinking wouldn't be the right word. It's fantasy on top of fantasy.

I could go on about this - but don't want to be tedious.
Can you explain what you mean by fatherhood being "under assault"? Not sure I understand what you mean.
I think it is only natural for a man to want to deposit his seed in a woman and I think it is just as natural for a woman to want a man to deposit his seed in her. I have two grown children and I've thought about having another baby with a black man, but I'm past my baby bearing years ... too risky. I was in a relationship with a black man and he teased me about breeding me ..... it always aroused me and made the sex so much better. Even though I was always on BC I enjoy having him cum in me and the idea and possibility of getting pregnant was exciting. I may be past the baby bearing age, but I'm not past the breeding age. I loved it when he told me he was going to breed me.
This was so hot!
So for a sexual thrill, you are willing to have a baby? I know we are living a sick new globalised world, but did you ever ask yourself, what will people think about your bastardised baby? Sick!
You clearly didn't read - or comprehend - a word she wrote. You were in too much of a hurry to offer your sanctimonious and implicitly racist response (what's wrong with a globalized world?). And that you'd come to a site called "black to white" to spread your bullshit makes your comment even sillier. If you're so against mixed race children, why the fuck are you on here?
You clearly didn't read - or comprehend - a word she wrote. You were in too much of a hurry to offer your sanctimonious and implicitly racist response (what's wrong with a globalized world?). And that you'd come to a site called "black to white" to spread your bullshit makes your comment even sillier. If you're so against mixed race children, why the fuck are you on here?
First of all, your reply is very aggressive and offensive. So right there, I can deduce that you are in a very emotional and blind state of mind, kind of like those woke idiots that bang against doors when they don't get their way or like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Your insult is very childish and meaningless. Just because you used a thesaurus for some fancy words, does not make you educated. Sorry! When dealing with the issue of human well being, I consider the individual needs according to the "hierarchy of needs" discovered by the world famous psychologist Abraham Maslow. Secondly, I consider the individual, the way it relates to society or how society accepts the individual, according to Structural Functionalism, which was theorized by the very famous sociologists Auguste Compte, Herbert Spencer, Talcott Parsons, Emile Durkheim amongst others. It has been determined, that as social beings, most humans have a need to belong to a family, social group and a society. Although the need of belonging changes a bit through a persons development, the need or needs do not. Globalization has the tendency to destroy many of the social structures, including family, social character and national identity as a whole, which as a result breaks down the ability for the individual to obtain his, her or "its" needs, in order to lead a healthy and happy life and obtain the highest personal level of Self-Actualisation. With that said, what do you think a baby would think, when it finds out, that its ******* is not really its ******* and that it was conceived in a sexual fetish game. Secondly, the People I know of who are mixed are really great people, but even some of them tell me, they wish they were not mixed. They don't like being too light for black people and too dark in order to be accepted as fully white. They feel a little torn and in limbo. One can try to change society into any crazy model one wants to, but nobody has the power to change human needs or human nature. That is why globalization and woke culture has already failed. Just some people haven't figured that part out yet.
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You clearly didn't read - or comprehend - a word she wrote. .... If you're so against mixed race children, why the fuck are you on here?
I think you might be the one missing the point, commissar. Apostle didn't say he's against mixed race baby-making, just that creating a baby (a human life) out of sensationalized SEX is the wrong reason for doing it, that's all. Two parents standing up for their newly created, mixed-race baby would be cool, actually ... but we're not talking having a litter of puppies or kittens. A baby requires a lot of responsibility AND time ... like about 22 or more YEARS of time to give their baby a chance to becoming a productive citizen. You notice BethBB had her chance to have a baby with a black male ... said she fantasized about it ... BUT, she was on the pill and didn't go through with it. She was smart, at the time, to not allow her sexual fantasy over-rule her logic and common sense.
That said, I've been here well over 10 years now, and I can say that many who talk this "breeding" crap don't really mean it. But, it stimulates their brain and gives them some jerk off images ... gif_jerkingOff2.gif
Also, many who talk the "breeding" fantasy are referring more to ejaculating into a vagina, not actually the intent of conception. Thank god for those BC pills and the Morning After Pill.
As far as my images go in my post, I usually post for "humor" and sarcasm to "non-logical" topics as some HERE take posts more seriously than others. Unrelated ... see what happened at the Capitol Building when a President made careless statements regarding "marching on the Capitol" ... I can't image Trump really meant for those folks to go in and destroy the Capitol building and ******* people ... some just too Trump's words way way too seriously.
Sorry if my images created a sense of racism ... that wasn't the intention at all.